Blade Changes
Always disconnect power to the machine when changing blades. Failure to do this may result in serious personal injury.
All saw blades are dan- gerous and may cause personal injury. To reduce the risk of being injured, wear leather gloves when handling saw blades.
To replace the blade:
2. GZaZVhZi]ZiZch^dcaZkZg#
3. GZbdkZ i]Z iVWaZ ^chZgi VcY i]Z iVWaZ e^c# 6Y_jhi i]Z jeeZg VcY adlZg \j^YZ WadX`h VlVn[gdbi]ZWaVYZ#
4. DeZci]ZjeeZgVcYadlZgl]ZZaXdkZghVcY ha^YZi]ZWaVYZd[[Wdi]l]ZZah#
5. GdiViZi]ZWaVYZ.%ßVcYha^YZ^ii]gdj\]i]Z hadi^ci]ZiVWaZ#
6. Ha^YZi]ZWaVYZi]gdj\]i]ZiVWaZhadi!Zchjg" ^c\ i]Vi i]Z iZZi] VgZ ed^ci^c\ Ydlc idlVgY i]ZiVWaZ#If the teeth will not point downward in any orientation, the blade is
7. Ha^ei]ZWaVYZi]gdj\]i]Z\j^YZh!VcYbdjci ^idkZgi]ZjeeZgVcYadlZgl]ZZah#
8. 6eeaniZch^dc#
9. Ijgci]ZiZch^dc`cdWjci^aegdeZgWaVYZiZc" h^dc]VhWZZcgZVX]ZYVXXdgY^c\idi]ZWaVYZ i]^X`cZhhhXVaZh]dlc^cFigure 39#
Figure 39.IZch^dcZgVY_jhibZci#
10. 8]ZX`VcYVY_jhii]ZigVX`^c\Page 18#
11. 6Y_jhii]ZjeeZg$adlZg\j^YZWadX`hVcYi]Z hjeedgiWZVg^c\hPages 20 and 22#
12. 8adhZi]Zl]ZZaXdkZgh#
13. GZeaVXZi]ZiVWaZ^chZgiVcYiVWaZe^c!WZ^c\ hjgZcdiidjhZZmXZhh^kZ[dgXZl]Zc^chZgi" ^c\i]ZiVWaZe^c#