The handset and the base can be used on separate telephone lines at the same time. For example, if the base is on a call with line 1, you can make or receive calls at the handset on line 2.
The line 1 LED on the base blinks green to indicate line 1 is In Use at the handset.
When line 1 is In Use at the base the LCD screen displays the following:
▼Extension In Use
<Base> Line 1
The Extension In Use feature prevents you from accidentally interrupting a call.
If another phone is In Use on line 1, the handset LCD displays “In Use”. (The line 1 LED at the base blinks.) If you press line 1, you will hear a beep. This warns you the line is In Use. To make your call, you must use line 2.
If you want to join a conversation on an extension currently In Use, press the corresponding line key twice.