AOC-09 Reliability Monitoring Programs
Program Revision:
42. Does the manual contain | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
procedures for implementing |
changes to the reliability program? |
43. | Does the program identify which | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| organizational elements are |
| responsible for approving |
| amendments to the reliability |
| program? |
| ∙ Is this a quorum approach? |
44. | Are the duties and responsibilities | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
| for initiating program revision |
| clearly defined? |
45. Do procedures identify and isolate N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
areas which will require TC |
approval prior to implementation? |
46. Does the program require periodic N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
reviews be accomplished which |
would validate the performance |
standard in use is still realistic? |
47. Is a method of distribution and | N/A | OK | Finding | Not Checked |
implementation of approved |
revisions to the reliability program |
March 2001 | Page 45 |