Office Number, Mobile | Contact phone numbers |
Number, Other Number |
Ring Type | Ring type for this contact |
Group | Contact group for this contact |
| Add Contact |
Name | Contact name |
Office Number, Mobile | Contact phone numbers |
Number, Other Number |
Line | Select line for associated contact number |
Ring Type | Ring type for this contact |
Group Setting | Choose the group or groups for this contact and move them to the |
| Selected list on the right. |
| Import Contact List |
Select File | Click the browse button to select the phonebook file to import. |
| Then click the update button and the selected file will be added to |
| the phone. File must be xml, vcf or csv format. |
| Export Contact File |
Export XML | Export contacts to xml file. |
Export CSV | Export contacts to csv file. |
Export VCF | Export contacts to vcf file. |
| Group Option |
Group | Lists existing groups |
Name | Enter name for new group |
Ring Type | Ring type for group |
| Blacklist Settings |
Type | Select the blacklist type - number or prefix |
Value | Input number or prefix |
Line | Select the sip line |
Note: The maximum capability of the phonebook is 500 contacts.
Note: “x” and “.” are special characters in the black list. “x” matches any single digit and “.” matches any number of digits. For example, “4xxx” matches any 4 digit number beginning with 4. “6.” Matches any digit string beginning with 6.
Note: There is also an allowed number list feature if the user only wants to allow a limited access to the phone. To use this, precede the number with
Allowed number lists must end with an entry which is only a “.”
This will forbid incoming calls from any number except 4119.