Toshiba VF-AS1 PWM carrier frequency, Gradient bias adjustment of analog monitor output

Page 101


Gradient bias adjustment of analog monitor output

Here is an example of the adjustment of output from 0-20mA 20-0mA, 4-20mA using the FM terminal. ￿

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￿￿￿￿=￿, ￿￿￿￿=￿￿￿






















































!The analog output inclination can be adjusted using the parameter ￿￿.









PWM carrier frequency











































￿ ￿￿￿

: PWM carrier frequency

￿￿￿￿￿￿: Random mode

￿￿￿￿￿￿: Carrier frequency control mode selection


1)The sound tone of acoustic noise can be changed by adjusting the PWM carrier frequency. This parameter is also effective in preventing the motor from resonating with its load machine or its fan cover.

2)In addition, this parameter reduces the electromagnetic noise generated by the inverter. Reduce the carrier frequency to reduce electromagnetic noise. Note: Although the electromagnetic noise level is reduced, the magnetic noise of the motor is increased.

￿3) The random mode reduces motor magnetic noise by changing the pattern of the reduced carrier frequency.

4)To set the parameter ￿￿￿￿ to ￿ or ￿ has the effect of suppressing voltage serge to the motor. Reduce the carrier frequency to less than 4kHz if the wiring between the inverter and motor is long (20 to 100m as a guide).

5)In case of using the sinusoidal filter, set the parameter ￿￿￿￿ to ￿ or ￿.

This parameter works at 200V-55kW or more and 400V-90kW or more models.

[Parameter setting]



Adjustment range

Default setting


PWM carrier frequency

￿￿￿~￿￿￿kHz (￿￿￿~￿￿￿kHz) [Note 1]

According to model

￿ Refer to page K-48.





Random mode

￿:Disabled, ￿: Enabled




￿:Not decrease carrier frequency automatically




￿:Decrease carrier frequency automatically




￿:Not decrease carrier frequency automatically,




400V class supported

According to model


Carrier frequency

￿:Decrease carrier frequency automatically,


￿ Refer to page K-48

control mode selection

400V class supported


[Note 12]￿



￿:Not decrease carrier frequency automatically,






with sinusoidal filter [Note 11]




￿:Decrease carrier frequency automatically, with




sinusoidal filter [Note 11]


Note 1: For 200V-55/75kW models and 400V-90kW to 400V-500kW models, the carrier frequency is between 2.5

and 8.0kHz inclusive.


Image 101
Contents New High-performance inverter Limits in purpose Safety precautionsGeneral Operation Transportation & installation Reference WiringOperations When retry function is selectedMaintenance and inspection II. Introduction Contents 13.2 13.114.3 14.424.2 24.124.3 25.136.3 36.236.4 36.510.6.1 10.610.6.2 12.1Check the product Contents of the product codeExplanation of the type and form written on the label Type FormNames and functions 1 Outside view Structure of the main bodyRS485 connector/cover Mode key MON lampRUN lamp PRG lampM5 screw Switch Grounding terminal M5 screw Screw hole for EMC plateMain circuit terminal E6581301 VFAS1-4300PL, 4370PL VFAS1-4160KPC VFAS1-4110KPCVFAS1-4132KPC VFAS1-4500KPC Detaching the cover Control circuit terminal blockControl circuit terminal block is common to all equipment For details on all terminal functions, refer to SectionE6581301 E6581301 Grounding capacitor switching method 200V! 18.5#22kW 400V! 22kW 200V/400V Class Small E6581301 Installing the DC reactor Adjusting the overload protection level Comparisons with commercial power operationMotors Operation in the low-speed areaHigh-speed operation at and above 50Hz/60Hz rated frequency Braking a motor when power supply is lostMethod of lubricating load mechanisms Low loads and low inertia loadsInverters Disposal If power supply distortion is not negligibleMeasure to take against leakage Current Effects of leakage current across groundRemedies Affects of leakage current across supply linesAffects of leakage current by cable length Installation Installation environment Resistors Place far away from VF-AS1 Inverter How to install4001Without top cover Standard installation Side-by-side installation5001Without top cover 6001Without top coverAmbient temperature 4001Without top cover Ambient temperature Continuous4001With top cover F631=0 Output4001With top cover Carrier frequency Ambient temperature5001With top cover With top cover6001Without top cover Current E6581301 Installing more than one unit in a cabinet Connection equipment Preventing radio noise Control and main power supplyWiring Between PO and PC Standard connectionsStandard connection diagram sink logic Standard connection diagram sink logic Standard connection diagram sink logic Standard connection diagram source logic Standard connection diagram source logic Standard connection diagram source logic Description of terminals Power supply and motor connectionsMain circuit terminals Connection with peripheral equipmentRR/S4 RESVI/I PLCOUT1 OUT2FLA +SUFLB FLC1Be sure to short across NO-CC Sink logicSource logic SOURCE! INT/PLC 3 RS485 communication connector Operations VF-AS1 has the following three setting/monitor modes Setting/monitor modesExample of standard connection Simplified operation of the VF-AS1Mccb OFF+ VI/II Frequency setting+ RR/S4 CCA Setting the frequency using input voltage 0~±10Vdc Setting the frequency using input voltage 0~10Vdc+ VI/II CCA + RX CCAPress Key to change to Default settingPress the Enter key to display the first extended parameter Set frequency Panel operationMotor starts Stop the motorExample of operation panel control Selecting a stop mode with the operation panelDeceleration stop 1 Press the Stop key Press the Stop key againQuick mode Easy Searching and setting parametersSetting parameters in the selected quick mode How to set parametersSetting parameters in the standard setting mode Changed parameter search function History function Setting methodsHistory function FunctionWhen load is small Setting acceleration/deceleration timeWhen load is large Automatic acceleration/decelerationConstant torque characteristics default setting Manually setting acceleration/deceleration timeIncreasing starting torque Automatic torque boostIncreasing torque manually V/f constant control Automatic torque boost and V/f control mode selectionIf vector control cannot be programmed Automatic function setting Setting parameters by operating methodFrequency Voltage/current Setting on Default Automatically programmed functions and parameter set valuesCommand mode selection Selection of operation modeCommand mode selection Frequency setting mode selection RR/S4 input VI/II inputRX input Operation panel inputRun/stop Press the RUN and Stop keys On the operation panel Preset speed operationSet this parameter at terminal board Any setting is valid Standby connection of terminals ST and CC Run/stop ON/OFF of terminals F-CC/R-CCOr 40~20mAdc Control mode selection Selecting control modeConstant torque characteristics Normal way of use Decreasing output voltage Torque boost rate is adjusted automaticallyMotor constant must be set Output frequency Hz Base frequencySetting of V/f control mode selection = V/f 5-point setting Setting of V/f characteristic arbitrarilyBase frequency voltage 5-point setting Output voltage Setting of V/f control mode selection = PM controlOperating a permanent magnet motor VF5 VF4 VF3 VF1 VF2Precautions on automatic torque boost mode or vector control Base frequency Manual torque boost-increasing torque boost at low speedsManual torque boost Base frequency Base frequency voltageUpper limit and lower limit frequencies Maximum frequencyMaximum frequency Upper limit frequency Lower limit frequencyPreset speed operation speeds in 15 steps Setting frequency command characteristicsRR/S4 RR/S4-CC ST-CC OFF Forward/reverse run selection Selecting forward and reverse runs operation panel onlyExplanation of terms Setting the electronic thermalFirst basic parameter History function is displayed Using a VF motor motor for use with inverterPress either the key or the key to change the parameter to = motor rated current/inverter output rated current xMotor 150%-overload time limit Setting the motor overload starting levelOperation frequency Frequency 01Hz *1 No less than Motor overloadInverter overload characteristics Current/voltage unit selection Changing the display unit % to a ampere/V voltVF-AS1 Meter setting and adjustment Regenerative braking resistance overload factor OLr data Press either Key to select Adjustment is complete. and the frequency are displayedPress the Enter key to display the operation frequency Display returns to its original indicationsPress the Enter key to switch to the data display mode Select the AM terminal meter adjustment by pressing the keyReturn the parameter setting to output current display Display mode. When standard monitor display selection =PWM carrier frequency Gradient bias adjustment of analog monitor outputRefer to .4.4, Current reduction curve Below 130% Trip-less intensificationOperation and application of the auto-restart function Synchronized acceleration/deceleration signal An example of setting when = Dynamic regenerative braking For abrupt motor stop External braking resistor with a thermal fuse optional Connecting an external braking resistor optionalWhen a using braking resistor without thermal fuse Capacities of 400V-200kW or more VFAS1-4280KPC Selection of braking resistor option and braking unitMinimum resistance of connectable braking resistors Factory default setting Standard default setting50Hz default setting = 60Hz default setting =Reset of user-defined parameters = Default setting =Acceleration/deceleration time setting 0.01 to 600.0 sec. = Acceleration/deceleration time setting 0.1 to 6000 sec. =Press Key to select Automatic edit functionKey to change the parameter displayed. Press Key to search for parameters in reverse directionQuick mode Quick mode/standard setting mode switching function =Standard setting mode Easy key functionPeak hold function = Shortcut key function =Operation panel/remote key function = Low-speed signal output Inverted Low-speed signal Low-speed signal output frequencyConnection diagram SW1 set to sink logic P24 OUT1 or OUT2 Output terminal settingParameter setting of output terminal selection Parameter setting of frequency and detection bandParameter setting Input signal selectionForward run signal Reverse run signalCommand from the terminal board Valid commandCC Jog run Output frequency Hz Set frequency Panel key Forward runST-CC Modifying input terminal functions Setting of contact input terminal functionTerminal function selection Connection method 1 a-contact input PLCServo lock status Manual torque boost Base frequency Thermal protection level Using the V/f adjustment function Adjustment rateBasic parameters Parameters selected S1-CC S2-CCSwitching with input terminal board = V/f 5-point setting5-point setting VF3 frequency 5-point setting VF3 voltage Priority is given to Command set With Automatic switching by means of switching frequencies =Operation frequency DC braking time Forward/reverse DC braking priority control DC brakingDC braking DC braking start frequency DC braking current ~ ~ Motor shaft fixing control ~ ~E6581301 Time limit for lower-limit frequency operation Operation signal F-CC SW1 set to sink logic Time sST-CC S3-CC Jog run modeStatus monitor mode Adjustment with pulse signals Parameter-setting example «Sample sequence diagram 2 Adjustment with pulse signals»Jumping width Jump frequency jumping resonant frequenciesJump frequency Preset speed operation frequencies 8 to Preset speed operation frequenciesPreset speed operation frequency 8 to Trip-less intensification Output Frequency Overvoltage stall protection Voltage Supply voltage correction Output voltage adjustmentOutput voltage waveform selection Drooping controlReverse run prohibition Reverse run prohibition selection Gain1 Creeping time Hoisting torque bias input Light-load high-speed operation functionBraking function Creepinjg frequency Reverse run Forward run Acceleration/deceleration suspend functionStall control Commercial power/inverter switchingTiming chart example PID control feedback control signal selection PID control switching Process lower limitPID control Differential D gainTypes of PID control interface External connectionProcess value DC0~10V RR/S4 CCA VI/IIAdjust PID control gain Setting the PID controlFast response Low proportional gainAdjusting the analog command voltage and current Stop position control function Setting motor constantsYES SettingsBase frequency Voltage Rated capacity Not set correctly. Check theirSetting auto-tuning Examples of setting the motor constants Exciting strengthening coefficient Stall prevention factor Speed limit torque=0 band Torque controlReference selection E6581301 Torque limit Power Regenerative Running VI/II-CCA RX-CCA RR/S4 -CCA, VI/II-CCA10V +10V After the mechanical brake is released Torque is h eld at a limit level evenTorque limit level Regenerative braking stall prevention mode selection Power running stall continuous trip detection timeStall prevention control switching Stall prevention functionMax output voltage modulation rate Current and speed control adjustmentOperating a synchronous motor Fine adjustment of frequency setting signalDeceleration S-pattern lower limit adjustment Acceleration S-pattern lower limit adjustmentAcceleration/deceleration Deceleration time Acceleration timeAcceleration/deceleration switching signal Set frequency Pattern operation E6581301 ~ Preset speed operation modes Preset speed modePattern operation finished OFF signal Function selectionProtection functions Setting of stall prevention level Stall prevention levelEmergency stop Emergency DC braking control time Output phase failure detection mode selection Output phase failure detectionFunction OFF ON! OFF Cooling fan control selection Cumulative operation time alarm setting Braking answer waiting time Rush current suppression relay activation time 33.18 VI/II analog input wire breakage detection levelRefer to 5.19 for details DC voltage Rush current suppression relayGround fault detection selection Disconnection detection of remote keypad OverrideEx.2 = VI/II input, = disabled Ex.1 = VI/II input, = disabledAdjustment parameters Large gain FM terminals setting exampleSW2 0-10V/0-20mA side Operation panel parameter Resetting methodMonitor-displayed or parameter-set frequency Value displayedAn example of setting When is , and is When is not , and is disabledWhen is not , and is not Example of setting Trace selection Trace cycle Trace data Tracing functionsTo acquire trace data at the time of triggering = Acquisition of trace data Relationship between pointer and data Integrating wattmeterTrace data communication number Communication function Send waiting time 2-wire RS485No action Common to 2-wire RS485 and 4-wire Alarm Wire RS485Alarm No action TOSHIBA, ModbusE6581301 Response data INV → host ~ ~Data Host →!INV Wiring Data Master → SlaveToshiba Modbus Alarm No action TripE6581301 Input function target 11~ My function selection My functionTraverse function ETB004Z ETB003ZVEC007Z DEV002ZCase of control panel operation the frequency Case of control panel operation command inputExternal operation LI1~LI8 Input terminal function selection RR/S4 Preset speedFunctions of input terminals in case of sink logic COM Inverter Input terminal Programmable controllerAcceleration/deceleration3, V/f 3, torque limit Acceleration/deceleration2, V/f 2, torque limitFunctions of output terminals incase of sink logic Output terminal function Selection Low-speed signalFLA FLB FLC OUT1 OUT2E6581301 PROFIBUS/DeviceNet/CC Stop Analog input filter Setup of input terminal operation timeResponse time setting Setup of external speed command analog signal Running frequency characteristic Setup by analog input signals RR/S4 terminalConnection and calibration Frequency meter~10Vdc Setup by analog input signals VI/II terminalRun/stop setup Setup by analog input signals RX terminalMonitoring the operation status Screen composition in the status monitor modeMonitoring the status Setting procedure EX. operation at 60 HzStatus monitor under normal conditions LEDOFF Data bit of communication Input terminal informationNo. FE06 No. FE07Press this key to return to past trip Display of detailed information on a past tripUnit