Athena Technologies Master Your Sound Experience with the Official Manual and Tips for Iyehjd

Page 28

Herjdjlcndj gj =rcgkefnfwbb

Cjtlbytybt Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf H7%9 bcgjkmpez cgjcj, dscjrjuj ehjdyz cjtlbytybz

5Lkz ghbtvybrjd ,tp uytplf ≥ds[jl÷ lkz Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf8

Bcgjkmpez nhflbwbjyysq iyeh lkz lbyfvbrjd9 cjtlbybnt gfhe 5ktdsq b ghfdsq8 iyehjd lbyfvbrf jn ds[jlf gthtlytuj lbyfvbrf dfituj ghbtvybrf r d[jle lbyfvbrf H7% ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf7 Tckb e Dfc yf ghbtvybrt ldf cjtlbytybz lkz gthtlyb[ rjkjyjr 5lbyfvbr F b D89 nj bcgjkmpeqnt nthvbyfks lbyfvbrf D nfr rfr nthvbyfks lbyfvbrf F ljk;ys bcgjkmpjdfnmcz lkz gthtlyb[ rjkjyjr7

J<HFNBNT DYBVFYBT6 Tckb yf Dfitv ghbtvybrt njkmrj jlby rjvgktrn nthvbyfkjd lkz gthtlyb[ lbyfvbrjd9 njulf Ds ljk;ys bcgjkmpjdfnm ldt gfhs iyehf7 Cjtlbybnt jlby rjytw iyehf9 j,≤tlbybd b[ dvtcnt9 nofntkmyj cj,k.lfz gjkzhyjcnm9 f nfr;t njxyj cjukfcjdfd ktdst b ghfdst ghjdjlf7 Pfntv9 djpmvbnt j,≤tlbytyysq rjytw9 b cjtlbybnt tuj c nthvbyfkfvb ds[jlf ghbtvybrf gthtlytuj lbyfvbrf7 Dcktl pf =nbv9 gjlcjtlbybnt jlby rjvgktrn r gthtlybv lbyfvbrfv9 f lheujq r nthvbyfkfv d[jlf ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf H7%7 <elmnt jxtym jcnjhj;ys9 xnj,s ljk;ysv j,hfpjv cjtlbybnm gjkzhyjcnb 5≠ b –89 f nfr;t Ktdsq b Ghfdsq rjyws7 +njn vtnjl cjtlbytybz vj;tn pdexfnm ytj,sxyj9 yj jy cjdvtcnbv c k.,sv ecbkbntktv bkb hzlfvb b gfhfkktkzvb d rjyabuehfwbb7 Ltqcnde.obq ecbkbntkm ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf aeyrwbjybhetn c =nbv vtnjljv cjtlbytybz9 b yt dkbztn yf gthtuhepre ds[jlf b cjghjnbdktybt ghbtvybrf7

J<HFNBNT DYBVFYBT6 Tckb e Dfc e;t tcnm ds[jl RCA lkz ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf9 njulf htrjvtyletncz bcgjkmpjdfnm cjtlbytybt vtnjljv9 rjnjhsq jgbcfy d ghtlsleotq ctrwbb7


Htuekznjh ≥ybprbt xfcnjns÷

+njn dhfof.obqcz htuekznjh ecnfyfdkbdftn ehjdtym ds[jlyjq cbks bp Dfituj Athena TECHNOLOGIES® lbyfvbrf b ljk;ty bcgjkmpjdfnmcz9 xnj,s ,fkfycbhjdfnm ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr c jcyjdysv uhjvrjujdjhbntktv7 5+nf aeyrwbz ltqcndetn dj dct[ vjltkz[78

Htuekznjh ≥lbfgfpjy ,fcf÷

+njn dhfof.obqcz htuekznjh ecnfyfdkbdftn ehjdtym elfktybz dscjrjq xfcnjns ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf7 Gthtvtofzcm jn 50 Hz lj 150 Hz, jy bcgjkmpetncz lkz njxyjuj htuekbhjdfybz djcghjbpdtltybz ,fcjd ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf c jcyjdysv uhjvrjujdjhbntktv7 5+njn htuekznjh aeyrwbjybhetn njkmrj d vjltkb SUB.)

A/V 5felbj3dbltj8 gthtrk.xfntkm

+njn gthtrk.xfntkm dcnhjty d =rdfkfqpth9 rjnjhsq vj;tn bpvtyznm pderb bp Dfituj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf7 D ≥Pderjdjv÷ bkb ≥F÷ gjkj;tybb ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr vbyjhysq9 b ghtlyfpyfxty lkz djcghjbpdtltybz vepsrb7 D ≥Dbltj÷ bkb gjkj;tybb ≥Ç÷9 =rdfkfqpth ,eltn edtkbxbdfnm ,fcs lkz ≥ievf÷ b ≥djkytybz÷ vepsrb b pderjd bp rbyjabkmvf7 Ds,thbnt gjkj;tybt d pfdbcbvjcnb jn njuj9 xnj Ds ckeiftnt b rfr Dfv ,jkmit gjyhfdbnmcz7 5+njn htuekznjh aeyrwbjybhetn dj dct[ vjltkz[78

Gthtrk.xfntkm vjlekz

Ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr H7% j,jheljdfy gthtrk.xfntktv vjlekz9 rjnjhsq d rjvgktrct c =rdfkfqpthjv ghtlyfpyfxty lkz njuj9 xnj,s gjvjxm cjplfnm ekexityyjt cvtibdfybt vt;le ybprjxfcnjnysv lbyfvbrjv b uhjvrjujdjhbntktv S.5. Cktle.ofz lbfuhfvvf j,≤zcyztn9 rfr d pfdbcbvjcnb jn cbnefwbb ecnfyjdbnm gthtrk.xfntkm7

Gjkj;tybt S.5: Bcgjkmpetncz c Athena TECHNOLOGIES® S.5, tckb jyb ecnfyjdktys rfr gthtlybt rjkjyrb7

SUB Gjkj;tybt6 Bcgjkmpetncz c k.,jq lheujq vfhrjq lbyfvbrf bkb lheubv bpltkbtv Athena TECHNOLOGIES® rfr gthtlybt lbyfvbrb7

Ecnfyjdbnt gthtrk.xfntkm vjlekz d yflkt;fott gjkj;tybt d cjjndtncndbb c dfibv lbyfvbrjv7 Tckb Ds bcgjkmpetnt gjpbwb. “SUB”, Ds ljk;ys dhexye. htuekbhjdfnm lbfgfpjy ,fcf b htuekznjh ehjdyz ,fcf njxyj nfr ;t9 rfr b lheujq frnbdysq ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr9 gjrf Ds yt ,eltnt eljdktndjhtys htpekmnfnfvb7

Pfvtnmnt6 Ecnfyjdrf S.5 j,jqltn chtlcndj eghfdktybz lbfgfpjyf ,fcf Sub, gjnjve xnj jyb ,jkmit yt ye;ys9 yj bcgjkmpjdfybt ehjdyz ,fcjd b gthtrk.xfntkz A/V dct tot djpvj;yj7

Pfvtnmnt6 D “SUB” vjlekt9 lbfgfpjy ,fcf yfb,jktt df;ysq htuekznjh9 gjcrjkmre jy jghtltkztn ≥cvtibdfybt÷ lbyfvbrf c drk.xtyysv lbyfvbrjv ybprjq xfcnjns7


Rjulf gthtrk.xfntkm vjlekz ecnfyjdkty d gjkj;tybt S.5, b Ds bcgjkmpetnt uhjvrjujdjhbntkb Athena TECHNOLOGIES® S.5 !8 D gjkj;tybb S.5 cgtwbfkmysq rheujj,jhjn pfyzn9 xnj b ,eltn eghfdkznm lbfgfpjyjv xfcnjns ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf H7%7 +nj jpyfxftn9 xnj Ds yt ljk;ys htuekbhjdfnm ≥Lbfgfpjy <fcf÷7 Afrnbxtcrb jyj j,jqltyj9 nfr xnj k.,jt ldb;tybt yt ,eltn dkbznm yf pder bkb ltqcndbt ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf7

