Grizzly G0733 owner manual Site Considerations

Page 16

Site Considerations

Weight Load

GZ[Zgidi]ZMachine Data Sheet[dgi]ZlZ^\]i d[ndjgbVX]^cZ#BV`ZhjgZi]Vii]Zhjg[VXZjedc l]^X]i]ZbVX]^cZ^heaVXZYl^aaWZVgi]ZlZ^\]i d[i]ZbVX]^cZ!VYY^i^dcVaZfj^ebZcii]VibVnWZ ^chiVaaZYdci]ZbVX]^cZ!VcYi]Z]ZVk^Zhildg`" e^ZXZi]Vil^aaWZjhZY#6YY^i^dcVaan!Xdch^YZgi]Z lZ^\]i d[ i]Z deZgVidg VcY Vcn YncVb^X adVY^c\ i]VibVndXXjgl]ZcdeZgVi^c\i]ZbVX]^cZ#

Space Allocation

8dch^YZg i]Z aVg\Zhi h^oZ d[ ldg`e^ZXZ i]Vi l^aa WZ egdXZhhZY i]gdj\] i]^h bVX]^cZ VcY egdk^YZ Zcdj\] heVXZ VgdjcY i]Z bVX]^cZ [dg VYZfjViZ deZgVidg bViZg^Va ]VcYa^c\ dg i]Z ^chiVaaVi^dc d[ Vjm^a^VgnZfj^ebZci#L^i]eZgbVcZci^chiVaaVi^dch! aZVkZZcdj\]heVXZVgdjcYi]ZbVX]^cZiddeZc dggZbdkZYddgh$XdkZghVhgZfj^gZYWni]ZbV^c" iZcVcXZ VcY hZgk^XZ YZhXg^WZY ^c i]^h bVcjVa#

See below for required space allocation.

Children or untrained people may be seriously injured by this machine. Only install in an access restricted location.

Physical Environment

I]Z e]nh^XVa Zck^gdcbZci l]ZgZ i]Z bVX]^cZ ^h deZgViZY^h^bedgiVci[dghV[ZdeZgVi^dcVcYadc" \Zk^in d[ bVX]^cZ XdbedcZcih# ;dg WZhi gZhjaih! deZgViZi]^hbVX]^cZ^cVYgnZck^gdcbZcii]Vi^h [gZZ [gdb ZmXZhh^kZ bd^hijgZ! ]VoVgYdjh X]Zb^" XVah! V^gWdgcZ VWgVh^kZh! dg ZmigZbZ XdcY^i^dch# :migZbZXdcY^i^dch[dgi]^hineZd[bVX]^cZgnVgZ \ZcZgVaan i]dhZ l]ZgZ i]Z VbW^Zci iZbeZgVijgZ gVc\Z ZmXZZYh )&•¶&%)•;0 i]Z gZaVi^kZ ]jb^Y^in gVc\ZZmXZZYh'%¶.*cdc"XdcYZch^c\0dgi]Z Zck^gdcbZci ^h hjW_ZXi id k^WgVi^dc! h]dX`h! dg Wjbeh#

Electrical Installation

EaVXZi]^hbVX]^cZcZVgVcZm^hi^c\edlZghdjgXZ# BV`Z hjgZ Vaa edlZg XdgYh VgZ egdiZXiZY [gdb igV[[^X! bViZg^Va ]VcYa^c\! bd^hijgZ! X]Zb^XVah! dg di]Zg ]VoVgYh# BV`Z hjgZ id aZVkZ VXXZhh id V bZVch d[ Y^hXdccZXi^c\ i]Z edlZg hdjgXZ dg Zc\V\^c\VadX`dji$iV\djiYZk^XZ!^[gZfj^gZY#


A^\]i^c\ VgdjcY i]Z bVX]^cZ bjhi WZ VYZfjViZ Zcdj\]i]VideZgVi^dchXVcWZeZg[dgbZYhV[Zan# H]VYdlh!\aVgZ!dghigdWZZ[[ZXihi]VibVnY^higVXi dg^beZYZi]ZdeZgVidgbjhiWZZa^b^cViZY#




Figure 7. B^c^bjbldg`^c\XaZVgVcXZh#



Image 16
Contents Model G0733 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction Manual Accuracy Contact InfoMachine Description NdjgBVXcZ7ZaiIZchdc =ZVYhidX` AZkZg VXZeaViZ=VcYlZZa AZkZgGlossary Of Terms FaceplateIZbZiVaYhXiViigZVYhdcidiZ ZVYhidX`hecYaZ#Heec\9bZchdch IVahidX`cdgbVidc Safety Safety Instructions for MachineryDWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZc ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc#Additional Safety for Wood Lathes Power Supply AvailabilityFull-Load Current Rating Circuit Information Grounding Requirements Extension Cords Minimum Gauge Size 14 AWG 50 ftSetup Needed for SetupUnpacking Description QtyInventory Figures 3-6Qty Inventory AViZ6hhZbWan Site Considerations CleanupMounting Bolting to Concrete FloorsBasic steps for removing rust preventative  EjidchVZin\aVhhZh#¿ AssemblyHjeedgi7adX` Connecting Power Power ConnectionDisconnecting Power Test Run  8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ#Operations Operation OverviewJaanWZ\chiZijgcc\deZgVidc!`ZZec\iZ Basic ControlsXjiic\# Stock Inspection Requirements Adjusting HeadstockTo position the headstock along the length of the lathe bed Adjusting Tool Rest Adjusting TailstockTo position the tailstock along the length of the bed Installing/Removing Headstock Center Installing the Headstock CenterRemoving the Headstock Center @cdX`djiIddaInstalling/Removing Tailstock Center Installing the Tailstock CenterInstalling Faceplate Changing Speed RangesBdidgiZchdcc\VcYaZVcYiZchdc AdX`VcYaZ# EjaaZn 9ZaZXidcIndexing Spindle TurningZcXZ!hjXVhXadX`VXZhdgcaVnh# CXgZbZcih!VhhdlccFigures 33-34#WZbdjciZYdciZZVYhidX`hejgXZciZg# hZZ Adjusting Tool Rest dc Page 23#Ldg`eZXZ 8ZciZg Faceplate Turning Spindle Turning TipsMounting the Workpiece onto the Faceplate  BVg`iZldg`eZXZXZciZgciZhVbZbVcOutboard Turning Mounting Workpiece to Backing BlockTo outboard turn on the Model G0733 Sanding/FinishingHVcYeVeZg Ldg`eZXZ Selecting Turning Tools mVbeaZdV\dj\Z#Accessories H7940-3-pc. Lathe Scraper SetBdYZa.,-&+HiVcaZhhHiZZa 8VaeZgh# G5683-Magnetic Base Light Recommended Metal ProtectantsH6267-11⁄4 x 8 TPI Chuck Maintenance Cleaning Lathe BedSchedule LubricationService TroubleshootingMotor & Electrical Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcSymptom Possible Cause Corrective Action Wood Lathe OperationChanging Belt To change the beltChiVaaiZcZlWZaiWngZkZghc\Step 7ZaiIZchdcWiring Wiring Safety InstructionsShock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc XdbedcZcih#RPM Sensor Wiring DiagramRPM Readout Board Wiring Components Inverter box and motor box locationsStand & Bed Parts Breakdown Stand & Bed Parts List PartsHeadstock Parts Breakdown Headstock Parts List Label Placement 10. 8dbbZcih EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY