Grizzly G0733 Recommended Metal Protectants, G5683-Magnetic Base Light, H6267-11⁄4 x 8 TPI Chuck

Page 37

G5683—Magnetic Base Light

A^\]i je ndjg ldg` _jhi l]ZgZ ndj cZZY ^i# I]^h [aZm^WaZ cZX` aVbe ViiVX]Zh l^i] i]Z il^hi d[ V hl^iX]hdi]VindjXVcjhZdcVcnbVX]^cZ#

Figure 55.BV\cZi^XWVhZa^\]i#

H2371—GOOD STUFF Wood Finish 1 Pint H2372—GOOD STUFF Wood Finish 1 Quart ;dgWVgZlddYhjg[VXZh!i]^h[VhiYgn^c\hnci]Zi^X d^a ]Vh WZZc [dgbjaViZY id Zc]VcXZ i]Z cVijgVa add` d[ lddY# Cdc"idm^X! VaXd]da gZh^hiVci VcY ;96VeegdkZY[dg[ddYXdciVXi#HdaY^c&e^ciVcY &fjVgifjVci^i^Zh

Figure 56.<DD9HIJ;;WVgZlddY[^c^h]#

H6267—114" x 8 TPI Chuck

I]^h )"?Vl! hZa["XZciZg^c\ X]jX` l^i] YdkZiV^aZY _Vlh ^h \gZVi [dg hbVaa Wdla VcY eaViZ ijgc^c\# I]Z [ZVijgZ _Vlh i]Vi \g^e Wn XaVbe^c\ VgdjcY i]Zldg`e^ZXZdgZmeVcY^c\id[^iVijgcZYgZXZhh# 8dbeVXiYZh^\cbV`Zh^i^YZVa[dghbVaaaVi]Zh#

Figure 57.&¿)m-IE>8]jX`#


Recommended Metal Protectants

G5562—SLIPIT®1 Qt. Gel G5563—SLIPIT®12 oz Spray G2871—Boeshield®T-9 12 oz Spray G2870—Boeshield®T-9 4 oz Spray H3788—G96®Gun Treatment 12 oz Spray H3789—G96®Gun Treatment 4.5 oz Spray

Figure 58. GZXdbbZcYZYegdYjXih[dgegdiZXi" ^c\jceV^ciZYXVhi^gdc$hiZZaeVgidcbVX]^cZgn#

T10117—Big Mouth Dust Hood with Stand 8VeijgZ Yjhi [gdb Vcn bVX]^cZ deZgVi^dc l^i] i]^h7^\Bdji]9jhi=ddY#H^beanViiVX]V)Yjhi XdaaZXi^dc ]dhZ VcY VY_jhi i]Z ]ddY g^\]i l]ZgZ ndj cZZY ^i# I]Z [gZZ hiVcY^c\ WVhZ Za^b^cViZh Xdbea^XViZYbVX]^cZhZi"jehVcYi]Zi^ai^c\&+(¿-m&',¿-]ddYVY_jhih[gdb'(id)(]^\]#:kZgn h]decZZYhdcZd[i]ZhZ

Figure 59.I&%&&,7^\Bdji]9jhi=ddY#


Image 37
Contents Model G0733 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Manual Accuracy Contact Info IntroductionMachine Description NdjgBVXcZAZkZg VXZeaViZ 7ZaiIZchdc =ZVYhidX`=VcYlZZa AZkZgFaceplateIZbZiVaYhXiViigZVYhdcidiZ ZVYhidX`hecYaZ# Glossary Of TermsHeec\9bZchdch IVahidX`cdgbVidc Safety Instructions for Machinery SafetyDWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc# Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZcAdditional Safety for Wood Lathes Availability Power SupplyFull-Load Current Rating Circuit InformationExtension Cords Grounding RequirementsMinimum Gauge Size 14 AWG 50 ftNeeded for Setup SetupUnpacking Description QtyInventory Figures 3-6Qty Inventory AViZ6hhZbWan Site Considerations Bolting to Concrete Floors CleanupMountingBasic steps for removing rust preventative  EjidchVZin\aVhhZh#¿ AssemblyHjeedgi7adX` Connecting Power Power ConnectionDisconnecting Power  8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ# Test RunOperation Overview OperationsJaanWZ\chiZijgcc\deZgVidc!`ZZec\iZ Basic ControlsXjiic\# Stock Inspection Requirements Adjusting HeadstockTo position the headstock along the length of the lathe bed Adjusting Tool Rest Adjusting TailstockTo position the tailstock along the length of the bed Installing the Headstock Center Installing/Removing Headstock CenterRemoving the Headstock Center @cdX`djiIddaInstalling the Tailstock Center Installing/Removing Tailstock CenterChanging Speed Ranges Installing FaceplateEjaaZn 9ZaZXidc BdidgiZchdcc\VcYaZVcYiZchdc AdX`VcYaZ#Spindle Turning IndexingZcXZ!hjXVhXadX`VXZhdgcaVnh# CXgZbZcih!VhhdlccFigures 33-34#WZbdjciZYdciZZVYhidX`hejgXZciZg# hZZ Adjusting Tool Rest dc Page 23#Ldg`eZXZ 8ZciZg Spindle Turning Tips Faceplate TurningMounting the Workpiece onto the Faceplate  BVg`iZldg`eZXZXZciZgciZhVbZbVcMounting Workpiece to Backing Block Outboard TurningTo outboard turn on the Model G0733 Sanding/FinishingHVcYeVeZg Ldg`eZXZ mVbeaZdV\dj\Z# Selecting Turning ToolsH7940-3-pc. Lathe Scraper Set AccessoriesBdYZa.,-&+HiVcaZhhHiZZa 8VaeZgh# G5683-Magnetic Base Light Recommended Metal ProtectantsH6267-11⁄4 x 8 TPI Chuck Cleaning Lathe Bed MaintenanceSchedule LubricationTroubleshooting ServiceMotor & Electrical Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcWood Lathe Operation Symptom Possible Cause Corrective ActionTo change the belt Changing BeltChiVaaiZcZlWZaiWngZkZghc\Step 7ZaiIZchdcWiring Safety Instructions WiringShock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc XdbedcZcih#RPM Sensor Wiring DiagramRPM Readout Board Inverter box and motor box locations Wiring ComponentsParts Stand & Bed Parts Breakdown Stand & Bed Parts ListHeadstock Parts Breakdown Headstock Parts List Label Placement 10. 8dbbZcih $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 Order Hours a DAY