Agilent Technologies 6814B, 6834B LISTDWELlPOINts?, LISTFREQuency, Related Commands Listdwel

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Language Dictionary - 3


This command sets the sequence of list dwell times. Each value represents the time in seconds that the output will remain at the particular list step point before completing the step. At the end of the dwell time, the output of the depends upon the following conditions:

υIf LIST:STEP AUTO has been programmed, the output automatically changes to the next point in the list.

υIf LIST:STEP ONCE has been programmed, the output remains at the present level until a trigger sequences the next point in the list.

The order in which the points are entered determines the sequence in which they are output when a list is triggered. Changing list data while a subsystem is in list mode generates an implied ABORt.

Command Syntax Parameters



Query Syntax

Returned Parameters

Related Commands

[SOURce:]LIST:DWELl <NRf+> {,<NRf+>}

3-phase models: 0 to 1.07533E6 MINimum MAXimum

1-phase models: 0 to 4.30133E5 MINimum MAXimum


LIST:DWEL 2.5,1.5,.5

[SOURce:]LIST:DWELl? <NR3> {,<NR3>}



This query returns the number of points specified in LIST:DWELl. Note that it returns only the total number of points, not the point values.

Query Syntax [SOURce:]LIST:DWELl:POINTs?

Returned Parameters <NR1>


Related Commands LIST:DWEL


This command sets the sequence of frequency list points. The frequency points are given in the command parameters, which are separated by commas. The order in which the points are entered determines the sequence in which they are output when a list is triggered. Changing list data while a subsystem is in list mode generates an implied ABORt.

Command Syntax [SOURce:]LIST:FREQuency[:LEVel] <NRf+> {,<NRf+>}


refer to Specifications Table in User’s Guide


HZ (hertz)


LIST:FREQ 55,60,65

Query Syntax


Returned Parameters

<NR3> {,<NR3>}

Related Commands



Image 73
Contents Programming Guide Printing History Safety SummaryTable of Contents System Considerations Language DictionaryMeasurement Subsystem Frequency Source Subsystem Function Source Subsystem Voltage 121 Programming ExamplesError Messages Scpi Command TreeScpi Conformance Information Elgar Model 9012 Compatibility167 IEC Mode Command SummaryIndex 181Earlier AC Source Models About this GuideDocumentation Summary Information about this Current modelExternal References Agilent VXIplug&play Power Products Instrument DriversScpi References Gpib ReferencesAccessing Online Help Downloading and Installing the DriverSystem Requirements Page RS-232 Capabilities of the AC Source Gpib Capabilities of the AC SourceGpib Address RS-232 Data FormatRS-232 Programming Example RS-232 TroubleshootingIntroduction to Scpi Types of Scpi CommandsConventions Used in This Guide Types of Scpi MessagesRoot Level Scpi Command TreeActive Header Path Moving Among Subsystems Effect of Optional HeadersUsing Queries Including Common CommandsCoupled Commands Structure of a Scpi MessageHeaders Combining Message UnitsMessage Unit Separator Query IndicatorRoot Specifier Message TerminatorNumerical Data Formats Scpi Data FormatsSuffixes and Multipliers Character DataAssigning the Gpib Address in Programs System ConsiderationsTypes of DOS Drivers Agilent 82335A DriverAgilent Basic Controllers Error HandlingPage Introduction Language DictionarySubsystem Subsystem CommandsSubsystem Syntax Calibration Subsystem CommandsCALibrateCURRentAC CalcurracCALibrateDATA CALibrateCURRentMEASureCALibrateIMPedance CALibrateLEVelCALibratePWMFREQuency CALibratePASSwordCALibratePWMRAMP CALibrateSAVECALibrateVOLTageAC CALibrateSTATeCALibrateVOLTageDC Calstat 1,6812 Calstat OFFCALibrateVOLTagePROTection CALibrateVOLTageOFFSetCALibrateVOLTageRTIMe DISPlay Display Subsystem CommandsDISPlayMODE DISPlayTEXTINSTrumentCOUPle Instrument SubsystemInstcoup ALL INSTrumentNSELect INSTrumentSELect MEASureARRayCURRent? FETChARRayCURRent? Measurement Subsystem ArraysMEASureARRayCURRentHARMonic? FETChARRayCURRentHARMonic? MEASureARRayCURRentNEUTral? FETChARRayCURRentNEUTral? MEASureARRayVOLTage? FETChARRayVOLTage? MEASureARRayVOLTageHARMonic? FETChARRayVOLTageHARMonic? MEASureCURRent? FETChCURRent? Measurement Subsystem CurrentMEASureCURRentACDC? FETChCURRentACDC? MEASureCURRentAC? FETChCURRentAC?MEASureCURRentHARMonic? FETChCURRentHARMonic? MEASureCURRentCREStfactor? FETChCURRentCREStfactor?Parameters Examples MEASureCURRentHARMonicTHD? FETChCURRentHARMonicTHD? MEASureCURRentHARMonicPHASe? FETChCURRentHARMonicPHASe?MEASureCURRentNEUTral? FETChCURRentNEUTral? MEASureCURRentNEUTralACDC? FETChCURRentNEUTralACDC? MEASureCURRentNEUTralAC? FETChCURRentNEUTralAC?MEASureCURRentNEUTralHARMonic? FETChCURRentNEUTralHARMonic? MEASCURRNEUTHARMPHAS? MEASureFREQuency? FETChFREQuency? Measurement Subsystem FrequencyMEASurePOWer? FETChPOWer? Measurement Subsystem PowerMEASurePOWerAC? FETChPOWerAC? MEASurePOWerACREACtive? FETChPOWerACREACtive? MEASurePOWerACAPParent? FETChPOWerACAPParent?MEASurePOWerACPFACtor? FETChPOWerACPFACtor? MEASurePOWerACTOTal? FETChPOWerACTOTal? MEASureVOLTage? FETChVOLTage? Measurement Subsystem VoltageMEASureVOLTageAC? FETChVOLTageAC? MEASureVOLTageHARMonic? FETChVOLTageHARMonic? MEASureVOLTageACDC? FETChVOLTageACDC?MEASureVOLTageHARMonicTHD? FETChVOLTageHARMonicTHD? MEASureVOLTageHARMonicPHASe? FETChVOLTageHARMonicPHASe?Output Subsystem Command SyntaxOUTPut OUTPutDFI OUTPutCOUPlingOUTPutDFISOURce Outpcoup DCOUTPutIMPedanceREAL OUTPutIMPedanceOUTPutIMPedanceREACtive OutpimprealOUTPutPONSTATe OUTPutPROTectionDELayOUTPutPROTectionCLEar Outpponstat RSTOUTPutTTLTrg OUTPutRIMODEOUTPutTTLTrgSOURce OutpttltSENSeCURRentACDCRANGe Sense SubsystemSENSeSWEepTINTerval SENSeSWEepOFFSetPOINtsSENSeWINDow Senswind KbesCURRent Source Subsystem CurrentCURRentPEAKMODE CURRentPEAKCurrpeakmode FIX CURRentPROTectionSTATe CURRentPEAKTRIGgeredFREQuency Source Subsystem FrequencyFREQuencyMODE FREQuencySLEWMODE FREQuencySLEWFREQencySLEWTRIGgered FREQuencyTRIGgered FUNCtion Source Subsystem FunctionFUNCtionTRIGgered FUNCtionMODEFuncmode FIX Query Syntax SOURceFUNCtionSHAPeMODE?Funccsin Funccsin 10 THD FUNCtionCSINusoidQuery Syntax SOURceFUNCtionSHAPeCSINusoid? List Source Subsystem ListLISTCOUNt Related Commands ListcurrLISTCURRent LISTCURRentPOINts?LISTDWELl Related Commands ListdwelLISTDWELlPOINts? LISTFREQuencyLISTFREQuencyPOINts? LISTPHASeLISTFREQuencySLEW LISTFREQuencySLEWPOINts?Related Commands Listphas LISTPHASePOINts?Related Commands Listshap LISTSHAPeLISTTTLTrg ListstepLISTTTLTrgPOINts? Liststep OnceLISTVOLTagePOINts? LISTVOLTageLISTVOLTageSLEW Query Syntax SOURceLISTVOLTageLEVelPOINTs?LISTVOLTageOFFSet LISTVOLTageSLEWPOINts?LISTVOLTageOFFSetPOINts? LISTVOLTSLEWPOIN?LISTVOLTageOFFSetSLEWPOINts? LISTVOLTageOFFSetSLEWQuery Syntax SOURceLISTVOLTageOFFSetSLEWPOINTs? PHASe Source Subsystem PhaseSubsystem Syntax PHASeTRIGgered PHASeMODEPULSeCOUNt Source Subsystem PulsePULSeDCYCle Pulshold Dcyc PULSeHOLDPULSeWIDTh PULSePERiodSource Subsystem Voltage VOLTageTRIGgered VOLTageVolt VOLTageOFFSet VOLTageMODEVOLTageOFFSetTRIGgered VOLTageOFFSetMODEVoltoffsmode FIX Query Syntax SOURceVOLTageOFFSetMODE?VOLTageOFFSetSLEWMODE VOLTageOFFSetSLEWVoltoffsslewmode Step Query Syntax SOURceVOLTageOFFSetSLEWMODE?VOLTagePROTection VOLTageOFFSetSLEWTRIGgeredVOLTagePROTectionSTATe VoltprotstatVOLTageRANGe Agilent 6814B, 6834B, 6843A Only Phase SelectableVOLTageSENSeDETector VOLTageALCDETector RTIMeVOLTageSLEW VOLTageSENSeSOURce VOLTageALCSOURceINTernal EXTernal VOLTageSLEWTRIGgered VOLTageSLEWMODEVoltslewmode Step Query Syntax SOURceVOLTageSLEWMODE?Status Subsystem STATusPRESetSTATusOPERationENABle Bit Configuration of Operation Status RegistersSTATusOPERation? STATusOPERationCONDition?Statoperntr STATusOPERationNTRansition STATusOPERationPTRansitionSTATusQUEStionable? Bit Configuration of Questionable Status RegistersSTATusQUEStionableCONDition? STATQUESEVEN?Query Syntax STATusQUEStionableENABle? STATusQUEStionableENABleNR1 register value Related Commands STATusQUEStionableNTRansition STATusQUEStionablePTRansitionSTATusQUEStionableINSTrumentISUMmary? Agilent 6834B Only Phase SelectableSTATusQUEStionableINSTrumentISUMmaryCONDition? STATusQUEStionableINSTrumentISUMmaryENABleSTATQUESINSTISUMCOND? Statquesinstisumenab101 StatquesinstisumntrSYSTemCONFigure System CommandsSystconf Norm SYSTemERRor? SYSTemCONFigureNOUTputsSYSTemVERSion? SystconfnoutSYSTemLOCal SYSTemLANGuageSYSTemREMote SYSTemRWLockTrace Subsystem Command Syntax Parameters Examples Query SyntaxTRACe DataTRACeCATalog? DATACATalog? Command Syntax Parameters Examples Related CommandsTRACeDEFine DATADEFine TRACeDELete DATADELete107 Trigger SubsystemINITiateSEQuence INITiateNAME ABORtAbor INITSEQ1 Initname ACQINITiateCONTinuousSEQuence INITiateCONTinuousNAME TRIGgerDELayTRIGger 109TRIGgerSOURce IMMediate PHASeTRIGgerSEQuence2SOURce TRIGgerSYNChronizeSOURce Gpib device, *TRG, or GET Group Execute TriggerCommand Syntax Parameters RST Value Examples Query Syntax TRIGgerSEQuence2PHASe TRIGgerSYNCHronizePHASeTRIGgerSEQuence3 TRIGgerACQuire 111112 TRIGgerSEQuence3SOURce TRIGgerACQuireSOURceCommon Commands Syntax Common Commands113 Command Syntax *CLS Parameters None Bit Configuration of Standard Event Status Enable RegisterCLS ESEIDN? ESR?OPC Field InformationPSC OPT?RCL RST SAV Command Syntax SAV NRf Parameters ExampleSRE NR1 register binary valueSTB? Bit Configuration of Status Byte RegisterTRG TST?WAI Programming the Output Power-on InitializationEnabling the Output OUTPut onMaximum Voltage AC Voltage and FrequencyVoltage Ranges Agilent 6814B/6834B/6843A only 122Waveform Shapes Voltage and Frequency Slew RatesClipped Waveform Individual Phases Agilent 6834B onlyUser-Defined Waveform 124Programming the Output Phase Selecting a PhaseCurrent Limit 125Peak Current Limit Agilent 6811B/6812B/6813B only DC Output Agilent 6811B/6812B/6813B only126 VOLTageOFFSet 300VOLTage VOLTageLEVel, VOLTageOFFSet, and FUNCtionSHAPeVOLTageRANGe CURRent 127VOLTageRANGe CURRent 10VOLTageRANGe Programming Output Transients128 Model of Transient System 129 Transient System ModelStep Example Step and Pulse Transients130 Step List Transients131 Scpi Triggering Nomenclature Triggering Output ChangesLISTCOUNt Sequence Form AliasModel of Output Triggers 133 Output Trigger System ModelSelecting the Output Trigger Source Initiating the Output Trigger SystemABORt *RST *RCL TRIGgerSEQuence1SOURce BUS TRIGgerTRANsientSOURce BUSSynchronizing Output Changes to a Reference Phase Angle Specifying a Trigger Delay135 Specifying a Dwell Time for Each List Point Generating Output TriggersSingle Triggers Continuous TriggersVoltage and Current Measurements Making Measurements137 Simultaneous Output Phase Measurements Agilent 6834B only Power MeasurementsHarmonic Measurements 138Returning Voltage and Current Data From the Data Buffer Triggering MeasurementsMeasurement Trigger System Model Selecting the Measurement Trigger Source Initiating the Measurement Trigger SystemINITiateIMMediateSEQuence3 or INITiateIMMediateNAME ACQuire 140Varying the Voltage and Current Sampling Rate Generating Measurement TriggersPre-event and Post-event Triggering 141Programming the Status Registers Power-On ConditionsOperation Status Group Status Byte and Service Request Enable Registers Bit SignalStandard Event Status Group 143Ac Source Status Model 144 Questionable Instrument Isummary Status Group Questionable Status Group145 PON Power On Bit Command ActionStandard Event Status Group 146Examples Status Byte RegisterMonitoring Both Phases of a Status Transition Programming the Trigger In and Trigger Out BNC ConnectorsTrigger In BNC Servicing Questionable Status EventsTrigger Out BNC Remote Inhibit and Discrete Fault Indicator149 Discrete Fault Indicator DFI Scpi Command CompletionRemote Inhibit RI 150151 Command Syntax152 Scpi Command Tree153 Scpi Command Tree aPage 155 Scpi Confirmed Commands156 Non Scpi CommandsError # Error Number List157 158 159 Page Main Board W1 Jumper Option Emulation Elgar Model 9012 Plug-in Programmer CompatibilitySyntax Compatibility 161Command Description Power-on StateStatus Model ByteFront Panel Operation ProtectionSystem Keys Function KeysEntry Keys E9012 Language Command SummaryTrigger Control key functions Device Clear Volts n Curl n Freq n RNG 0 Rngf 0 1165 Drop nPage 167 Using the SENSeCURRentACDCRANGe command168 Command SyntaxCALCulateSMOothing CALCulateINTegralTIME169 Vss delta Dmax limit CALCulateLIMitUPPerDc limit Dt tlimit Dt limit 170171 FORMat172 FORMatBORDerMEASureARRayCURRentHARMonic? 174 MEASureARRayVOLTageFLUCtuationsALL?175 Point Pst array176 MEASureARRayVOLTageFLUCtuationsFLICker?177 MEASureARRayVOLTageFLUCtuationsPST?178 SENSeCURRentPREFerence179 Slew Operation MEASureARRayCURRentPage 181 Index182 Index183 Scpi List Step 184QUEStionable INSTrument ISUMmary? 185Agilent Sales and Support Offices Manual Updates
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6812B, 6811B, 6813B, 6834B, 6843A specifications

Agilent Technologies, a leader in electronic test and measurement equipment, offers a range of powerful signal sources including the 6843A, 6834B, 6814B, 6813B, and 6811B models. These instruments are designed to support various applications in research, development, and manufacturing, providing precise signal generation capabilities.

The Agilent 6843A is a versatile signal generator known for its exceptional frequency range and modulation capabilities. It supports an extensive bandwidth, making it ideal for applications that require high-frequency signal generation. With its superior phase noise performance, the 6843A is an excellent choice for radar, wireless communications, and electronic warfare applications. The instrument features an intuitive user interface, allowing engineers to set parameters quickly and efficiently.

Next, the Agilent 6834B offers exceptional performance characteristics, including high output power and low distortion. This signal generator is particularly noted for its ability to produce complex modulation formats, making it suitable for testing advanced wireless communication systems. With a reliable and stable output, the 6834B ensures accurate and repeatable measurements, which is vital for thorough testing processes.

The 6814B model stands out for its dual-channel capabilities, allowing users to generate simultaneous signals for testing multiple components or systems. This feature significantly enhances testing efficiency and flexibility for engineers. With built-in arbitrary waveform functionality, users can create custom waveforms, making the 6814B suitable for a wide range of applications including device characterization and signal processing research.

For those seeking a more compact solution, the Agilent 6813B provides essential signal generation features without compromising on performance. It is designed for a variety of applications across telecommunications and consumer electronics, featuring a straightforward interface and robust performance metrics.

Lastly, the 6811B is an entry-level yet capable model that supports a broad spectrum of testing needs. Perfect for educational and laboratory environments, it provides essential functionalities required for effective signal generation and analysis.

Overall, Agilent Technologies' 6843A, 6834B, 6814B, 6813B, and 6811B signal generators offer an array of features and technologies that cater to various application needs. Their precision, reliability, and user-oriented designs position them as invaluable assets in any testing environment, ensuring engineers can carry out their work with confidence and accuracy.