>[ i]Z higV^\]iZY\Z YdZh cdi idjX] Wdi] l]ZZah ZkZcan! i]Z jeeZg l]ZZa cZZYh id WZ h]^bbZY dg i]Z adlZg l]ZZa cZZYh id WZVY_jhiZY#
Shimming Upper Wheel
2. 6Y_jhii]ZigVX`^c\`cdWhdi]Zidel]ZZa^h eVgVaaZal^i]i]ZWdiidbl]ZZa#
3. L^i]i]ZhigV^\]iZY\ZidjX]^c\Wdi]ed^cihd[
bZVhjgZ i]Z Y^hiVcXZ VlVn [gdb i]Z ^cXdg"
gZXil]ZZal^i]V[^cZgjaZghZZFigure 50#
I]Z Y^hiVcXZ bZVhjgZY l^i] i]Z gjaZg ^h i]Z
Figure 50. BZVhjg^c\l]ZZaY^[[ZgZcXZ# |
4. GZbdkZi]ZWaVYZ[gdbi]ZhVl!i]ZcgZbdkZ i]Zl]ZZai]VicZZYhidWZh]^bbZY#
5. 9ZiZgb^cZ ]dl bVcn h]^b lVh]Zgh ndj
6. GZeaVXZi]Zl]ZZa!i]Zdg^\^cValVh]Zgh!VcY i]ZhZXjg^c\cji#
7. I^\]iZc i]Z WaVYZ! i]Zc X]ZX` i]Z l]ZZah# 8deaVcVg l]ZZah bVn ejaa dji d[ Va^\cbZci l]Zci]ZWaVYZ^hi^\]iZcZY#
8. L]Zci]Zl]ZZahVgZXdeaVcVg!eaVXZVbVg` dc ZVX] l]ZZa l]ZgZ ndj ]ZaY i]Z higV^\]i" ZY\Z#I]^hVhhjgZhgZeZViZYVXXjgVXnZkZgn i^bZndjVY_jhindjgl]ZZah#
Note: When wheels are properly coplanar, the blade may not be centered on the crown of the wheel, but it will be balanced. See Figure 51 to better understand coplanarity.
Figure 51. 8deaVcVgY^V\gVb#
Adjusting Lower Wheel
Dcan Yd i]^h egdXZYjgZ ^[ ndj XVccdi bV`Z i]Z l]ZZah XdeaVcZg l^i] i]Z igVX`^c\ `cdW dg Wn h]^bb^c\i]ZjeeZgl]ZZa#BV`ZhjgZi]ZjeeZg l]ZZa ^h VY_jhiZY Vh XadhZ Vh edhh^WaZ id WZ^c\ XdeaVcVg l^i] i]Z adlZg l]ZZa WZ[dgZ WZ\^cc^c\# 9di]^hegdXZYjgZl^i]i]ZWaVYZ[jaaniZch^dcZY#
To adjust the lower wheel:
2. AddhZci]Z[djg]ZmWdaihdci]ZadlZgl]ZZa VY_jhibZci ]jW Figure 52# I]ZhZ hZXjgZ i]Zl]ZZaVY_jhibZcihaZZkZh#
| L]ZZa |
=Zm7dai |
| 6Y_jhibZci |
| HaZZkZ |