Craftsman 240.74290, 71.74290 HazardousCall1.-800-366-PART BATTERYRECYCLING=Topreserve

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naturalresources,pleaserecycleor disposeofthisproduct'sNICKEL-


properly. Local, state and federal laws prohibit disposal of NiCd batteries

in ordinary trash. The manufacturer is a participant in the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC)

recycling program. We have paid a fee to allow for these batteries to

be properly disposed of via a RBRC collection site (various retailers are also RBRC participants). Please call

the RBRC toll free number at (800) 822-8837 or visit the RBRC web site

at to find a battery collection center near you.

If you see any condition that may affect safe operation, or if you have

any questions, contact our customer service number at:



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Image 9
Contents Operators Manual Maintenance Espaol FranaisModel No Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.ARead ALL Instructions Toreduceriskof injury To detach a tool Connecting Tool Attachment to the Power HandleAttachingtheBattery PullthepowerhandleandtoolTo turn the tool off Overload ProtectionRotating Handle Comfortable Extending Your Reach with the Rotating HandleTrimming Techniques Wall Bracket Cleaning of Plastic PartsCadmium NiCd Battery HazardousCall1.-800-366-PART BATTERYRECYCLING=TopreserveGarantia de un ao de Craftsman Page PiezasyquenoexistaningOnotro ProblemaquepuedaafectaretPiezadaadadebesetreparadao ReemptazadadebidamentepotunConectar la bateria Para desconectar una herramientaProteccion Contra Sobrecarga Figura Mensula DE Pared Ticnicas DE PodaPrevenir LA Corrosion Limpieza DE Piezas DENEEDMOREP.i Systeme Doutils 18 Volts Craftsman Convertible Cordless Priere DE Lire ToutesNE Passe Pencher Excessivement Conserver une LES Mains ET Autres PartiesPorter DES Lunettes DE Entretenir Soigneusement€LECTRIQUE Branchement DE Laccessoire SUR LA POIGN#E DalimentationEnlevement de la batterie Protection Contre LES Surcharges Pour mettre Iappareil en marchePoJgnee pJvotante Support Mural Techniques DE CoupePage Manage home Manage home