Section 4 System Programming 47
The following list shows the mode groups for
Move Mode
G00 Rapid Tool Positioning
G01 Linear Interpolated Cutting Move
G02 Clockwise Circular Cutting Move
G03 Counter Clockwise Circular Cutting Move
Circular Interpolation
G17 XY Plane Selection
G18 XZ Plane Selection
G19 YZ Plane Selection
G20 Inch Units (also G70)
G21 Metric Units (also G71)
Tool Length Compensation
G43 Tool Length Compensation (Plus)
G44 Tool Length Compensation (Minus)
G49 Cancel Tool Length Compensation
Positioning Mode
G90 Absolute Positioning Mode
G91 Incremental Positioning Mode
Miscellaneous Modes using Single Command
G52 Use Local Coordinate System
F Feedrate
Absolute vs. Incremental
All moves are either absolute or incremental. In an absolute move, the ending point is defined relative to a coordinate system origin, usually Program Zero. In