Grizzly G0621X Introduction, Manual Accuracy, Contact Info, Machine Description, NdjgBVXcZ

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Manual Accuracy

LZVgZegdjYidd[[Zgi]^hbVcjVal^i]ndjgcZl bVX]^cZ LZkZ bVYZ ZkZgn Z[[dgi id WZ ZmVXi l^i] i]Z ^chigjXi^dch! heZX^[^XVi^dch! YgVl^c\h! VcY e]did\gVe]h d[ i]Z bVX]^cZ lZ jhZY l]Zc lg^i^c\i]^hbVcjVa#=dlZkZg!hdbZi^bZhlZhi^aa bV`ZVcdXXVh^dcVab^hiV`Z#

6ahd! dl^c\ iddjgeda^Xn d[Xdci^cjdjh ^begdkZ" bZci!your machine may not exactly match the manual#>[ndj[^cYi]^hidWZi]ZXVhZ!VcYi]ZY^[" [ZgZcXZWZilZZci]ZbVcjVaVcYbVX]^cZaZVkZh ndj ^c YdjWi! X]ZX` djg lZWh^iZ [dg i]Z aViZhi bVcjVajeYViZdgXVaaiZX]c^XVahjeedgi[dg]Zae#

7Z[dgZXVaa^c\![^cYi]ZbVcj[VXijgZYViZd[ndjg bVX]^cZWnadd`^c\Vii]ZYViZhiVbeZY^cidi]Z bVX]^cZ >9 aVWZa hZZ WZadl# I]^h l^aa ]Zae jh YZiZgb^cZ ^[ i]Z bVcjVa kZgh^dc ndj gZXZ^kZY bViX]Zhi]ZbVcj[VXijgZYViZd[ndjgbVX]^cZ#



;dgndjgXdckZc^ZcXZ!lZedhiVaaVkV^aVWaZbVc" jVahVcYbVcjVajeYViZh[dg[gZZdcdjglZWh^iZ d[ bVX]^cZ l^aa WZ gZ[aZXiZY ^c i]ZhZ YdXjbZcih VhhddcVhi]ZnVgZXdbeaZiZ#

Contact Info

LZhiVcYWZ]^cYdjgbVX]^cZh#>[ndj]VkZVcn hZgk^XZfjZhi^dch!eVgihgZfjZhihdg\ZcZgVafjZh" i^dchVWdjii]ZbVX]^cZ!eaZVhZXVaadglg^iZjhVi i]ZadXVi^dca^hiZYWZadl#






LZlVcindjg[ZZYWVX`dci]^hbVcjVa#>[ndjXVc iV`Z i]Z i^bZ! eaZVhZ ZbV^a dg lg^iZ id jh Vi i]Z VYYgZhhWZadlVcYiZaajh]dllZY^Y/




7Zaa^c\]Vb!L6.-'',"'%+. :bV^a/bVcjVah5\g^ooan#Xdb

Machine Description

I]^h WVcYhVl [ZVijgZh V kVg^VWaZ heZZY Yg^kZ l]^X]Vaadlhi]ZdeZgVidgidhadli]ZWaVYZYdlc [dgXjii^c\bZiVaVcYheZZYi]ZWaVYZje[dgXji" i^c\lddY#

6("e]VhZbdidg^hjhZYl^i]VedlZg^ckZgiZgid egdk^YZ kVg^VWaZ heZZY XVeVW^a^i^Zh dc V h^c\aZ" e]VhZedlZghdjgXZ#

6YY^i^dcVaan! i]^h WVcYhVl [ZVijgZh WVaa WZVg^c\ WaVYZ \j^YZh! V hda^Y dcZ"e^ZXZ [gVbZ! XVhi ^gdc l]ZZah! VcY V fj^X`"gZaZVhZ WaVYZ iZch^dc^c\ hnhiZb#



Image 4
Contents Model G0621X WOOD/METAL Bandsaw Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction Manual AccuracyContact Info Machine Description7aVYZIZchdc=VcYaZ BiZgVj\Z JeeZgLZZa8dkZg Identification7aVYZjYZaZkVidc=VcYlZZa 220V, Single-Phase, 60 Hz SwitchPhase 261 lbsPrecision Ground Cast Iron Cast IronRubber SteelSafety Safety Instructions for MachineryKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away @cdlVcYVkdYXdcYidchiViXVjhZiZ ldg`eZXZid`X`WVX`#Additional Safety Instructions for Bandsaws Blade Speed aadl WaVYZ id gZVX jaa heZZYWZdgZXjiic\#220V Single-Phase Operation Circuit RequirementsSetup Items Needed for SetupNeeded for Setup UnpackingMain Components Figure Qty InventoryFasteners and Tools not shown Qty Hardware Recognition Chart Cleanup H9692-Orange Power Cleaner & DegreaserVcYZVhangZbdkc\gjhiegZkZciVikZ#  Eji dc hVZin \aVhhZh VcY YhedhVWaZ \adkZh#Site Considerations Forklift or other powered To assemble the bandsawBandsaw is heavy Awkward to lift. Use aGZVgGVa IVWaZEc GVa7gVX`Zih17. EjhiZZcXZVcYaZYdlcidadX`iZZcXZ cedhidc# HZiHXgZl 23. GZbdkZiZZcXZgdbiZgdcigVa# BdYZa%+&MB\#-$%. ¿ %m &¿  IjbWhXgZlhTo connect a vacuum hose Dust Collection Blade TrackingTo center track the blade Changes in the blade tension may change the blade tracking Test RunVcYgZVYBasic ControlsdcPage 25# Adjusting Support Bearings To adjust the support bearingsTensioning Blade To tension the bandsaw blade # Adjusting Blade Guides To adjust the upper and lower blade guidesAdjusting Positive Stop Setting Table Tilt Scale to 0˚To set the positive stop 90˚ to the blade To calibrate the pointer on the table tilt scaleAligning Table Aligning FenceTo align the miter slot parallel to the bandsaw blade To align the fence parallel with the miter slotBasic Controls OperationsSpeed Dial Workpiece Inspection Wood OverviewStraight Cuts Irregular CutsGuide Post Table TiltTo tilt the table Positive stop must be removed to move the table to the leftRipping CrosscuttingTo make a rip cut To make a 90˚ crosscutResawing To resaw a workpieceCutting Curves Stacked Cuts To complete a stacked cutBlade Selection Wood Cutting Tooth StyleBlade Length Blade WidthTooth Pitch Blade CareBlade Breakage Most common causes of blade breakage areTo select the correct blade TPI Blade Changes To replace the bladeTo calibrate the scale Scale Calibration I\iZciZhXgZlh0iZhXVaZhcdlXdggZXian XVaWgViZY# Accessories Grizzly Bandsaw BladesG7315Z-Super Heavy-Duty Mobile Base G1928-Bandsaw HandbookMaintenance CleaningSchedule LubricatingService TroubleshootingMotor & Electrical Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcCutting Operations MiscellaneousAccessing V-Belts Servicing V-BeltsChecking V-Belts YaZgTensioning/Replacing V-Belts Shimming Table Blade Lead To shim the tableYgZXidc# To skew your fenceWheel Alignment Verifying Upper/Lower Wheels are CoplanarTo adjust the lower wheel Adjusting Lower WheelShimming Upper Wheel Wiring Wiring Safety InstructionsBdidgjcXidcWdmlgc\# EdlZghliX#Wiring Diagram HLI8=HLI8= gdbWZcY BDIDG %K!E=Section Main Parts Main Parts List Table/Blade Guides Parts Breakdown Table/Guides Parts List Stand Parts Breakdown Fence Parts Breakdown Safety Labels Parts Breakdown 10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! DA96ADC9DII9AC I6E6ADC9HEA6H9DCDIHI6EA22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY