Common Questions
Common Questions
As a PhoneTree user, you have
Q. I have chosen a PhoneTree, selected my calling preferences in Call Options, recorded a message and clicked the Call List button but my new call job has not been sent to the PhoneTree host. Why?
A. Make sure the PhoneTree host is network enabled (see page 25 in the PhoneTree User’s Manual).
Q. I have chosen View Call List to look at the Call Status for a PhoneTree, but it only brings up a text file that says “PhoneTree Call Status results are not available for this PhoneTree.” Why?
A. Make sure that Allow Client to View Call Status is checked on the Advanced Options tab of the Call Options dialog for that PhoneTree on the Host computer (see page 16). This must be done once on the Host computer and cannot be done from within the PhoneTree Network Client. Also, make sure you have first chosen Update Call Results (page
Q. What happens if no one answers the phone?
A. PhoneTree’s sophisticated voice recognition software will do one of three things when it calls:
a.Deliver the message if a person answers;
b.Wait for the beep of an answering machine when one is detected; or
c.Mark a call attempt as a “No Answer” and call back later if no one picks up the phone or if it detects a busy signal.
You can set the number of rings PhoneTree will wait for before marking a number as a “No
Q. Who can I call for help? When?
A. Call our technical support number
Q. How many calls will PhoneTree make?
A. PhoneTree will make an average of 60 calls per hour, per installed phone line. Remember that PhoneTree will keep trying phone numbers if it detects a busy signal or a “No Answer,” up to the maximums that you set on the Call Options tab (page 10).