Athena Technologies C.5, S.5, P.5 owner manual Ufhfynbz LKZ Cjtlbytyys Infnjd B Rfyfls

Page 27

Herjdjlcndj gj =rcgkefnfwbb

≥uhjvrjcnm÷9 ≥dscjrbt xfcnjns÷9 bkb ≥,fc÷ [jhjij edtkbxbdf.n ds[jlye. vjoyjcnm pf ghtltkfvb yjvbyfkmys[ ehjdytq7 Jlyfrj9 ufhfynbz yf Dfib rjkjyrb yt hfcghjcnhfyztncz d nt[ ckexfz[9 rjulf pderjdst rfneirb cj;;tys bkb gjdht;ltys d htpekmnfnt gthtuheprb bkb lht,tp;fybz7


Ytvfkfz pf,jnf b vfcnthcndj djikb d bpujnjdktybt b c,jhre rjhgecf7 Gthbjlbxtcrb dsnbhfqnt rjhgec9 bcgjkmpez vzure.9 ce[e. nrfym lkz elfktybz gskb bkb jngtxfnrjd gfkmwtd7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt ,evf;yjt gjkjntywt bkb lheubt ;tcnrbt vfnthbfks9 gjcrjkmre =nj vj;tn gjdhtlbnm rjhgec7


Ufhfynbz dyt Cjtlbytyys[ Infnjd b Rfyfls6

D pfdbcbvjcnb jn pfrjyjd cnhfys9 Ufhfynbz yf bpltkbt jlyjq cnhfys vj;tn jnkbxfnmcz jn lheujq7 Cghjcbnt dfituj vtcnyjuj lbkthf jnyjcbntkmyj ltnfktq JUHFYBXTYYJQ UFHFYNBB9 ghbvtybvjq d Dfitq Cnhfyt7

J<HFNBNT DYBVFYBT6 Gj;fkeqcnf9 cj[hfybnt rfhnjy b egfrjdjxysq vfnthbfk =njuj bpltkbz Athena TECHNOLOGIES®. Jy vj;tn Dfv gjyflj,bnmcz d ckexft gthttplf bkb jnghfdrb tuj d wtynh j,cke;bdfybz lkz htvjynf7 Tckb bpltkbt ,skj ljcnfdktyj d wtynh j,cke;bdfybz gjdht;ltyysv9 d htpekmnfnt njuj9 xnj yt ,skj egfrjdfyj d jhbubyfkmye. egfrjdre gjkmpjdfntktv9 nj jyj ,eltn djccnfyjdktyj pf cxtn gjkmpjdfntkz9 jnhtvjynbhjdfyj b ljk;ysv j,hfpjv egfrjdfyj lkz j,hfnyjq jnghfdrb7




S.5 Hfpvtotybt rjkjyjr cgthtlb

Lkz kexituj jnj,hf;tybz cnthtj=aatrnf9 ktdst b ghfdbkmyst uhjvrjujdjhbntkb ljk;ys ,snm yf jlbyfrjdjv hfccnjzybb jn cjjndtncnde.ob[ cnty7 Tckb hfccnjzybt jn jlyjq rjkjyrb lj ckeifntkz cbkmyj jnkbxftncz jn hfccnjzybz lj lheujq9 =nj vj;tn bpvtybnm pder bkb jnj,hf;tybt cnthtj7 Gj=njve bltfkmyjt hfcgjkj;tybt uhjvrjujdjhbntktq nj9 ghb rjnjhjv hfccnjzybt jn yb[ lj ckeifntkz ,eltn jlbyfrjdsv7

J,ott ghfdbkj lkz hfpvtotybz rjkjyjr cjcnjbn d njv9 xnj,s ecnfyjdbnm hfccnjzybt vt;le ybvb b ckeifntktv ghb,kbpbntkmyj d gjknjhf hfpf ,jkmit hfccnjzybz vt;le rjkjyrfvb7 Yfghbvth9 tckb rjkjyrb gjvtotys vbybvev yf ^ aenjd 5!7* v8 jlyf jn lheujq 5f,cjk.nysq vbybvev89 yfbkexitt hfpvtotybt ckeifntkz ,skj ,s yf hfccnjzybb ( aenjd 5@7$ v8 jn yb[7

C7% Uhjvrjujdjhbntkm Wtynhfkmyjuj Rfyfkf

Jn wtynhfkmyjuj rfyfkf djpvj;yj djcghjbpdtltybt wtks[ ^)º pderjd bp rbyjabkmvf9 ,jkmibycndj bp rjnjhs[ zdkz.ncz lbfkjufvb7 Xnj,s cj[hfybnm =aatrn ujkjcjd9 bc[jlzob[ bp ecn frn∑hjd9 C7% ljk;ty ,snm hfcgjkj;ty wtynhfkmyj9 vt;le ktdsv b ghfdsv ukfdysvb rfyfkfvb b gjvtoty dsit bkb yb;t ntktdbpjhf7 E,tlbntcm d njv9 xnj C7% hfcctbdftn gjnjr c =rhfyf ntktdbpjhf bkb rjhgecf9 xnj,s vfrcbvbpbhjdfnm lbcgthcb.7

S.5 Hfcgjkj;tybt uhjvrjujdjhbntktq rheujdjuj =aatrnf Uhjvrjujdjhbntkb rheujdjuj =aatrnf vjuen ,snm hfpvtotys hfpkbxysvb vtnjlfvb7 Yfb,jktt gjgekzhyst vtcnf9 bcgjkmpetvst lkz rheujdjuj =aatrnf cktle.obt6

<jrjdst cntys6 Vfrcbvbpbhjdfnm jrhe;f.oe. j,kfcnm vj;yj9 gjvtcnbd rjkjyrb yf ,jrjdst cntys b ckturf gjpflb gthdbxyj ds,hfyyjq j,kfcnb ghjckeibdfybz yf dscjnt ghb,kbpbntkmyj ^ aenjd7

Pflybt cntys6 Vfrcbvbpbhjdfnm jrhe;f.oe. j,kfcnm vj;yj9 gjvtcnbd rjkjyrb yf pfly.. cntye7 Gjvtcnbnt rjkjyrb nfr9 xnj,s jyb cvjnhtkb yf ukfdye. j,kfcnm ghjckeibdfybz9 r wtynhe

rjvyfns7 Jyb ljk;ys ,snm gjlyzns yf dscjne ghb,kbpbntkmyj ^ aenjd b9 d bltfkt9 ljk;ys bvtnm hfccnjzybt ^ aenjd vt;le ybvb7 Rhtgktybt yf cntylt6 Gjvtcnbnt ecnfyjdktyyst yf cntyl uhjvrjujdjhbntkb ckturf gjpflb b yf rf;ljq cnjhjyt ukfdyjq j,kfcnb ghjckeibdfybz7 Jyb vjuen ,snm ult-kb,j yf hfccnjzybb jn !–^ aenjd gjpflb bkb d cnjhjyt jn ukfdyjq j,kfcnb ghjckeibdfybz7

Tckb Ds cktljdfkb =nbv ghbywbgfv9 nj rjkjyrb ljk;ys jrhe;fnm dfie j,kfcnm ghjckeibdfybz b cjplfdfnm =aatrn jrhe;tybz pderfvb7 +nj jcyjdyst herjdjlzobt ghbywbgs9 b jyb vjuen gjlcnhfbdfnmcz nfr9 xnj,s eljdktndjhbnm nht,jdfybz Dfitq rjvyfns7

H7% Hfpvtotybt frnbdyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf

H7% ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr vj;tn ,snm gjvtoty afrnbxtcrb relf eujlyj d Dfitq rjvyfnt9 jlyfrj9 dpfbvjltqcndbz vt;le ybprjxfcnjnysv lbyfvbrjv b frecnbxtcrbvb cdjqcndfvb Dfitq rjvyfns ,elen bvtnm ytrjnjhjt djpltqcndbt yf gjkyjne bcgjkytybz ,fcf7 Yfxybnt c hfpvtotybz ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf d euke9 bkb yfghjnbd cntys9 rjnjhfz ghjbpdtltn vfrcbvfkmye. htghjlerwb. ,fcf9 yj =nj vj;tn ghbdtcnb r ≥,e[fym.÷ ,fcf7 Gjcntgtyyj elfkzqnt ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr lfkmit jn cntys bkb eukf9 xnj,s yfqnb gjkj;tybt rjnjhjt dslftn vfrcbvfkmye. htghjlerwb. ,fcf ,tp ≥,e[fymz÷7 Df;yj jcnfdbnm gj rhfqytq vtht # l.qvf 5!) cv78 ghjcnhfycndf vt;le ybprjxfcnjnysv lbyfvbrjv b cntyjq bkb vt,tkm. rjvyfns7



°Lkz ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf yt bcgjkmpeqnt vtnjl cjtlbytybz ybprjuj ehjdyz (RCA) b dscjrjuj ehjdyz 5nbg cjtlbytybz lbyfvbrf8 jlyjdhtvtyyj7

°Jnrk.xbnt dc∑gbnfybt dfitq pderjdjq / dbltj cbcntvs ght;lt9 xtv ghjljk;bnt ecnfyjdre7 Yt ltkfqnt ybxtuj9 xnj,s vjukj ghbdtcnb r gjdht;ltyb. cbcntvs7

Gjlcjtlbytybt lbyfvbrjd S.5 b C7%

Yf nskmyjq cnjhjyt dfib[ uhjvrjujdjhbntktq Athena TECHNOLOGIES® S.5 b C.5 yf[jlzncz rhfcyst b xthyst vtnrb7 Bcgjkmpez cnfylfhnyst ghjdjlf lbyfvbrjd9 cjtlbybnt cbcntve jlby rfyfk pf lheubv yfxbyfz ghjwtcc c ghbtvybrf7 Cjtlbybnt rjkjyrb ghjdjljv jn gjkj;bntkmyjuj 5RHFCYSQ ≠8 nthvbyfkf yf ghbtvybrt r gjkj;bntkmyjve 5RHFCYSQ ≠8 nthvbyfke yf uhjvrjujdjhbntkt7 Cjtlbybnt jnhbwfntkmysq 5XTHYSQ –8 nthvbyfk yf ghbtvybrt c jnhbwfntkmysv 5XTHYSQ –8 nthvbyfkjv yf rjkjyrt7 Ghjltkfqnt =nj cj dctvb rfyfkfvb gjjxth∑lyj9 lj nt[ gjh9 gjrf dct dfib lbyfvbrb yt ,elen cjtlbytys ljk;ysv j,hfpjv7 <elmnt jcnjhj;ys9 cjtlbyzqnt ghfdbkmyj b cjjndtncndtyyj gjkj;bntkmyst b jnhbwfntkmyst nthvbyfks9 f nfr;t gjlcjtlbyzqnt cjjndtncndtyyst lbyfvbrb r ghfdbkmyjve rfyfke7 Cv7 Lbfuhfvvs ! b @7

J<HFNBNT DYBVFYBT6 Tckb Ds ytjcnjhj;yj gjvtyztnt jlyj bp cjtlbytybq 5nj tcnm9 rhfcysq r xthyjve89 Ds pfvtnbnt cthmtpysq ytljcnfnjr ,fcf d Dfitq cbcntvt7 +nj yfpsdftncz9 cjtlbyznm cbcntve ≥yt d afpe÷7 Tckb =nj ghjbpjql∑n9 ghjdthmnt vjynf; b pfyjdj gjlcjtlbybnt9 nfr rfr =nj ytj,[jlbvj7

Ghbvtxfybt jnyjcbntkmyj iyehf uhjvrjujdjhbntkz

Djghtrb vytyb. vyjub[9 yt dct iyehs jlbyfrjds7 Njkmrj iyeh lkz lbyfvbrf ljk;ty cjtlbyznm lbyfvbr c ecbkbntktv7 Tckb njyrbq9 ybprjuj rfxtcndf rf,tkm9 nbgf ≥iyeh lkz kfvgs÷ ,eltn bcgjkmpjdfnmcz9 nj rfxtcndj pderf ,eltn cnhflfnm9 jcj,tyyj yf hfccnjzybb !) aenjd bkb ,jkmit7 Vs yfcnjzntkmyj htrjvtyletv bcgjkmpjdfnm iyehs dscjrjuj rfxtcndf9 xnj,s gjkexfnm jgnbvfkmyjt pdexfybt bp Dfib[ uhjvrjujdjhbntktq7

Cjtlbytybt Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf H7% c Dfibv ghbtvybrjv9 bcgjkmpez ybprbq ehjdtym RCA ds[jlf ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf Gjlcjtlbybnt jnltkmysq RCA rjytw r RCA cjtlbybntkmyjve rf,tk. b r ≥ds[jle÷ ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf7 Uytplj Dfituj ghbtvybrf r ≥d[jle÷ RCA ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf yf nskmyjq gfytkb lbyfvbrf7 Gj;fkeqcnf9 ghjxbnfqnt hfpltk ≥Ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr7 Chtlcndf eghfdktybz÷9 xnj,s eljcnjdthbncz9 xnj dct chtlcndf eghfdktybz yfcnhjtys ghfdbkmyj lkz =njq wtkb7


