user manual
The rack is supplied fitted with five amplifiers as standard.
The two top amplifiers are T-25 models, and power the high frequency and high-mid frequency sections respectively. Three mid-high cabinets will normally be powered from each channel, although it is possible to run up to four cabinets for some extreme applications.
The remaining three amplifiers are all T-45 models and power the low-mid frequency and low frequency sections. Two of these T-45 are dedicated to powering the low frequency section, and the rationale behind this is as follows:
The acoustic output and low frequency cut-off of the TA-890L bass cabinets are dependent on the mutual coupling between enclosures, and on the available amplifier power. With systems of less than 12 bass cabinets per side it is recommended that the ratio of bass cabinets to mid-high is 4:3 or higher (depending on program material and musical style). Therefore the provision of an additional low frequency gives considerable flexibility in the configuration of bass cabinets in small to medium sized systems without carrying extra, and separate, power amplifiers. Alternatively it enables the implementation of a five-way system – using subwoofers for extreme LF energy while complementing the fast, accurate bass response available from the TA-890L – from only one type of rack.
Separate adjustment of the levels of left and right sides of the rack is possible on all frequency bands. Furthermore, the returns system includes a fifth way to be used either as a spare line or in conjunction with TSW-218 for large outdoor systems.
Input Connections
As will be seen from the wiring schedule below, the incoming 11 pin Veam socket is connected via the mono/stereo linking connector to the adjacent link-out Veam and to the XLR male cable plugs which connect LF, LMF, HMF and HF feeds to the amplifiers in the rack. In two-channel mode, the second Veam socket becomes the input connector for the second channel.
TA-890 user manual Page 72