To outboard turn on the Model G0733:
2. GZbdkZi]ZiV^ahidX`VcYiddaWVhZ[gdbi]Z bVX]^cZWngZbdk^c\i]Z]ZmcjihVcYXaVbe lVh]ZghadXViZYjcYZgcZVi]i]ZVhhZbWa^Zh! i]Zca^[i^c\i]Zb[gdbi]ZaVi]ZWZY#
3. AddhZc i]Z ]ZVYhidX`! i]Zc bdkZ ^i Vaa i]Z lVnidi]ZiV^aZcYd[i]ZaVi]ZWZY!Vhh]dlc ^cFigure 42#
Figure 42. Lathe prepared for outboard turning.
4. GZ"i^\]iZci]Z]ZVYhidX`idi]ZWZY#
6[iZg i]Z ijgc^c\ deZgVi^dch VgZ XdbeaZiZ! i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ XVc WZ hVcYZY VcY [^c^h]ZY WZ[dgZ gZbdk^c\ ^i [gdb i]Z aVi]Z! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 43#
Figure 43.Ine^XVahVcY^c\deZgVi^dc#
Note: Whenever sanding or finishing, move the tool rest holder out of the way to increase per- sonal safety and gain adequate working room.
When outboard turning, ALWAYS use a floor mounted tool rest and keep the tool in con- tact with the rest during all turning opera- tions. Failure to do so could cause the tool to be pulled out of the operator's control and ejected at high speed.
Wrapping the sandpa- per completely around the workpiece could pull your hands into the mov- ing workpiece and may cause serious injury. Never wrap sandpaper or finishing materials completely around the workpiece.