Agilent Technologies 6843A, 6834B, 6814B, 6813B, 6811B, 6812B manual Programming Examples, 121

Page 8

Trigger Subsystem


Subsystem Syntax




INITiate:SEQuence INITiate:NAME


INITiate:CONTinuous:SEQuence INITiate:CONTinuous:NAME








TRIGger:SEQuence2:SOURce TRIGger:SYNChronize:SOURce


TRIGger:SEQuence2:PHASe TRIGger:SYNCHronize:PHASe


TRIGger:SEQuence3 TRIGger:ACQuire


TRIGger:SEQuence3:SOURce TRIGger:ACQuire:SOURce


TRIGger:SEQuence1:DEFine TRIGger:SEQuence2:DEFine TRIGger:SEQuence3:DEFine


Common Commands


Common Commands Syntax






Bit Configuration of Standard Event Status Enable Register






















Bit Configuration of Status Byte Register












Programming the Output


Power-on Initialization


Enabling the Output


AC Voltage and Frequency


Voltage and Frequency Slew Rates


Waveform Shapes


Individual Phases (Agilent 6834B only)


Current Limit


DC Output (Agilent 6811B/6812B/6813B only)


Coupled Commands


Programming Output Transients


Transient System Model


Step and Pulse Transients


List Transients


Triggering Output Changes


SCPI Triggering Nomenclature


Output Trigger System Model


Initiating the Output Trigger System


Selecting the Output Trigger Source



Image 8
Contents Programming Guide Safety Summary Printing HistoryTable of Contents Language Dictionary System ConsiderationsMeasurement Subsystem Frequency Source Subsystem Function Source Subsystem Voltage Programming Examples 121Scpi Command Tree Error MessagesScpi Conformance Information Elgar Model 9012 CompatibilityIEC Mode Command Summary 167Index 181About this Guide Earlier AC Source ModelsDocumentation Summary Information about this Current modelAgilent VXIplug&play Power Products Instrument Drivers External ReferencesScpi References Gpib ReferencesSystem Requirements Downloading and Installing the DriverAccessing Online Help Page Gpib Capabilities of the AC Source RS-232 Capabilities of the AC SourceGpib Address RS-232 Data FormatRS-232 Troubleshooting RS-232 Programming ExampleTypes of Scpi Commands Introduction to ScpiConventions Used in This Guide Types of Scpi MessagesActive Header Path Scpi Command TreeRoot Level Effect of Optional Headers Moving Among SubsystemsIncluding Common Commands Using QueriesCoupled Commands Structure of a Scpi MessageCombining Message Units HeadersQuery Indicator Message Unit SeparatorRoot Specifier Message TerminatorScpi Data Formats Numerical Data FormatsSuffixes and Multipliers Character DataSystem Considerations Assigning the Gpib Address in ProgramsTypes of DOS Drivers Agilent 82335A DriverError Handling Agilent Basic ControllersPage Language Dictionary IntroductionSubsystem Commands SubsystemCalibration Subsystem Commands Subsystem SyntaxCALibrateCURRentAC CalcurracCALibrateCURRentMEASure CALibrateDATACALibrateIMPedance CALibrateLEVelCALibratePASSword CALibratePWMFREQuencyCALibratePWMRAMP CALibrateSAVECALibrateSTATe CALibrateVOLTageACCALibrateVOLTageDC Calstat 1,6812 Calstat OFFCALibrateVOLTageRTIMe CALibrateVOLTageOFFSetCALibrateVOLTagePROTection Display Subsystem Commands DISPlayDISPlayMODE DISPlayTEXTInstcoup ALL Instrument SubsystemINSTrumentCOUPle INSTrumentNSELect INSTrumentSELect Measurement Subsystem Arrays MEASureARRayCURRent? FETChARRayCURRent?MEASureARRayCURRentHARMonic? FETChARRayCURRentHARMonic? MEASureARRayCURRentNEUTral? FETChARRayCURRentNEUTral? MEASureARRayVOLTage? FETChARRayVOLTage? MEASureARRayVOLTageHARMonic? FETChARRayVOLTageHARMonic? Measurement Subsystem Current MEASureCURRent? FETChCURRent?MEASureCURRentAC? FETChCURRentAC? MEASureCURRentACDC? FETChCURRentACDC?Parameters Examples MEASureCURRentCREStfactor? FETChCURRentCREStfactor?MEASureCURRentHARMonic? FETChCURRentHARMonic? MEASureCURRentNEUTral? FETChCURRentNEUTral? MEASureCURRentHARMonicPHASe? FETChCURRentHARMonicPHASe?MEASureCURRentHARMonicTHD? FETChCURRentHARMonicTHD? MEASureCURRentNEUTralHARMonic? FETChCURRentNEUTralHARMonic? MEASureCURRentNEUTralAC? FETChCURRentNEUTralAC?MEASureCURRentNEUTralACDC? FETChCURRentNEUTralACDC? MEASCURRNEUTHARMPHAS? Measurement Subsystem Frequency MEASureFREQuency? FETChFREQuency?MEASurePOWerAC? FETChPOWerAC? Measurement Subsystem PowerMEASurePOWer? FETChPOWer? MEASurePOWerACPFACtor? FETChPOWerACPFACtor? MEASurePOWerACAPParent? FETChPOWerACAPParent?MEASurePOWerACREACtive? FETChPOWerACREACtive? MEASurePOWerACTOTal? FETChPOWerACTOTal? MEASureVOLTageAC? FETChVOLTageAC? Measurement Subsystem VoltageMEASureVOLTage? FETChVOLTage? MEASureVOLTageACDC? FETChVOLTageACDC? MEASureVOLTageHARMonic? FETChVOLTageHARMonic?MEASureVOLTageHARMonicPHASe? FETChVOLTageHARMonicPHASe? MEASureVOLTageHARMonicTHD? FETChVOLTageHARMonicTHD?OUTPut Command SyntaxOutput Subsystem OUTPutCOUPling OUTPutDFIOUTPutDFISOURce Outpcoup DCOUTPutIMPedance OUTPutIMPedanceREALOUTPutIMPedanceREACtive OutpimprealOUTPutPROTectionDELay OUTPutPONSTATeOUTPutPROTectionCLEar Outpponstat RSTOUTPutRIMODE OUTPutTTLTrgOUTPutTTLTrgSOURce OutpttltSense Subsystem SENSeCURRentACDCRANGeSENSeSWEepOFFSetPOINts SENSeSWEepTINTervalSENSeWINDow Senswind KbesSource Subsystem Current CURRentCurrpeakmode FIX CURRentPEAKCURRentPEAKMODE CURRentPEAKTRIGgered CURRentPROTectionSTATeFREQuencyMODE Source Subsystem FrequencyFREQuency FREQencySLEWTRIGgered FREQuencySLEWFREQuencySLEWMODE FREQuencyTRIGgered Source Subsystem Function FUNCtionFUNCtionMODE FUNCtionTRIGgeredFuncmode FIX Query Syntax SOURceFUNCtionSHAPeMODE?Query Syntax SOURceFUNCtionSHAPeCSINusoid? FUNCtionCSINusoidFunccsin Funccsin 10 THD Source Subsystem List ListRelated Commands Listcurr LISTCOUNtLISTCURRent LISTCURRentPOINts?Related Commands Listdwel LISTDWELlLISTDWELlPOINts? LISTFREQuencyLISTPHASe LISTFREQuencyPOINts?LISTFREQuencySLEW LISTFREQuencySLEWPOINts?LISTPHASePOINts? Related Commands ListphasRelated Commands Listshap LISTSHAPeListstep LISTTTLTrgLISTTTLTrgPOINts? Liststep OnceLISTVOLTage LISTVOLTagePOINts?LISTVOLTageSLEW Query Syntax SOURceLISTVOLTageLEVelPOINTs?LISTVOLTageSLEWPOINts? LISTVOLTageOFFSetLISTVOLTageOFFSetPOINts? LISTVOLTSLEWPOIN?Query Syntax SOURceLISTVOLTageOFFSetSLEWPOINTs? LISTVOLTageOFFSetSLEWLISTVOLTageOFFSetSLEWPOINts? Subsystem Syntax Source Subsystem PhasePHASe PHASeMODE PHASeTRIGgeredPULSeDCYCle Source Subsystem PulsePULSeCOUNt PULSeHOLD Pulshold DcycPULSePERiod PULSeWIDThSource Subsystem Voltage Volt VOLTageVOLTageTRIGgered VOLTageMODE VOLTageOFFSetVOLTageOFFSetMODE VOLTageOFFSetTRIGgeredVoltoffsmode FIX Query Syntax SOURceVOLTageOFFSetMODE?VOLTageOFFSetSLEW VOLTageOFFSetSLEWMODEVoltoffsslewmode Step Query Syntax SOURceVOLTageOFFSetSLEWMODE?VOLTageOFFSetSLEWTRIGgered VOLTagePROTectionVOLTagePROTectionSTATe VoltprotstatAgilent 6814B, 6834B, 6843A Only Phase Selectable VOLTageRANGeVOLTageSENSeDETector VOLTageALCDETector RTIMeINTernal EXTernal VOLTageSENSeSOURce VOLTageALCSOURceVOLTageSLEW VOLTageSLEWMODE VOLTageSLEWTRIGgeredVoltslewmode Step Query Syntax SOURceVOLTageSLEWMODE?STATusPRESet Status SubsystemBit Configuration of Operation Status Registers STATusOPERationENABleSTATusOPERation? STATusOPERationCONDition?STATusOPERationNTRansition STATusOPERationPTRansition StatoperntrBit Configuration of Questionable Status Registers STATusQUEStionable?STATusQUEStionableCONDition? STATQUESEVEN?STATusQUEStionableENABle Query Syntax STATusQUEStionableENABle?NR1 register value Related Commands STATusQUEStionableNTRansition STATusQUEStionablePTRansitionAgilent 6834B Only Phase Selectable STATusQUEStionableINSTrumentISUMmary?STATusQUEStionableINSTrumentISUMmaryENABle STATusQUEStionableINSTrumentISUMmaryCONDition?STATQUESINSTISUMCOND? StatquesinstisumenabStatquesinstisumntr 101Systconf Norm System CommandsSYSTemCONFigure SYSTemCONFigureNOUTputs SYSTemERRor?SYSTemVERSion? SystconfnoutSYSTemLANGuage SYSTemLOCalSYSTemREMote SYSTemRWLockCommand Syntax Parameters Examples Query Syntax Trace SubsystemTRACe DataCommand Syntax Parameters Examples Related Commands TRACeCATalog? DATACATalog?TRACeDEFine DATADEFine TRACeDELete DATADELeteTrigger Subsystem 107ABORt INITiateSEQuence INITiateNAMEAbor INITSEQ1 Initname ACQTRIGgerDELay INITiateCONTinuousSEQuence INITiateCONTinuousNAMETRIGger 109IMMediate PHASe TRIGgerSOURceTRIGgerSEQuence2SOURce TRIGgerSYNChronizeSOURce Gpib device, *TRG, or GET Group Execute TriggerTRIGgerSEQuence2PHASe TRIGgerSYNCHronizePHASe Command Syntax Parameters RST Value Examples Query SyntaxTRIGgerSEQuence3 TRIGgerACQuire 111TRIGgerSEQuence3SOURce TRIGgerACQuireSOURce 112113 Common CommandsCommon Commands Syntax Bit Configuration of Standard Event Status Enable Register Command Syntax *CLS Parameters NoneCLS ESEESR? IDN?OPC Field InformationRCL OPT?PSC RST Command Syntax SAV NRf Parameters Example SAVSRE NR1 register binary valueBit Configuration of Status Byte Register STB?TRG TST?WAI Power-on Initialization Programming the OutputEnabling the Output OUTPut onAC Voltage and Frequency Maximum VoltageVoltage Ranges Agilent 6814B/6834B/6843A only 122Voltage and Frequency Slew Rates Waveform ShapesIndividual Phases Agilent 6834B only Clipped WaveformUser-Defined Waveform 124Selecting a Phase Programming the Output PhaseCurrent Limit 125126 DC Output Agilent 6811B/6812B/6813B onlyPeak Current Limit Agilent 6811B/6812B/6813B only VOLTageLEVel, VOLTageOFFSet, and FUNCtionSHAPe VOLTageOFFSet 300VOLTageVOLTageRANGe CURRent 127128 Programming Output TransientsVOLTageRANGe CURRent 10VOLTageRANGe Transient System Model Model of Transient System 129130 Step and Pulse TransientsStep Example 131 List TransientsStep Triggering Output Changes Scpi Triggering NomenclatureLISTCOUNt Sequence Form AliasOutput Trigger System Model Model of Output Triggers 133Initiating the Output Trigger System Selecting the Output Trigger SourceABORt *RST *RCL TRIGgerSEQuence1SOURce BUS TRIGgerTRANsientSOURce BUS135 Specifying a Trigger DelaySynchronizing Output Changes to a Reference Phase Angle Generating Output Triggers Specifying a Dwell Time for Each List PointSingle Triggers Continuous Triggers137 Making MeasurementsVoltage and Current Measurements Power Measurements Simultaneous Output Phase Measurements Agilent 6834B onlyHarmonic Measurements 138Measurement Trigger System Model Triggering MeasurementsReturning Voltage and Current Data From the Data Buffer Initiating the Measurement Trigger System Selecting the Measurement Trigger SourceINITiateIMMediateSEQuence3 or INITiateIMMediateNAME ACQuire 140Generating Measurement Triggers Varying the Voltage and Current Sampling RatePre-event and Post-event Triggering 141Operation Status Group Power-On ConditionsProgramming the Status Registers Bit Signal Status Byte and Service Request Enable RegistersStandard Event Status Group 143Ac Source Status Model 144 145 Questionable Status GroupQuestionable Instrument Isummary Status Group Command Action PON Power On BitStandard Event Status Group 146Status Byte Register ExamplesProgramming the Trigger In and Trigger Out BNC Connectors Monitoring Both Phases of a Status TransitionTrigger In BNC Servicing Questionable Status Events149 Remote Inhibit and Discrete Fault IndicatorTrigger Out BNC Scpi Command Completion Discrete Fault Indicator DFIRemote Inhibit RI 150Command Syntax 151Scpi Command Tree 152Scpi Command Tree a 153Page Scpi Confirmed Commands 155Non Scpi Commands 156157 Error Number ListError # 158 159 Page Elgar Model 9012 Plug-in Programmer Compatibility Main Board W1 Jumper Option EmulationSyntax Compatibility 161Power-on State Command DescriptionStatus Model ByteProtection Front Panel OperationSystem Keys Function KeysE9012 Language Command Summary Entry KeysTrigger Control key functions Device Clear Volts n Curl n Freq n RNG 0 Rngf 0 1Drop n 165Page Using the SENSeCURRentACDCRANGe command 167Command Syntax 168169 CALCulateINTegralTIMECALCulateSMOothing CALCulateLIMitUPPer Vss delta Dmax limitDc limit Dt tlimit Dt limit 170FORMat 171FORMatBORDer 172MEASureARRayCURRentHARMonic? MEASureARRayVOLTageFLUCtuationsALL? 174Point Pst array 175MEASureARRayVOLTageFLUCtuationsFLICker? 176MEASureARRayVOLTageFLUCtuationsPST? 177SENSeCURRentPREFerence 178Slew Operation MEASureARRayCURRent 179Page Index 181Index 182183 184 Scpi List Step185 QUEStionable INSTrument ISUMmary?Agilent Sales and Support Offices Manual Updates
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6812B, 6811B, 6813B, 6834B, 6843A specifications

Agilent Technologies, a leader in electronic test and measurement equipment, offers a range of powerful signal sources including the 6843A, 6834B, 6814B, 6813B, and 6811B models. These instruments are designed to support various applications in research, development, and manufacturing, providing precise signal generation capabilities.

The Agilent 6843A is a versatile signal generator known for its exceptional frequency range and modulation capabilities. It supports an extensive bandwidth, making it ideal for applications that require high-frequency signal generation. With its superior phase noise performance, the 6843A is an excellent choice for radar, wireless communications, and electronic warfare applications. The instrument features an intuitive user interface, allowing engineers to set parameters quickly and efficiently.

Next, the Agilent 6834B offers exceptional performance characteristics, including high output power and low distortion. This signal generator is particularly noted for its ability to produce complex modulation formats, making it suitable for testing advanced wireless communication systems. With a reliable and stable output, the 6834B ensures accurate and repeatable measurements, which is vital for thorough testing processes.

The 6814B model stands out for its dual-channel capabilities, allowing users to generate simultaneous signals for testing multiple components or systems. This feature significantly enhances testing efficiency and flexibility for engineers. With built-in arbitrary waveform functionality, users can create custom waveforms, making the 6814B suitable for a wide range of applications including device characterization and signal processing research.

For those seeking a more compact solution, the Agilent 6813B provides essential signal generation features without compromising on performance. It is designed for a variety of applications across telecommunications and consumer electronics, featuring a straightforward interface and robust performance metrics.

Lastly, the 6811B is an entry-level yet capable model that supports a broad spectrum of testing needs. Perfect for educational and laboratory environments, it provides essential functionalities required for effective signal generation and analysis.

Overall, Agilent Technologies' 6843A, 6834B, 6814B, 6813B, and 6811B signal generators offer an array of features and technologies that cater to various application needs. Their precision, reliability, and user-oriented designs position them as invaluable assets in any testing environment, ensuring engineers can carry out their work with confidence and accuracy.