Hardware Contents
Guide Rail & Extension Wing Hardware Bag
Qty Description
8Special Rail Bolt (SM & Z)
8Fence Rail Spacer (SM & Z)
4 Flat Washer M10 (SM & Z)
4 Hex Nut
4 Fence Rail Plug (SM & Z)
6 Flat Washer M10 x M4 Thick
6 Hex Bolt
2 Hand Wheel Knob
Floor Stand Hardware Bag
Qty Description
40Carriage Bolt
4 Hex Bolt
48Flat Washer M8
44Hex Nut
4 Hex Bolt
4 Hex Nut
4 Flat Washer M10
4 Plastic Foot
4 Hex Bolt
4 Lock Washer #10 (ZX, ZFX, PRO)
Plastic Belt Guard Hardware Bag
Qty Description
1Hex Bolt
1Flat Washer 1Ú4"
1Wing Nut
1Plastic Belt Guard
Motor Mount Hardware Bag
Qty Description
4Hex Bolt
8 Flat Washer M8
4Hex Nut
In the event that any nonproprietary parts are missing (e.g. a nut or a washer), we would be glad to replace them, or for the sake of expedien- cy, replacements can be obtained at your local hardware store.
G1022 Series Contractor Saws |