Woodstock W1715 manual Fg\iXk`feK`gj, =`li\

Page 21



The following tips will help you safely and effectively operate your bandsaw and help you get the maximum life out of your saw blades.


›Use the work stop to quickly and accurately cut multiple pieces of stock to the same length (see


Clamp the material firmly in the vise jaws to ensure a straight cut through the material.

Allow the blade reach full speed before engaging the workpiece. Never start a cut with the blade in contact with the workpiece (see =`^li\)().

Chips should be curled and silvery. If the chips are thin and powder like, increase your feed rate (refer to the D\kXc:_`g@ejg\Zk`fe:_Xik on GX^\).).

If the chips are burned, reduce the blade speed.

Wait until the blade has completely stopped before removing the workpiece from the vise, and avoid touching the cut end—it could be very hot!


Workpieces that cannot be properly supported or stabilized without a vise should not be cut in the vertical position. Examples are chains, cables, round or oblong-shaped workpieces, workpieces with internal or built-in moving or rotating parts, etc.

Make sure that the vertical table assembly is securely fastened to the bandsaw frame so it will adequately support the workpiece.

Always keep your fingers away from the blade and always hold the workpiece securely in your hand (=`^li\))).

Adjust the blade guides as close as possible to the workpiece to minimize side-to-side blade movement.


Release the blade tension at the end of the day to prolong blade life.

=`^li\)'% Work stop and lever.

=`^li\)(% Proper bandsaw horizontal

starting position.

=`^li\))% Proper bandsaw vertical

starting position.



Image 21
Contents DLCGHB6CJ6A Page Metal Cutting Bandsaw Accessories General Cleaning LubricationWoodstock Technical Support NffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfik @EKIFLK@FEB68=C HE886IDCH Fne\ijDXelXcD%J`eZ\ FekifcjXe=\Xkli\j Jli\fg\iXk`fe`ejkilZk`fejXi\jX\XeZc\Xicple\ijkff% `ealipXqXijkflekiX`e\lj\ij%+% 8CN8PJCFBDF9@C98JJ@=LJ 9=FIFGI8K@ED8?@EIP%  D8BJLIL8IJ8I@EGC88ENFIBFIIKCP9=FILJ@ED8?@EIP%`k`feXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fejfi9XejXnj Vise 8mf``eGfk\ek`Xc@eali`\jOk\ej`fefij Fg\iXk`fe\Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej =`li\-%5-15 plug and receptacle@em\ekfip LegXZb`e@em\ekfip=`li\.  ?XinXi\9Xefkjfne\Xe`eDXZ`e\ DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ek=`li\0% Wheel installed with cotter pin Safety Glasses8jj\dYcp KffcjE\\\ HkpJklg Jklg Jklg \jkIle =`li\0% ON/OFF switch8Yfm\Xcc#pflijX\kpjflcZfd\`ijk \e\iXc=`li\ Fg\iXk`feK`gj\ik`ZXcFg\iXk`fe Disconnect Bandsaw from PowerNotch Safety Bracket Pin ?\XCfZb`eG`eKflj\k\\XcfZb`eg`e#fk\j\jk\gj1 Lj`ek\M`j\ CXdg`e8ec\jKffcjE\\\ 9cX\l`\j Adjustment Knob=\\IXk\ KfXaljkk\YcX\l`\j#fk\j\jk\gj9cX\Jg\\ \ckGfj`k`fe 9cX\Jg\\KfZXe\k\YcX\jg\\j#fk\j\jk\gj1 9cX\K\id`efcfp Model W1715 accepts only 1⁄2 x 0.025 x 641⁄2 blades 9cX\J\c\Zk`feHook or Claw Variable Pitch VP\kXc`g@ejg\Zk`feXik 9cX\ =\\8gg\XiXeZ\ \jZi`gk`fe Fcfi Jg\\ Gi\jjli\ 8Zk`fej \kXclkk`e9XejXn8ZZ\jjfi`\j Df\c.+,Ifcc\iJkXeJfg=foJX\kpcXjj\j ClYi`ZXk`fe \Xe`e=`li\+% Vise screw Gearbox Cover9cX\Xe\ KfZXe\k\YcX\fek\YXejXn#fk\j\jk\gj1GX\ 9cX\KiXZb`e =`li\+.% Adjusting the tracking hex boltJhlXi`e9cX\ 9cX\K\ej`fe9cX\l`\9\Xi`ej KfXaljkk\YcX\l`\Y\Xi`ej#fk\j\jk\gj1Jk\g KfZXe\k\M$Y\ck#fk\j\jk\gj1 Xe`eM$9\ck\Zki`ZXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej Wiring Diagram Color KEY\Zki`ZXcfdgfe\ekj `i`e`XiXdGround GIF9CD KiflYc\jffk`eBlades break often DX`e9i\Xbfne G8IKJDescription GXikjC`jkDescription Page Fne\ijDXelXcD%J`eZ\ Place Stamp Here N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah