AOC-08 Maintenance Development Program (MPD)
Does the program identify | N/A |
organizational elements |
responsible for approval of |
amendments to the maintenance |
schedule? |
Not Checked
Is it singular or quorum based? | N/A |
Not Checked
Procedures for Maintenance Control Changes :
45. Program describes the procedures N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
used for making changes to |
maintenance controls. |
46. Organizational elements | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
responsible to prepare |
substantiation reports to justify |
maintenance control changes |
identified. |
47. Procedures included relative to | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
manual revisions concerning time |
increases and what will be |
required prior to pursuing a |
subsequent time increase. |
48. Procedures provided for revision to N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
the Operations Specifications |
when and if required. |
March 2001 | Page 36 |