AOC-14 ETOPS - Extended Range Operations
7. | Do part pooling activities consider | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| ETOPS CMP requirements? |
| Ref: TP 6327 4.11 |
8. | Does the aircraft configuration and | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| modification status conform to the |
| requirements specified in the CMP |
| document? (sample, component |
| changes) |
| Ref: |
9. | Is there any evidence to suggest | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| that the operator has conducted a |
| verification process after engine |
| shutdown or primary system |
| failure or critical maintenance |
| activities? (sample) |
| Ref: TP 6327 4.6 |
10. | Does the operator continue to | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| input unscheduled / scheduled |
| engine removal data into the |
| ETOPS program? |
| Ref: TP 6327 4.9.2 |
11. | Are thrust reductions due to | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| abnormal causes logged and |
| tracked for program input? |
| Ref: |
12. | Does the operator adhere to the | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| approved reliability program and |
| are ETOPS sensitive items |
| covered by the program, i.e. |
| propulsion, systems, structure? |
| Ref: |
| March 2001 |
| Page 63 |