The Legacy Line
Subcooling mode will operate to satisfy part load type conditions when the space requires combined sensible and a higher proportion of latent load control. Hot Gas Reheat mode will operate when outdoor temperatures diminish and the need for latent capacity is required for sole humidity control. Hot Gas Reheat mode will provide neutral air for maximum dehumidification operation.
Motormaster Head Pressure Controller
The Motormaster motor controller is a low ambient, head pressure controller kit that is designed to maintain the unit’s condenser head pressure during periods of low ambient cooling operation. This device should be used as an alternative to economizer free cooling when economizer usage is either not appropriate or desired. The Motormaster will either cycle the outdoor fan motors or operate them at reduced speed to maintain the unit operation, depending on the model.
Winter Start Kit
The winter start kit by Bryant extends the low ambient limit of your rooftop to 25_F
Propane Heating
Convert your gas heat rooftop from standard natural gas operation to propane using this field installed kit.
High Altitude Heating
High altitudes have less oxygen, which means heat exchangers need less fuel. The new gas orifices in this field installed kit make the necessary adjustment for high altitude applications. They restore the optimal fuel to air mixture and maintain healthy combustion at altitudes above 2000 ft (610m). Kits may not be required in all areas.
Flue Discharge Deflector
The flue discharge deflector is a useful accessory when flue gas recirculation is a concern. By venting the flue discharge upwards, the deflector minimizes the chance for a neighboring unit to intake the flue exhaust.
Optional Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger
The stainless steel heat exchanger option provides the tubular heat exchanger be made out of a minimum 20 gauge type 409 stainless steel for applications where the mixed air to the heat exchanger is expected to drop below 45_F (7_C). Stainless steel may be specified on applications where the presence of airborne contaminants require its use (applications such as paper mills) or in areas with very high outdoor humidity that may result in severe condensation in the heat exchanger during cooling operation.
Flue Discharge Heat Shield
The flue discharge heat shield keeps people from touching the rooftop unit’s potentially hot flue discharge. This is especially useful for ground level applications, where more, untrained people could have access to the unit’s exterior.
Alternate Motors and Drives
Some applications need larger horsepower motors, some need more airflow, and some need both. Regardless of the case, your Bryant expert has a factory installed combination to meet your application. A wide selection of motors and pulleys (drives) are available, factory installed, to handle nearly any application.
Disconnect Switch Bracket
Provides a
Supply Duct Cover
This supply duct cover is required when field converting the factory standard vertical duct supply to horizontal duct supply configuration. One required per unit. (16 size only)