Craftsman 240.74290, 71.74290 operating instructions Pullthepowerhandleandtool, AttachingtheBattery

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attachmentapartThepowerhandle. andtoolattachmentshouldseparate easilyIftheydonot,checktobe. surethatthelockringisinthefully unlockedposition.


1.Aligntheribonthebatterypackwith thecorrespondingslotintheendofthe powerhandle(seefigure5).


Figure 5

2. Insert the battery fully into the

handle making sure that the spring- loaded buttons on each side of the

battery pack snap into place in the handle.

Removing the Battery

1.Depress the spring-loaded buttons on both sides of the battery simultaneously. (see figure 6)

Figure 6

2.Pull the battery pack straight out from the handle.

To turn the tool on:

1.Grip the control grip firmly with one hand and grip the auxiliary handle on

the tool attachment (if provided) with the other hand.

2.Push the trigger that your thumb rests on straight forward, this is the safety release. (see figure 7)

Figure 7

3.While holding the switch under your thumb in the forward position, use your fingers to pull upward on the control trigger. (see figure 8) This will energize the tool and allow you to do your work. It is NOT necessary to keep pressure on the thumb switch after the tool has started.

Please note that the tool will not start if the lock ring is not in the fully locked position.

Image 5
Contents Operators Manual Maintenance Espaol FranaisModel No Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.ARead ALL Instructions Toreduceriskof injury To detach a tool Connecting Tool Attachment to the Power HandleAttachingtheBattery PullthepowerhandleandtoolRotating Handle To turn the tool offOverload Protection Trimming Techniques ComfortableExtending Your Reach with the Rotating Handle Wall Bracket Cleaning of Plastic PartsCadmium NiCd Battery HazardousCall1.-800-366-PART BATTERYRECYCLING=TopreserveGarantia de un ao de Craftsman Page PiezasyquenoexistaningOnotro ProblemaquepuedaafectaretPiezadaadadebesetreparadao ReemptazadadebidamentepotunConectar la bateria Para desconectar una herramientaProteccion Contra Sobrecarga Figura Mensula DE Pared Ticnicas DE PodaPrevenir LA Corrosion Limpieza DE Piezas DENEEDMOREP.i Systeme Doutils 18 Volts Craftsman Convertible Cordless Priere DE Lire ToutesNE Passe Pencher Excessivement Conserver une LES Mains ET Autres PartiesPorter DES Lunettes DE Entretenir Soigneusement€LECTRIQUE Branchement DE Laccessoire SUR LA POIGN#E DalimentationEnlevement de la batterie Protection Contre LES Surcharges Pour mettre Iappareil en marchePoJgnee pJvotante Support Mural Techniques DE CoupePage Manage home Manage home