Woodstock M1013 manual e\iXc, Fg\iXk`fe

Page 23




This machine will perform many types of operations that are beyond the scope of this manual. Many of these operations can be dangerous or deadly if performed incorrectly.

The instructions in this section are written with the understanding that the operator has the necessary knowledge and skills to operate this machine. @]XkXep k`d\pflXi\\og\i`\eZ`e^[`]]`Zlck`\jg\i]fid`e^Xep fg\iXk`fe#jkfglj`e^k_\dXZ_`e\

If you are an inexperienced operator, we strongly recommend that you read books or trade articles, or seek training from an experienced DXZ_`e\Kpg\ operator before performing any unfamiliar operations. 8Yfm\Xcc# pflijX]\kpj_flc[Zfd\]`ijk

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Before making cuts to the workpiece, it is important that all safety precautions and bandsaw adjustments are addressed.


(% Select and install the required blade (refer to 9cX[\J\c\Zk`fe on GX^\)+).

)% Select the required cutting speed (refer to 9cX[\ Jg\\[ on GX^\)*).

*% Raise and lock the headstock, so the blade is approximately 3" from the workpiece, and open the vise to accept the workpiece.

Note: NEVER let the saw blade rest on the workpiece without the saw running. Otherwise, you will permanently damage the saw blade!

+% Insert the workpiece into the vise, so the blade will contact the flattest part of the workpiece first, and clamp the workpiece in the vise.

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Image 23
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