@8 Rjynhjkm Ehjdyz <fcf aeyrwbjybhetn rfr eghfdktybt pderjv lkz Xfcnjns ,fcjd9 jy ljk;ty ,snm jnhtuekbhjdfy nfr9 xnj,s cvtifnmcz ljk;ysv j,hfpjv c ds[jljv lheub[ lbyfvbrjd d cbcntvt7 Htuekbheqnt cjukfcyj drece9 yj ghj,eqnt gjllth;bdfnm ytqnhfkmysq ,fkfyc9 f yt ≥nz;tksq ,fc÷ bkb ≥,e[fymt÷7

#8 Gthtrk.xfntkm A/V nfr;t aeyrwbjybhetn d =njv vjlekt7 Bcgjkmpeqnt tuj yf dfit ecvjnhtybt9 jlyfrj9 vs htrjvtyletv bcgjkmpjdfnm ≥Pderjdjq÷ bkb ≥F÷ vjlekm ghb ghjckeibdfybb vepsrb7

Rjulf gthtrk.xfntkm vjlekz ecnfyjdkty d gjkj;tybt “Sub” !8 Ecnfyjdbnt htuekznjh Ehjdyz <fcf yf yektdjt gjkj;tybt7 Ecnfyjdbnt <fc Rjynhjkm Lbfgfpjyf yf 50 Hz. Ecnfyjdbnt uhjvrjcnm b htuekznjh ,fcf yf dfitv ecbkbntkt bkb ghjwtccjht yf gjkj;tybt ≥gkfdyj÷ bkb ≥yjkm÷7

@8 Drk.xbnt pyfrjve. vepsre bkb vepsre bp rbyjabkmvf9 rjnjhfz bvttn ceotcndtyyjt cjlth;fybt ,fcf7

#8 Gjcntgtyyj gjdthybnt htuekznjh Ehjdyz <fcf gj xfcjdjq cnhtkrt gjrf Ds yt ljcnbuybnt ytqnhfkmyjuj ,fkfycf vt;le uke,jrbvb ,fcfvb ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf b Dfibvb ukfdysvb lbyfvbrfvb7

$8 Vtlktyyj gjdthybnt htuekznjh Lbfgfpjyf <fcf gj xfcjdjq cnhtkrt9 xnj,s ljcnbuyenm yfbkexib[ chtlyb[ ,fcjd c dfibvb ukfdysvb lbyfvbrfvb7 +nj ,eltn njxrf9 d rjnjhjq ,fc cj[hfyztn ndthljt djpltqcndbt b j,bkbt7 Tckb ,fc nfr;t ,e[ftn9 Ds pfikb ckbirjv lfktrj b ljk;ys gjdthyenm htuekznjh ghjnbd xfcjdjq cnhtkrb r kexitve geyrne ,fkfycf7 Tckb pder ckbirjv njyjr9 njulf gjdthybnt htuekznjh gj xfcjdjq cnhtkrt r kexitve geyrne ,fkfycf7

%8 Jnhtuekbheqnt gthtrk.xfntkm A/V yf drec7 Vs htrjvtyletv bcgjkmpjdfnm ≥Pderjdjq÷ bkb ≥F÷ vjlekm ghb ghjckeibdfybb vepsrb7

J<HFNBNT DYBVFYBT6 Htuekznjh Ehjdyz <fcf ghtlyfpyfxty lkz njuj9 xnj,s htuekbhjdfnm ,fkfyc vt;le Dfibv ybprjxfcnjnysv lbyfvbrjv b ukfdysvb uhjvrjujdjhbntkzvb b yt ljk;ty bcgjkmpjdfnmcz rfr pfvtyf htuekznjhf uhjvrjcnb b ,fcf9 yf Dfitv ecbkbntkt bkb ghbtvybrt7


Image 28
Contents Point 5 S.5 C.5 P.5 BREAK-IN Period IntroductionAmplifier Requirements Cabinet Care Limited Warranty PolicySpeaker and Subwoofer Connections Subwoofer SET UP and Calibration Subwoofer ControlsAmplificateurs Recommandés AVANT-PROPOSPériode DE Rodage HistoriquePolitique DE Garantie Limitée Entretien DU CoffretPositionnement DES Enceintes Commandes DES EXTRÊMES-GRAVES Introducción Período InicialTechnologies Requisitos DEL AmplificadorCuidado DE LA Caja Política DE Garantía LimitadaColocación DE LOS Altavoces Y EL Bafle Para Bajos Extremos Conexiones DE Altavoces Y Bafle DE Bajos ExtremosMandos DEL Bafle DE Bajos Extremos Ajuste Y Calibración DEL Bafle Para Bajos ExtremosFase DI Prova IntroduzioneCaratteristiche Dellamplificatore Garanzia Limitata Cura DEL MobilettoConnessioni Speaker E Subwoofer Regolatori DEL Subwoofer Messa a Punto DEL Subwoofer E CalibrazioneEinleitung EinspielzeitUnser Unternehmen VerstärkeranforderungenBegrenzte Gewährleistung Pflege DER BoxenAnschluss DES Subwoofers UND DER Lautsprecher SUBWOOFER-REGELUNGEN Einstellen UND Feineinstellen DES SubwoofersIndkøringsperiode IndledningKrav TIL Forstærkeren Garanti Uden for USA OG Canada Vedligeholdelse AF KabinettetTilslutning AF Højttaler OG Bashøjttaler Bashøjttalerens Kontrolknapper Opsætning OG Kalibrering AF BashøjttalerenInleiding Inwerking PeriodeAchtergrondinformatie Over HET Versterker EisenBeperkte Garantiepolis BOX VerzorgingGarantie Binnen DE VS EN Canada ZIE DE Omslag Bij het gebruik van een hoog niveau luidsprekers Als de wissel stand op de sub stand is afgesteldIntrodução Período Inicial DE FuncionamentoAlgumas Informações Sobre a Características do AmplificadorCuidados COM O Móvel Política DE Garantia LimitadaPosição DOS ALTO-FALANTES E do SUB-WOOFER Conexão do Subwoofer E DOS ALTO-FALANTESConfiguração E Calibragem do Subwoofer Controlos do SubwooferDfyj Bycnherwbz GJ Ntybrt Tpjgfcyjcnb Ghjxbnfqnt Dybvfntkmyj Ufhfynbz LKZ Cjtlbytyys Infnjd B Rfyfls Htuekznjhs Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj Lbyfvbrf Recommended Method Using RCA Subwoofer Input Receiver SettingPoint 5 System Connection Placement Diagram 3 S.5 Connection Diagram 4 C.5 ConnectionDiagram 7 C.5 Placement Diagram 8 S.5 Mounting Bracket Warrantygarantie
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5, P.5, S.5, C.5 specifications

Athena Technologies has established itself as a leader in the field of sophisticated electronic systems and cutting-edge technologies. Among its standout products are the AS-P300, C.5, S.5, and AS-P400, which showcase an impressive array of features and capabilities designed to meet the demands of various applications.

The AS-P300 is designed with flexibility and efficiency in mind. It boasts a robust processing unit capable of handling complex computations, making it ideal for high-performance applications. The system supports a wide range of connectivity options, ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructure. Notably, its modular architecture allows users to customize configurations based on specific project requirements, enhancing its versatility.

The C.5 series stands out with its focus on compactness and energy efficiency. It incorporates advanced power management technologies, significantly reducing energy consumption without compromising performance. The C.5 is particularly suitable for mobile applications, where space and power are at a premium. Featuring state-of-the-art thermal management systems, it ensures optimal performance even under demanding conditions.

On the other hand, the S.5 system emphasizes scalability, making it ideal for growing enterprises. With its expandable architecture, organizations can easily scale up their operations without needing to overhaul existing systems. The S.5 employs advanced data processing algorithms, enabling real-time analytics and decision-making capabilities that are crucial for modern business environments.

Finally, the AS-P400 represents the pinnacle of Athena Technologies’ offerings. It integrates all the best features of its predecessors while introducing groundbreaking technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. This system is designed for more complex tasks, providing users with predictive analytics and automated decision-making tools that streamline operations and enhance productivity.

These products collectively exemplify Athena Technologies' commitment to innovation and quality. Their emphasis on modularity, energy efficiency, scalability, and advanced features positions them as ideal solutions for a range of industries, including telecommunications, healthcare, and manufacturing. Customers can expect reliability and cutting-edge performance from these systems, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of technological advancement in their respective fields.