times Changing status monitor function MON2 MON1FE56 01% FD85 Default Item displayed Marking Unit PanelCOUNT1 FD86Trip code display Display of trip informationError code Description Communication/Error code Monitor display at tripping Direction of rotation when the trip occurred isFE01 Direction of rotation Displayed.Forward run, Reverse runMode Display of alarm, pre-alarm, etc EMC directive How to cope with the CE standardModels with a built-in EMC filter Measures to satisfy the EMC directiveEx. Countermeasure inverter wiring E6581301 VFAS1-4355KPC~ 100 EMF3-4600J × VFAS1-4160KPC~ 100 EMF3-4600JOUT2, CC Power supply wiring Shielded cablessOperation with external signals Measures to be taken to satisfy the low-voltage directive Accessories for countermeasureLow-voltage directive Measures to be taken to satisfy the UL/CSA standards Applicable Inverter model AIC, Fuse and Wire sizesAWG 10.1 ! Selection of wiring materials and devicesVFAS1-4355KPC VFAS1-4400KPCMCC Voltage Applicable Without Inverter model Reactor Selection of wiring equipmentMagnetic contactor Input currentA Installation of an overload relay Installation of a magnetic contactorMagnetic contactor in the primary circuit Magnetic contactor in the secondary circuitACL Application and functions of optionsE6581301 DCL GTR7 Supply backupCPS002Z Suppression Supply Filter *4 BackupFunctions of Add-on type options Table of optional devicesPG feedback option 6 7 Model VEC004Z, VEC005Z, VEC006Z Functions of Plug-in type optionsHow to install Connection of a single-phase 200V power supply Connection of a DC power supply and other electric unitsWhen using the inverter along with a DC power supply MCR-2550×5 parallel Required No requiredVFAS1 Power consumed by the fansConnecting fans for a separate power supply VFAS1-4200KPC4280KPC VFAS1-4355KPC, 4400KPC, 4500KPC Speed Torque Control Reference Vector control Title Cation Function Adjustment rangeSpeed Torque Reference Basic parameter 2/4 CommuniE6581301 Disabled Selection Setting Braking ST-off Overload detect FunctionBasic parameter 4/4 Communi 0304 Dynamic brakingSetting unit Default Write during Terminal function selection Communi 0110 Always on function selection ~155 *1 Disabled 0111~155 *1 Disabled 0112 Speed Torque Reference Default Speed Torque Reference Cation F 5-point setting CommuniVector control Title Function Adjustment range E6581301 DC braking Communi Default Speed 0307 Selection Disabled Correction of supply voltage Tripless intensification setup 2/2 Communi0308 Dynamic braking resistance ~1000 0.1 Disabled 0309 01~600.0kW 01/0.01 Disabled 03104enabled Enabled Functions for lift 2/2 Communi Process increasing rate speed type Speed Torque Motor constant CommuniE6581301 Torque limit 2/2 Communi E6581301 Acceleration/deceleration 2 2/2 Communi E6581301 Dhcp BootpE6581301 Protection functions 2/2 Communi 55~100% DisabledCation Function Adjustment range Meter output 2/2 Communi E6581301 Operation panel parameters 2/3 Communi 0752 Quick registration parameter ~999 *1 Enabled 0753 0754 Control 0751 Quick registration parameter ~999 *1 Enabled0755 Quick registration parameter ~999 *1 Enabled 0756 Quick registration parameter ~999 *1 600 EnabledCommunication function 1/4 Enabled RS4850TOSHIBA 1MODBUS0814 Point 2 frequency ~ Hz 0.01 0813 Point 2 setting ~100%0812 Point 1 frequency ~ Hz 0.01 Enabled Wire RS485 Vector control Title Communi Function Adjustment range0000~ Enabled 0842 0000~ Enabled 0843E6581301 My function 1/5 Communi 4ANDN 2STN6ORN 22CLRNMy function 3/5 Communi 1VI/II My function 5/5 Communi Control 0DisabledCommuni Control Ion 01Hz FD17 FE17 Function Communicat Trip retention01% FE56 FD85 E6581301 E6581301 LOW 122 123 120 121124 125 126 127244 245 242 243246 247 248 249Torque Base Acc/dec Dynamic Standard specifications small/medium capacity types Models and their standard specificationsHowever, this is unnecessary for DC input specifications Standard specifications large capacity typesVoltage/frequency Common specificationLED Outside dimensions and weight Fig. a Outline drawingFig. G Fig. K Fig. O Trip causes/warnings and remedies Before making a service call Trip information and remediesInput voltage fluctuates abnormally E6581301 CPU2 E6581301 E6581301 Method of resetting causes of trip If the motor does not run while no trip message is displayed More How to check other troublesCheck points Regular inspectionCheck items Periodical inspectionStandard replacement cycles of principal parts Replacement of expendable partsKeeping the inverter in storage Making a call for servicingWarranty Disposal of the inverter
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