Image 27
Contents Point 5 S.5 C.5 P.5 Introduction BREAK-IN PeriodAmplifier Requirements Limited Warranty Policy Cabinet CareSpeaker and Subwoofer Connections Subwoofer Controls Subwoofer SET UP and CalibrationHistorique Amplificateurs RecommandésAVANT-PROPOS Période DE RodageEntretien DU Coffret Politique DE Garantie LimitéePositionnement DES Enceintes Commandes DES EXTRÊMES-GRAVES Requisitos DEL Amplificador IntroducciónPeríodo Inicial TechnologiesConexiones DE Altavoces Y Bafle DE Bajos Extremos Cuidado DE LA CajaPolítica DE Garantía Limitada Colocación DE LOS Altavoces Y EL Bafle Para Bajos ExtremosAjuste Y Calibración DEL Bafle Para Bajos Extremos Mandos DEL Bafle DE Bajos ExtremosIntroduzione Fase DI ProvaCaratteristiche Dellamplificatore Cura DEL Mobiletto Garanzia LimitataConnessioni Speaker E Subwoofer Messa a Punto DEL Subwoofer E Calibrazione Regolatori DEL SubwooferVerstärkeranforderungen EinleitungEinspielzeit Unser UnternehmenPflege DER Boxen Begrenzte GewährleistungAnschluss DES Subwoofers UND DER Lautsprecher Einstellen UND Feineinstellen DES Subwoofers SUBWOOFER-REGELUNGENIndledning IndkøringsperiodeKrav TIL Forstærkeren Vedligeholdelse AF Kabinettet Garanti Uden for USA OG CanadaTilslutning AF Højttaler OG Bashøjttaler Opsætning OG Kalibrering AF Bashøjttaleren Bashøjttalerens KontrolknapperVersterker Eisen InleidingInwerking Periode Achtergrondinformatie Over HETBOX Verzorging Beperkte GarantiepolisGarantie Binnen DE VS EN Canada ZIE DE Omslag Als de wissel stand op de sub stand is afgesteld Bij het gebruik van een hoog niveau luidsprekersCaracterísticas do Amplificador IntroduçãoPeríodo Inicial DE Funcionamento Algumas Informações Sobre aConexão do Subwoofer E DOS ALTO-FALANTES Cuidados COM O MóvelPolítica DE Garantia Limitada Posição DOS ALTO-FALANTES E do SUB-WOOFERControlos do Subwoofer Configuração E Calibragem do SubwooferDfyj Bycnherwbz GJ Ntybrt Tpjgfcyjcnb Ghjxbnfqnt Dybvfntkmyj Ufhfynbz LKZ Cjtlbytyys Infnjd B Rfyfls Htuekznjhs Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj Lbyfvbrf Receiver Setting Recommended Method Using RCA Subwoofer InputPoint 5 System Connection Diagram 3 S.5 Connection Diagram 4 C.5 Connection PlacementDiagram 7 C.5 Placement Diagram 8 S.5 Mounting Bracket Warrantygarantie
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5, P.5, S.5, C.5 specifications

Athena Technologies has established itself as a leader in the field of sophisticated electronic systems and cutting-edge technologies. Among its standout products are the AS-P300, C.5, S.5, and AS-P400, which showcase an impressive array of features and capabilities designed to meet the demands of various applications.

The AS-P300 is designed with flexibility and efficiency in mind. It boasts a robust processing unit capable of handling complex computations, making it ideal for high-performance applications. The system supports a wide range of connectivity options, ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructure. Notably, its modular architecture allows users to customize configurations based on specific project requirements, enhancing its versatility.

The C.5 series stands out with its focus on compactness and energy efficiency. It incorporates advanced power management technologies, significantly reducing energy consumption without compromising performance. The C.5 is particularly suitable for mobile applications, where space and power are at a premium. Featuring state-of-the-art thermal management systems, it ensures optimal performance even under demanding conditions.

On the other hand, the S.5 system emphasizes scalability, making it ideal for growing enterprises. With its expandable architecture, organizations can easily scale up their operations without needing to overhaul existing systems. The S.5 employs advanced data processing algorithms, enabling real-time analytics and decision-making capabilities that are crucial for modern business environments.

Finally, the AS-P400 represents the pinnacle of Athena Technologies’ offerings. It integrates all the best features of its predecessors while introducing groundbreaking technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. This system is designed for more complex tasks, providing users with predictive analytics and automated decision-making tools that streamline operations and enhance productivity.

These products collectively exemplify Athena Technologies' commitment to innovation and quality. Their emphasis on modularity, energy efficiency, scalability, and advanced features positions them as ideal solutions for a range of industries, including telecommunications, healthcare, and manufacturing. Customers can expect reliability and cutting-edge performance from these systems, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of technological advancement in their respective fields.