AOC-09 Reliability Monitoring Programs
included in the manual?
Procedures for Implementing Maintenance Control Changes:
48. Does the program describe | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
procedures which are used for |
making changes to maintenance |
controls? |
49. Is the documentation used to | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
effect changes in maintenance |
program described? |
50. | Are substantiation reports | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| justifying maintenance control |
| changes required / prepared / |
| produced by the organizational |
| elements responsible for such |
| changes? |
51. | Are specific parameters identified | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| which are to be used to determine |
| changes in maintenance control? |
52. Are procedures provided which | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
cover all maintenance program |
activities controlled by the |
reliability program? |
53. Are procedures specified for | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
changing items from “Hard Time” |
to “On Condition” or “Condition |
March 2001 | Page 46 |