Imation Electronic Products, | Imation Electronic Products, |
A Division of Imation Enterprises Corp., | A Division of Imation Enterprises Corp., |
Weston, Florida. Printed in China | Weston, Florida. Impreso en China | | |
iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the | iPod es una marca registrada de Apple Inc. registrada |
U.S. and other countries. This product has been | en EE. UU. y otros países. Este producto ha sido diseñado |
designed specically to work with iPod and has been | especícamente para funcionar con los reproductores iPod. |
certied by the developer to meet Apple performance | El fabricante certica que cumple con las normas decalidad |
standards. Includes iPod Universal Dock. Compatible | de Apple. Incluye la base Dock universal compatible con |
with any iPod with dock connector. | cualquier modelo de iPod apto para la base Dock. |
Memorex and the Memorex logo are trademarks of | Memorex y el logo de Memorex son una marca registrada |
Imation Corp. and its afliates. | de Imation Corp. y sus empresas aliadas. |