Grizzly G0621X Tooth Pitch, Blade Care, Blade Breakage, Most common causes of blade breakage are

Page 34

Tooth Pitch

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Blade Care

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Blade Breakage

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The most common causes of blade breakage are:

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™ ;dgX^c\ dg il^hi^c\ V l^YZ WaVYZ VgdjcY V h]dgigVY^jh#

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Image 34 Contents
Model G0621X WOOD/METAL Bandsaw Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Contact Info IntroductionManual Accuracy Machine Description7aVYZIZchdc=VcYaZ BiZgVj\Z JeeZgLZZa8dkZg Identification7aVYZjYZaZkVidc=VcYlZZa Phase 220V, Single-Phase, 60 HzSwitch 261 lbsRubber Precision Ground Cast IronCast Iron SteelSafety Safety Instructions for MachineryKeep CHILDREN/VISITORS Away @cdlVcYVkdYXdcYidchiViXVjhZiZ ldg`eZXZid`X`WVX`#Additional Safety Instructions for Bandsaws Blade Speed aadl WaVYZ id gZVX jaa heZZYWZdgZXjiic\#220V Single-Phase Operation Circuit RequirementsNeeded for Setup SetupItems Needed for Setup UnpackingMain Components Figure Qty InventoryFasteners and Tools not shown Qty Hardware Recognition Chart VcYZVhangZbdkc\gjhiegZkZciVikZ# CleanupH9692-Orange Power Cleaner & Degreaser  Eji dc hVZin \aVhhZh VcY YhedhVWaZ \adkZh#Site Considerations Bandsaw is heavy Forklift or other poweredTo assemble the bandsaw Awkward to lift. Use aGZVgGVa IVWaZEc GVa7gVX`Zih17. EjhiZZcXZVcYaZYdlcidadX`iZZcXZ cedhidc# ¿ %m &¿  HZiHXgZl23. GZbdkZiZZcXZgdbiZgdcigVa# BdYZa%+&MB\#-$%.  IjbWhXgZlhTo connect a vacuum hose Dust Collection Blade TrackingTo center track the blade Changes in the blade tension may change the blade tracking Test RunVcYgZVYBasic ControlsdcPage 25# Tensioning Blade Adjusting Support BearingsTo adjust the support bearings To tension the bandsaw blade # Adjusting Blade Guides To adjust the upper and lower blade guidesTo set the positive stop 90˚ to the blade Adjusting Positive StopSetting Table Tilt Scale to 0˚ To calibrate the pointer on the table tilt scaleTo align the miter slot parallel to the bandsaw blade Aligning TableAligning Fence To align the fence parallel with the miter slotBasic Controls OperationsSpeed Dial Straight Cuts Workpiece Inspection WoodOverview Irregular CutsTo tilt the table Guide PostTable Tilt Positive stop must be removed to move the table to the leftTo make a rip cut RippingCrosscutting To make a 90˚ crosscut Resawing To resaw a workpieceCutting Curves Stacked Cuts To complete a stacked cutBlade Length Blade Selection Wood CuttingTooth Style Blade WidthBlade Breakage Tooth PitchBlade Care Most common causes of blade breakage areTo select the correct blade TPI Blade Changes To replace the bladeTo calibrate the scale Scale Calibration I\iZciZhXgZlh0iZhXVaZhcdlXdggZXian XVaWgViZY# G7315Z-Super Heavy-Duty Mobile Base AccessoriesGrizzly Bandsaw Blades G1928-Bandsaw HandbookSchedule MaintenanceCleaning LubricatingMotor & Electrical ServiceTroubleshooting Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcCutting Operations MiscellaneousChecking V-Belts Accessing V-BeltsServicing V-Belts YaZgTensioning/Replacing V-Belts YgZXidc# Shimming Table Blade LeadTo shim the table To skew your fenceWheel Alignment Verifying Upper/Lower Wheels are CoplanarTo adjust the lower wheel Adjusting Lower WheelShimming Upper Wheel Wiring Wiring Safety InstructionsBdidgjcXidcWdmlgc\# EdlZghliX#HLI8= gdbWZcY Wiring DiagramHLI8= BDIDG %K!E=Section Main Parts Main Parts List Table/Blade Guides Parts Breakdown Table/Guides Parts List Stand Parts Breakdown Fence Parts Breakdown Safety Labels Parts Breakdown 10. 8dbbZcih DA96ADC9DII9AC EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  I6E6ADC9HEA6H9DCDIHI6EA22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY