AOC-02 Maintenance Control Manual
Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(f)
12. | Does the manual specify | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| distribution procedures and the |
| identity of manual holders / |
| locations? |
| Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(g) |
13. | Is the amendment procedure | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| followed? |
| Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(e) |
14. | Are manuals up to date? | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(e) |
15. | Are distribution procedures | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| followed? |
| Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(e) |
16. | Are manuals physically located at | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| the designated site or with the |
| specified person? |
| Ref: CASS 726.08(1)(e) |
17. | Complete separate PRM | N/A |
| Not Checked |
| Checklist …. |
18. | Does the manual contain a chart | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| depicting the organizational |
| March 2001 |
| Page 7 |