•Press the DEL softkey. The HandsetortheBasewilldisplay:
•To delete this record, press THIS.
•To delete all records, press ALL. To confirm the deletion of ALL records, press YES. To exit without deleting, press NO.
To Edit a Number/Name
•Using the steps from 1 to 3 in To Search For and Dial a Number/Name, locate the entry you want to edit.
•Press the EDIT softkey twice. The Handset or the Base will display:
•Select NAME or NUM. Using the softkey move the cursor to the character you want to edit and then enter the corrections as needed. Press MORE to access DEL,BACKandPAUSE/SPACE functions. Whenfiniszhedpress the SAVE softkey. To exit without saving press OFF.
•When finished the Handset or the Base will display the edited entry.
Basic Operation