To shift the blade:
1.Loosen the tension on the blade.
2.Remove the spacers (See Figure 25B) behind the upper wheel in the desired direc- tion. Move the upper wheel left or right as needed, and replace the spacers on the opposite side from where they were removed.
3.Readjust the tension. This will secure the wheel.
4.Repeat guide post bracket adjustments.
Figure 25B. Upper wheel spacer.
Fence Adjustment
Fence locking is controlled by the lever on the front of the fence. When the lever is pushed down, it locks the front and rear of the fence to the guide rails. The end of the fence nearest to the operator should lock before the rear.
G1073/G1073Z 16'' Bandsaw
Use a tape measure or ruler to measure the dis- tance from the fence to the blade. To adjust the front clamping pressure:
1.Lift the lever to the ÒlooseÓ position.
2.Loosen the checknut below the clamp shoe shown in Figure 26.
Clamp Shoe Hex Bolt
Figure 26. Location of checknut.
3.Using a wrench, turn the clamp shoe hex bolt to adjust the clamping pressure.
4.Push the locking lever down to test the clamping pressure. The fence should be tightly clamped to the front rail when the lever is pushed all the way down.
5.Repeat steps 3-4 until the fence clamps cor- rectly. Tighten the checknut. Be careful not to turn the clamp shoe hex bolt or the clamp- ing pressure will be altered.
To adjust the rear clamping pressure:
1.Back out the rear clamp adjusting screw sev- eral turns and put the locking lever in the locked position as shown in Figure 27.
2.Turn the rear clamp adjusting screw until the rear clamp just touches the top of the rear guide rail.
3.Continue to turn the rear clamp adjusting screw another 3/4 turn.
4.Test the clamping pressure by loosening and tightening the locking lever.