To change the line to a home call:
•While talking on a cellular call, press /HOME on the corded base to change to the home call. The cellular call will be placed on hold automatically, and HOME IN USE and CELL ON HOLD will be displayed
on the screen alternately. To end the cellular call:
•Press CELL or put the corded handset on the corded base cradle. The home call will be resumed automatically.
4.7Receiving a home call while on a
cellular call
A short beep during a CELLULAR call indicates that there is an incoming HOME call and the screen will display the caller ID.
To answer the incoming home call:
•Press /HOME on the corded base. The cellular line call will be placed on hold automatically, and HOME IN USE and CELL ON HOLD will be displayed on the screen alternately.
To change the line to a cellular call:
•While talking on a home call, press CELL on the corded base to change to the cellular call. The home call will be placed on hold automatically, and CELL IN USE and HOME ON HOLD will be displayed on
the screen alternately. To end the home call:
•Press /HOME or put the corded handset on the corded base cradle. The cellular call will be resumed automatically
4.8Setting up a conference call between the home and cell
When you have calls established on both home and cellular lines (one of them is in progress, and the other is put on hold), you can set up a
To set up the conference call:
•Press MENU (Base). To end the conference call:
•Press /HOME or CELL, or put the corded handset on the cradle.