Grizzly G0733 owner manual Outboard Turning, Mounting Workpiece to Backing Block

Page 32

Figure 40.Ine^XVaViiVX]bZcid[[VXZeaViZid



Only use screws with non-tapered heads (see Figure 41) to attach the faceplate to the workpiece. Screws with tapered heads can split the faceplate or snap off during operation.


Figure 41.8dggZXiVcY^cXdggZXihXgZlineZh#

3. I]gZVY VcY hZXjgZ i]Z [VXZeaViZ dcid i]Z ]ZVYhidX` he^cYaZ gZ[Zg id Headstock Faceplate dc Page 25 [dg [VXZeaViZ bdjci" ^c\^chigjXi^dch#

>[ lddY hXgZlh XVccdi WZ eaVXZY ^c i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ! i]Z [VXZeaViZ XVc WZ bdjci" ZY id V WVX`^c\ WadX` ViiVX]ZY id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZhZZMounting the Workpiece to a Backing Block#


Mounting Workpiece to Backing Block

1. BV`Zi]ZWVX`^c\WadX`[gdbVhj^iVWaZh^oZ e^ZXZd[hXgVelddY#

Note: The faces of the backing block must be flat and parallel to each other, or the uneven surfaces will cause the workpiece to spin eccentricly, causing unnecessary vibration and runout. It is best to mount the backing block to the faceplate and turn the other sur- face flat prior to mounting.

2. AdXViZ VcY bVg` i]Z XZciZg d[ Wdi] i]Z ldg`e^ZXZVcYWVX`^c\WadX`#

3. 9g^aa V &¿) ]daZ i]gdj\] i]Z XZciZg d[ i]Z WVX`^c\WadX`#

4.Add` i]gdj\] i]Z ]daZ ^c i]Z WVX`^c\ WadX` ida^cZjei]ZXZciZgl^i]i]Zldg`e^ZXZVcY \ajZ VcY XaVbe i]Z WVX`^c\ WadX` id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ#

Note: Allow the glue to cure according to the manufacturer's instructions.

5.;daadl Steps 1–3 jcYZg Mounting the Workpiece onto the Faceplate hZZ Page 33 id ViiVX] i]Z WVX`^c\ WadX` id i]Z [VXZ" eaViZ#

Outboard Turning

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Image 32
Contents Model G0733 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction Manual Accuracy Contact InfoMachine Description NdjgBVXcZ7ZaiIZchdc =ZVYhidX` AZkZg VXZeaViZ=VcYlZZa AZkZgGlossary Of Terms FaceplateIZbZiVaYhXiViigZVYhdcidiZ ZVYhidX`hecYaZ#Heec\9bZchdch IVahidX`cdgbVidc Safety Safety Instructions for MachineryDWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZc ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc#Additional Safety for Wood Lathes Power Supply AvailabilityFull-Load Current Rating Circuit InformationGrounding Requirements Extension CordsMinimum Gauge Size 14 AWG 50 ftSetup Needed for SetupUnpacking Description Qty AViZ6hhZbWan InventoryInventory Figures 3-6Qty Site Considerations CleanupMounting Bolting to Concrete FloorsBasic steps for removing rust preventative  EjidchVZin\aVhhZh#Hjeedgi7adX` Assembly¿ Disconnecting Power Power ConnectionConnecting Power Test Run  8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ#Operations Operation OverviewXjiic\# Basic ControlsJaanWZ\chiZijgcc\deZgVidc!`ZZec\iZ To position the headstock along the length of the lathe bed Adjusting HeadstockStock Inspection Requirements To position the tailstock along the length of the bed Adjusting TailstockAdjusting Tool Rest Installing/Removing Headstock Center Installing the Headstock CenterRemoving the Headstock Center @cdX`djiIddaInstalling/Removing Tailstock Center Installing the Tailstock CenterInstalling Faceplate Changing Speed RangesBdidgiZchdcc\VcYaZVcYiZchdc AdX`VcYaZ# EjaaZn 9ZaZXidcIndexing Spindle TurningZcXZ!hjXVhXadX`VXZhdgcaVnh# CXgZbZcih!VhhdlccFigures 33-34#Ldg`eZXZ 8ZciZg hZZ Adjusting Tool Rest dc Page 23#WZbdjciZYdciZZVYhidX`hejgXZciZg# Faceplate Turning Spindle Turning TipsMounting the Workpiece onto the Faceplate  BVg`iZldg`eZXZXZciZgciZhVbZbVcOutboard Turning Mounting Workpiece to Backing BlockHVcYeVeZg Ldg`eZXZ Sanding/FinishingTo outboard turn on the Model G0733 Selecting Turning Tools mVbeaZdV\dj\Z#Accessories H7940-3-pc. Lathe Scraper SetBdYZa.,-&+HiVcaZhhHiZZa 8VaeZgh# H6267-11⁄4 x 8 TPI Chuck Recommended Metal ProtectantsG5683-Magnetic Base Light Maintenance Cleaning Lathe BedSchedule LubricationService TroubleshootingMotor & Electrical Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcSymptom Possible Cause Corrective Action Wood Lathe OperationChanging Belt To change the beltChiVaaiZcZlWZaiWngZkZghc\Step 7ZaiIZchdcWiring Wiring Safety InstructionsShock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc XdbedcZcih#RPM Readout Board Wiring DiagramRPM Sensor Wiring Components Inverter box and motor box locationsStand & Bed Parts Breakdown Stand & Bed Parts List PartsHeadstock Parts Breakdown Headstock Parts List Label Placement 10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY