Adjusting Tailstock
I]ZiV^ahidX`VY_jhih^ci]ZhVbZbVccZgVhi]Z ]ZVYhidX`#
To position the tailstock along the length of the bed:
1.AddhZci]ZiV^ahidX`adX`aZkZgVcYbdkZi]Z iV^ahidX` id i]Z YZh^gZY edh^i^dc Vadc\ i]Z WZY!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 19#
Figure 19.IV^ahidX`adX`aZkZgadXVi^dc#
2.GZ"Zc\V\Zi]ZiV^ahidX`adX`aZkZgidhZXjgZ i]ZiV^ahidX`idi]ZWZY#
Note: The large clamping hex nut underneath the tailstock will require occasional adjusting to ensure proper clamping pressure of the tailstock to the bed. Turn this hex nut in small increments to fine tune the clamping pres- sure as needed.
Always operate the lathe with the tailstock firmly locked to the bed. Otherwise, serious personal injury may occur by the tailstock moving during operation and the workpiece being ejected at high speed.
Adjusting Tool Rest
I]Z idda gZhi VhhZbWan dc i]Z BdYZa <%,(( ]Vh ild VY_jhiVWaZ XdbedcZcih! id egdk^YZ i]Z hV[Zhi VcY bdhi hiVWaZ edh^i^dc l]Zc deZgVi^c\ i]ZaVi]Z#I]ZiddagZhiWVhZVY_jhih^ci]ZhVbZ bVccZgVhi]Z]ZVYhidX`VcYiV^ahidX`#I]Zidda gZhi e^kdih VcY bVn WZ VY_jhiZY kZgi^XVaan ^c i]Z iddagZhiWVhZ#
To position the tool rest assembly along the length of the lathe bed:
1. AddhZc i]Z idda gZhi WVhZ adX` ]VcYaZ VcY |
bdkZ i]Z idda gZhi VhhZbWan id i]Z YZh^gZY |
edh^i^dc dc i]Z aVi]Z WZY! Vh h]dlc ^c |
Figure 20# |
IddaGZhi |
IddaGZhi |
AdX`=VcYaZ |
IddaGZhi7VhZ |
AdX`AZkZg |
Figure 20.IddagZhiXdcigdah# |
2. GZ"Zc\V\Z i]Z idda gZhi WVhZ adX` aZkZg id
Note: The large clamping hex nut underneath the tool rest base will require occasional adjusting to ensure proper clamping pressure of the tool rest assembly to the bed. Turn this hex nut in small increments to fine tune the clamping pressure as needed.