Figure 40.Ine^XVaViiVX]bZcid[[VXZeaViZid
Only use screws with
Figure 41.8dggZXiVcY^cXdggZXihXgZlineZh#
3. I]gZVY VcY hZXjgZ i]Z [VXZeaViZ dcid i]Z ]ZVYhidX` he^cYaZ gZ[Zg id Headstock Faceplate dc Page 25 [dg [VXZeaViZ bdjci" ^c\^chigjXi^dch#
>[ lddY hXgZlh XVccdi WZ eaVXZY ^c i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ! i]Z [VXZeaViZ XVc WZ bdjci" ZY id V WVX`^c\ WadX` ViiVX]ZY id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZhZZMounting the Workpiece to a Backing Block#
Mounting Workpiece to Backing Block
1. BV`Zi]ZWVX`^c\WadX`[gdbVhj^iVWaZh^oZ e^ZXZd[hXgVelddY#
Note: The faces of the backing block must be flat and parallel to each other, or the uneven surfaces will cause the workpiece to spin eccentricly, causing unnecessary vibration and runout. It is best to mount the backing block to the faceplate and turn the other sur- face flat prior to mounting.
2. AdXViZ VcY bVg` i]Z XZciZg d[ Wdi] i]Z ldg`e^ZXZVcYWVX`^c\WadX`#
3. 9g^aa V &¿) ]daZ i]gdj\] i]Z XZciZg d[ i]Z WVX`^c\WadX`#
4.Add` i]gdj\] i]Z ]daZ ^c i]Z WVX`^c\ WadX` ida^cZjei]ZXZciZgl^i]i]Zldg`e^ZXZVcY \ajZ VcY XaVbe i]Z WVX`^c\ WadX` id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ#
Note: Allow the glue to cure according to the manufacturer's instructions.
5.;daadl Steps
Outboard Turning
DjiWdVgYijgc^c\^hVkVg^Vi^dcd[[VXZeaViZijgc^c\ VcY^hVXXdbea^h]ZYl^i]i]Z]ZVYhidX`edh^i^dcZY hdi]Z[VXZeaViZ^hcdiY^gZXiandkZgi]ZWZY!Vaadl" ^c\VaVg\Zgijgc^c\XVeVX^ini]Vci]Zhl^c\heZX^" [^XVi^dcd[i]ZaVi]Z#Dci]Z<%,((!i]ZbVm^bjb ldg`e^ZXZY^VbZiZgi]ViXVchV[ZanWZdjiWdVgY" ijgcZY^ha^b^iZYid&,#
I]Z dcan lVn id gdiViZ i]Z ]ZVYhidX` dc i]^h bVX]^cZ^hidgZbdkZ^i[gdbi]ZWZY[^ghi!l]^X] XVc WZ V ]ZVkn VcY XjbWZghdbZ iVh`# 6 bjX] h^beaZg VaiZgcVi^kZ id gZbdk^c\ i]Z ]ZVYhidX` ^h id h^bean gZbdkZ i]Z iV^ahidX` VcY ha^YZ i]Z ]ZVYhidX` id i]Z di]Zg ZcY d[ i]Z WZY# I]^h l^aa edh^i^dc i]Z he^cYaZ hd ^i ^h cdi Y^gZXian dkZg i]Z WZY l]ZgZWn djiWdVgY ijgc^c\ XVc hV[Zan WZ VXXdbea^h]ZY#