Bryant 580J manual c.Disconnect Switch Bracket

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c.Disconnect Switch Bracket


c.Disconnect Switch Bracket

(1.) Provides a pre-engineered and sized mounting bracket for applications requiring a unit mounted fused disconnect of greater than 100 amps. Bracket assures that no damage will occur to coils when mounting with screws and other fasteners.

11.Flue Discharge Deflector:

a.Flue discharge deflector shall direct unit exhaust vertically instead of horizontally.

b.Deflector shall be defined as a “natural draft” device by the National Fuel and Gas (NFG) code.

12.Thru-the-Base Connectors:

a.Kits shall provide connectors to permit gas and electrical connections to be brought to the unit through the unit basepan.

b.Minimum of four connection locations per unit.

13.Supply Duct Cover (16 size only):

a.Required when field converting the factory standard vertical duct supply to horizontal duct supply configura- tion. One required per unit.

14.Propeller Power Exhaust:

a.Power exhaust shall be used in conjunction with an integrated economizer.

b.Independent modules for vertical or horizontal return configurations shall be available.

c.Horizontal power exhaust shall be mounted in return ductwork.

d.Power exhaust shall be controlled by economizer controller operation. Exhaust fans shall be energized when dampers open past the 0-100% adjustable setpoint on the economizer control.

15.Roof Curbs (Vertical):

a.Full perimeter roof curb with exhaust capability providing separate air streams for energy recovery from the exhaust air without supply air contamination.

b.Formed galvanized steel with wood nailer strip and shall be capable of supporting entire unit weight.

c.Permits installation and securing of ductwork to curb prior to mounting unit on the curb.

16.High Altitude Gas Conversion Kit:

a.Package shall contain all the necessary hardware and instructions to convert a standard natural gas unit to op- erate from 2000-7000 ft (610 to 2134m) elevation with natural gas or from 0-7000 ft (90-2134m) elevation with liquefied propane.

17.Outdoor Air Enthalpy Sensor:

a.The outdoor air enthalpy sensor shall be used to provide single enthalpy control. When used in conjunction with a return air enthalpy sensor, the unit will provide differential enthalpy control. The sensor allows the unit to determine if outside air is suitable for free cooling.

18.Return Air Enthalpy Sensor:

a.The return air enthalpy sensor shall be used in conjunction with an outdoor air enthalpy sensor to provide dif- ferential enthalpy control.

19.Indoor Air Quality (CO2) Sensor:

a.Shall be able to provide demand ventilation indoor air quality (IAQ) control.

b.The IAQ sensor shall be available in duct mount, wall mount, or wall mount with LED display. The setpoint shall have adjustment capability.

20.Smoke detectors (factory installed only):

a.Shall be a Four-Wire Controller and Detector.

b.Shall be environmental compensated with differential sensing for reliable, stable, and drift-free sensitivity.

c.Shall use magnet-activated test/reset sensor switches.

d.Shall have tool-less connection terminal access.

e.Shall have a recessed momentary switch for testing and resetting the detector.

f.Controller shall include:

(1.) One set of normally open alarm initiation contacts for connection to an initiating device circuit on a fire alarm control panel.

(2.) Two Form-C auxiliary alarm relays for interface with rooftop unit or other equipment.

(3.) One Form-C supervision (trouble) relay to control the operation of the Trouble LED on a remote test/reset station.

(4.) Capable of direct connection to two individual detector modules.

(5.) Can be wired to up to 14 other duct smoke detectors for multiple fan shutdown applications


Image 92
Contents Product Data 580JUnit shown with optional louvered hail guard the environmentally sound refrigerantTABLE OF CONTENTS Easy to installEasy to maintain Easy to useFEATURES AND BENEFITS 580JMODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE 580J580J CATEGORYFACTORY OPTIONS AND/OR ACCESSORIES FACTORY OPTIONS AND/OR ACCESSORIES cont Table 2 – AHRI COOLING RATING TABLE 580JLEGEND NOTES580J AL/SS HEAT EXCHANGER580J Table 4 - HEATING RATING TABLE - LOW NOx1Table 5 – SOUND PERFORMANCE TABLE dB ---Decibel580J UNITCOOLING HEATING580J Table 7 – PHYSICAL DATACOOLING 3 - 6 TONSHeat Anticipator setting Amps Table 8 – PHYSICAL DATAHEATING 3 - 6 TONS580J Table 9 – PHYSICAL DATACOOLING 7.5 - 8.5 TONSTable 10 – PHYSICAL DATA HEATING7.5 - 8.5 TONS 580JTable 11 – PHYSICAL DATA COOLING10 - 15 TONS 580JTable 12 – PHYSICAL DATA HEATING10 - 15 TONS 580J580J CURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580JFig. 1 - Dimensions 580J CURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J 04-07cont Fig. 2 - Dimensions 580JFig. 3 - Service Clearance 580JCURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J 04-07cont ACCESSORYACCESSORY 580JCURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J Fig. 5 - Dimensions 580J580J C101217CURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J 08-12cont Fig. 7 - Service Clearance580J Fig. 6 - 580JCURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J ACCESSORY580J Fig. 8 - Roof Curb DetailsCURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J Fig. 9 - Dimensions 580J-14580J C101223580J CURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J 14 contFig. 10 - Service Clearance C101231 CURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J580J C101232 CURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J 16 cont580J C10772 CURBS & WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS - 580J580J OPTIONS & ACCESSORY WEIGHTS 580JAPPLICATION DATA APPLICATION DATA cont Sizing a rooftopLow ambient applications 580JSELECTION PROCEDURE WITH 580J*07A EXAMPLE1 580JI.Determine cooling and heating loads II.Make an initial guess at cooling tonsTable 13 - COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGECOOLING3 TONS 580J580J Table 14 – COOLING CAPACITIES1-STAGECOOLING 3 TONSTable 15 – COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGECOOLING4 TONS 580J580J Table 16 – COOLING CAPACITIES1-STAGECOOLING 4 TONSTable 17 – COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGECOOLING5 TONS 580J580J Table 18 – COOLING CAPACITIES1-STAGECOOLING 5 TONSTable 19 – COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGECOOLING6 TONS 580J580J Table 20 – COOLING CAPACITIES1-STAGECOOLING 6 TONSTable 21 – COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGECOOLING7.5 TONS 580J580J Table 22 – COOLING CAPACITIES2-STAGECOOLING 7.5 TONSTable 23 – COOLING CAPACITIES 2-STAGECOOLING7.5 TONS 580J580J Table 24 – COOLING CAPACITIES1-STAGECOOLING 8.5 TONSTable 25 – COOLING CAPACITIES 2-STAGECOOLING8.5 TONS 580J580J Table 26 – COOLING CAPACITIES2-STAGECOOLING 8.5 TONSTable 27 - COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGECOOLING10 TONS 580J580J Table 28 – COOLING CAPACITIES2-STAGECOOLING 10 TONSTable 29 – COOLING CAPACITIES 2-STAGECOOLING10 TONS 580J580J Table 30 - COOLING CAPACITIES2-STAGECOOLING 12.5 TONSTable 31 – COOLING CAPACITIES 2-STAGECOOLING12.5 TONS 580J580J Table 32 – COOLING CAPACITIES2-STAGECOOLING 15 TONSECONOMIZER, BAROMETRIC RELIEF AND PE PERFORMANCE Horizontal Power ExhaustFig. 14 - Horizontal Power Exhaust Performance PERFECT HUMIDITYFig. 18 - Vertical Power Exhaust Performance 580JFig. 15 - Barometric Relief Flow Capacity Fig. 19 - Barometric Relief Flow-Horizontal15 Ton580J Fig. 23 - Horizontal Power Exhaust PerformanceGeneral fan performance notes FAN PERFORMANCE 1 PHASE1 PHASE 580JFAN PERFORMANCE cont 3 PHASE3 PHASE Table 36 - 580J**041 PHASE 1 PHASEFAN PERFORMANCE cont 580J3 PHASE 3 PHASEFAN PERFORMANCE cont Table 40 – 580J**051 PHASE 1 PHASEFAN PERFORMANCE cont 580J3 PHASE 3 PHASEFAN PERFORMANCE cont Table 44 – 580J**063 PHASE 3 PHASEFAN PERFORMANCE cont 580J3 PHASE 3 PHASEFAN PERFORMANCE cont Table 48 – 580J**083 PHASE 3 PHASEFAN PERFORMANCE cont 580J3 PHASE 3 PHASEFAN PERFORMANCE cont Table 52 – 580J**123 PHASE 3 PHASEFAN PERFORMANCE cont 580J3 PHASE 3 PHASETable 56 – 580J*16 15 TON VERTICAL SUPPLYTable 58 - PULLEY ADJUSTMENT Factory settingsFAN PERFORMANCE cont 580JELECTRICAL INFORMATION Table 59 – 580J*04A1-StageCooling 3 TONSELECTRICAL INFORMATION cont 580JTable 62 – 580J*07A 1-StageCoolingELECTRICAL INFORMATION cont Table 65 – 580J*09A1-StageCooling 8.5 TONSELECTRICAL INFORMATION cont 580JTable 68 – 580J*12D 2-StageCooling580J COMBUSTION580J COMBUSTIONTable 72 – MCA/MOCP DETERMINATION W/ PWRD C.O 580JTABLE 68 cont. MCA/MOCP DETERMINATION W/ PWRD C.O 580J580J TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAMSFig. 24 - 1-StageCooling Typical Power Diagram C08577B Fig. 25 - 2-StageCooling Typical Power Diagram580J C08524 Fig. 26 - 1-StageTypical Wiring Diagram580J C08578 Fig. 27 - 2-StageTypical Wiring Diagram580J SEQUENCE OF OPERATION Electromechanical units with no economizerElectromechanical units with an economizer Cooling —SEQUENCE OF OPERATION cont Normal CoolingReheat1 Subcooling Mode - 580J04-16 Reheat2 Hot Gas Reheat Mode - 580J04-16580J RH2.xGUIDE SPECIFICATIONS - 580J**04-16 Gas Heat/Electric Cooling Packaged Rooftop580J Size Range23 09 93 Sequence of Operations for HVAC Controls 23 40 13 Panel Air Filters23 81 19 Self-ContainedAir Conditioners 580J580J 3.Unit shall be designed to conform to ASHRAE 15,5.Base Rail 580J580J 3.Standard Heat Exchanger construction5.Standard All Aluminum Novation Coils 580J580J 2.Belt-drivenEvaporator Fan3.Manual damper 580Jc.Disconnect Switch Bracket 580J21.Winter start kit 580J580J Catalog No. PDS580J---10Printed in U.S.A Edition Date: 01/11
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