Workflow Process for Publishing Sales Order Information
Integrating Workflow Process for Publishing Sales Order Information involves the following:
1.Defining Sales Order Line Profile Values, page
2.Creating the Workflow Function, page
Note: GSO and Sales Order Line are mutually exclusive.
Defining Sales Order Line Profile Option
The profile option to set the sales order line is XNB: Account Republish. The values are:
•NEVER: Account information in the sales order line is published only if that account was never published. This is the default value.
•ALWAYS: Account information in the sales order line is published till all the billing applications (in case of multiple Billing Applications) send a confirmation BOD with status SUCCESS to the Oracle
•ONERROR: Account information in the sales order line is published only if a failure confirmation BOD with status ERROR was sent by at least one of the billing applications and that billing application has not sent a confirmation BOD with status SUCCESS in the past.