GZhVl^c\ Figure 34 bZVch Xjii^c\ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ^cidilddgbdgZi]^ccZgldg`e^ZXZh#
DcZ d[ i]Z bdhi ^bedgiVci Xdch^YZgVi^dch [dg gZhVl^c\ ^h WaVYZ hZaZXi^dc V l^YZ WaVYZ Xjih higV^\]iZg VcY ^h aZhh egdcZ id WaVYZ aZVY hZZ Page 42 [dgbdgZ^c[ddcWaVYZaZVY#
;dgbdhiVeea^XVi^dch!jhZVWaVYZl^i]V]dd`dg Vh`^eiddi]hinaZ#8]ddhZWaVYZhl^i][ZlZgiZZi]" eZg"^cX] [gdb ( id +! WZXVjhZ i]Zn d[[Zg aVg\Zg \jaaZi XVeVX^i^Zh [dg XaZVg^c\ hVlYjhi! gZYjX^c\ ]ZViWj^aYjeVcYgZYjX^c\higV^cdci]Zbdidg#
To resaw a workpiece:
1. KZg^[ni]Vii]ZWVcYhVl^hhZijeegdeZganVcY i]Vii]ZiVWaZ^heZgeZcY^XjaVgidi]ZWaVYZ#
2. JhZ i]Z l^YZhi WaVYZ ndjg WVcYhVl l^aa VXXZei#Note: The blade must also be sharp and clean.
3. 6Y_jhii]Z[ZcXZidi]ZYZh^gZYl^Yi]d[Xji! VcYadX`^i^ceaVXZ#
The scale on the front rail will NOT be accu- rate when using the resaw fence.
4. Hjeedgii]ZZcYhd[i]ZWdVgY^[cZXZhhVgn#
5. Ijgci]ZWVcYhVlON#
6. Jh^c\ejh]eVYYaZhVcYVejh]hi^X`!bV^c" iV^c ldg`e^ZXZ egZhhjgZ V\V^chi i]Z [ZcXZ VcYiVWaZ!VcYhadlan[ZZYi]Zldg`e^ZXZ^cid i]Zbdk^c\WaVYZjci^ai]ZWaVYZ^hXdbeaZiZan i]gdj\]i]Zldg`e^ZXZhZZFigure 34#
Figure 34. Ine^XVagZhVl^c\deZgVi^dc#
When resawing thin pieces, a wandering blade (blade lead) can tear through the side of the workpiece, exposing your hands to the blade teeth. Always use push blocks when resawing and keep your hands clear of the blade.
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