18.Now, set the fence to 0˚ by placing a square between the miter slot and the fence. The stop bolt can be adjusted to ensure the fence will return to 90˚ after it has been moved.
Figure 16.
Stop bolt
Figure 16. Adjusting positive stop.
19.Next, apply the self adhesive scale in the top front groove of the fence and install the adjustable fence stop. Figure 17.
Figure 17. Installing fence stop.
20.Mount the auxiliary handle by removing the stop bolt from the handle, slide the long por- tion of the handle through the guiding hole at the bottom/rear of the sliding table. Attach the pinch bracket to the bottom/front of the table using the lock handle with stud. Figure 18.
Figure 18. Installing auxiliary handle.
21.The fence can also be mounted at the rear of the sliding table in the same manner as it attaches in the front. Figure 20. Adjust the fence perpendicular to the blade/fence by loosening the setscrew and rotating the eccentric bushing.
Eccentric bushing
Figure 19. Optional fence position.
22.Remount your fence rails to your table saw for ripping operations. It will be necessary to cut the left ends of the front and rear rails so they will fit with the sliding table top rail. A hacksaw and file will do nicely. NOTE: On saws with rail mounted switches, the switch may need to be relocated to another conve- nient location. For safety reasons, Do Not mount the switch in a hard to reach location.
G4227 Sliding Table |