Lincoln Electric IM359-G manual Diagram

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NOTE: This diagram is for reference only. It may not be accurate for all machines covered by this manual. The specific diagram for a particular code is pasted inside the machine on one of the enclosure panels. If the diagram is illegible, write to the Service Department for a replacement. Give the equipment code number..

Image 33
Contents LN-25 Portable CV/CC Semiautomatic Wire Feeder California Proposition 65 Warnings SafetyElectric Shock can kill Cylinder may explode if damaged Sûreté Pour Soudage a L’Arc Précautions DE SûretéPlease Examine Carton and Equipment For Damage Immediately Table of Contents Installation Safety Precautions INSTALLATIONA-2Power Source Connection MAR97INVERTEC, CV300 and Other Newer Lincoln Power Sources 3INSTALLATIONGUN Cable Connection to Feeder CV AdapterWire Feed Drive Roll and Guide Tube Kits INSTALLATIONA-4Weld Cable Connection Electrode Cable ConnectionGeneral Description 1OPERATIONRecommended Processes and Equipment Welding CapabilityLN-25 Instruments and Controls OPERATIONB-23OPERATION Sequence of Operation OPERATIONB-4Loading Electrode Mounting 22 to 30 LB READI-REELCOILSLoading Wire Drive Idle Roll Pressure Setting5OPERATION Setting Constant Wire Feed Speed CV Mode Presetting Wire Feed SpeedSetting ARC Sensing Wire Feed Speed VV CC Mode OPERATIONB-6Making a Weld 7OPERATIONProcedure AT END of Coil OPERATIONB-8Welding Automatic Protection Shutdown 9OPERATIONOvervoltage Shutdown Motor Overload ShutdownLN-25 Option Chart ACCESSORIESC-12ACCESSORIES Optional Accessories K434-1 GAS Flow Timer KITK430-1 GAS Solenoid KIT Remote Output Control Options and Control Cable Assemblies ACCESSORIESC-34ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIESC-5 Control KITK577-1 Rear Handle KIT Figure C.1 6ACCESSORIESRoutine Maintenance MAINTENANCED-1Adjusting Speed Sensor Module Circuit Protection and Automatic ShutdownCalibration of LN-25 Wire Speed Dial 2MAINTENANCEHOW to USE Troubleshooting Guide TROUBLESHOOTINGE-12TROUBLESHOOTING Problems Possible Areas Symptoms MisadjustmentsRecommended Course of Action Troubleshooting Output Problems 4TROUBLESHOOTINGDiagram LN-25 Physical Dimensions 2DIMENSIONS

IM359-G specifications

The Lincoln Electric IM359-G is a state-of-the-art multi-process welder designed to offer exceptional versatility and performance in various welding applications. This machine is particularly well-suited for professional welders, fabricators, and hobbyists alike who demand precision and reliability in their welding tasks.

One of the standout features of the IM359-G is its capability to handle multiple welding processes, including MIG, TIG, and Stick welding. This multi-process functionality allows users to switch seamlessly between different welding techniques, making it ideal for complex projects requiring various welding methods. The machine is equipped with advanced inverter technology, which contributes to a smaller, lighter design while enhancing energy efficiency. This technology ensures that users can experience consistent output regardless of the welding conditions, providing high-quality results every time.

Another important characteristic of the IM359-G is its user-friendly interface. The intuitive control panel is designed for easy operation, featuring clear digital displays and simple adjustments. This allows both novice and experienced welders to quickly adapt to the machine and optimize their settings for specific tasks. Additionally, the Lincoln Electric IM359-G comes with a built-in memory function that can store frequently used settings, streamlining workflow and increasing productivity.

The IM359-G is also compatible with Lincoln Electric’s Smart Voltage Sensing technology, which automatically detects the input voltage and adjusts settings accordingly. This feature ensures optimal performance, whether the welder is in a shop setting or on-site with varying power supplies. Coupled with excellent arc stability, this technology helps minimize spatter and provides precise control over the welding process.

Durability is another hallmark of the Lincoln Electric IM359-G. Built with robust materials and designed for longevity, the machine is capable of withstanding the rigors of demanding work environments. Furthermore, it is equipped with advanced thermal overload protection, ensuring that the welder operates within safe limits, preventing damage to the unit.

In conclusion, the Lincoln Electric IM359-G is an impressive multi-process welder that combines advanced technology, user-friendly controls, and robust construction. Its versatility in handling multiple welding processes makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, while features like Smart Voltage Sensing and thermal overload protection ensure reliable performance. Whether for professional use or serious hobbyists, the IM359-G stands out as a top choice for those looking to enhance their welding capabilities.