Some aftermarket accessories can be installed on this machine that could cause it to function improperly, increasing the risk of serious personal injury. To minimize this risk, only install accessories recommended for this machine by Grizzly.
Refer to the newest copy of the Grizzly Catalog for other accessories available for this machine.
Sovereign Turning System
HdkZgZ^\c ^h V cZl ]VcYaZ VcY idda hnhiZb Vaadl^c\ i]Z ijgcZg id Xjhidb^oZ i]Z iddah i]Zn cZZY[dgi]ZineZd[ijgc^c\i]ZnYd#HdaYl^i]dg
Figure 48.HdkZgZ^\c&+VcY'']VcYaZh#
Figure 49.H]de;dm*"eX#X]^hZahZi#
H7940—3-pc. Lathe Scraper Set
I]^hhZi^h^YZVa[dgWdlaijgc^c\VcYYZiV^aldg`# :VX] X]^hZa bZVhjgZh gdj\]an &+ adc\ l^i] &% Vh] ]VcYaZh VcY ]^\] heZZY hiZZa WaVYZh# HZi ^cXajYZh dcZ gdjcY! dcZ XjgkZY! VcY dcZ .% XdgcZgX]^hZa#
Figure 50.(eX#hXgVeZghZi#