The Model G1023SL/G1023SLX base unit is shipped from the manufacturer in a carefully packed carton. If you discover the machine is damaged after you have signed for delivery, immediately call our Customer Service for advice.
The fence (and extension table kit, if applicable) will arrive in a separate box.
When you are completely satisfied with the con- dition of your shipment, you should inventory its parts.
The G1023SL/G1023SLX is a heavy machine, 430 lbs. shipping weight. DO NOT
Make sure your floor structure is capable of supporting the combined weight of the machine parts and the people.
Save all containers and packing materials until you are satisfied that your Model G1023SL/G1023SLX has arrived in good condition. Freight company adjusters will want to inspect those materials in the event that a freight claim must be made.
G1023SL/G1023SLX |