7.Once the fence is adjusted, check the mea- surement pointer shown in Figure 36 and adjust if necessary.
Measurement Pointer
Figure 36. Adjust measurement pointer.
G1022Z Fence
(The Model G1022ZF, ZFX and PRO use a Shop Fox¨ fence. Please refer to the instruction manu- al included with the Shop Fox¨ fence for complete directions on adjusting the fence.)
The fence must engage and square up on the front rail before the rear clamp engages the back rail. In essence, the rear clamp should act as a secondary mechanism for maintaining fence position. When adjusted correctly, the lever lock should only begin to apply pressure on the back rail over the last
1.First, make sure the front clamp is engaging the front rail with the lock handle at
Adjusting Bolt
Check Nut
Figure 36B. Adjusting clamp mechanism.
2.Now slide the fence along the rail until it is aligned with the edge of the miter slot. Lock the fence down.
3.Loosen the rear lock adjustment, the slotted screw on the front of the fence shown in Figure 37, until the rear locking lever ceases to engage the rear rail with the fence in the locked position.
Rear Lock Adjustment
Figure 37. Rear lock adjustment screw.
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