Using the 2-Way Page/Intercom Feature
. The RINGON/BATTSAVEswitch on the Handset must be in the "RING ON" position.
. TheBASEUNITRINGERswitch must be set to either "La" or "HI".
To use the Page/Intercom from the Base Unit:
1.Press the PAGElINT'COMbutton. You will hear a series of 3 beep tones repetitively until the other person answers at the Handset. If there is no answer,pressthe PAGElINT'COMbutton again to disconnect.
When the other person answers, the page alert stops, and the "IN USE" LED lights.
2.Speak clearly into the
3.At the end of the conversation, press the PAGElINT'COMbutton to disconnect.
To answer a page at the Base Unit:
1.Press the PAGElINT'COMbutton.
2.Speak clearly into the
3.At the end of the conversation, press the PAGE/INT'COMbutton to disconnect.