12.2 Error information
Improper function of the handset might be related to the installation of the KIRK solution or failures related to the main system. Before declaring a handset for repair be sure that the main system is operating properly.
12.3 Spectralink© Product warranty Statement
The software included in this Product (including, without limitation, firmware and all updated thereto, including any software that may be downloaded electronically via the internet or otherwise (the “Software”) is licensed, not sold. Customer shall not reverse compile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer, embed within any other software product, or modify in any manner with respect thereto, the Software in whole or in part.
ThE TERMS aND coNDiTioNS aPPlicablE To SPEcTRaliNK’S liMiTED waRRaNTy aRE aS SET foRTh bElow (aND aRE alSo iNclUDED iN ThE DocUMENTaTioN PacKagED wiTh NEw SPEc- TRaliNK PRoDUcTS):