A high feed rate or threading at a high speed reduces your reaction time to disengage the apron or leadscrew to avoid a crash with the spinning chuck. When threading, mak- ing too deep of a cut can result in the half nut binding with the leadscrew causing an impaired ability to disengage the half nut to avoid a chuck crash. Pay close atten- tion to the feed rate you have chosen and keep your foot poised over the brake pedal. Failure to fully understand this may cause the carriage to crash into the chuck.
Feed Settings
KVg^djh [ZZY gViZh VgZ VX]^ZkZY dc i]^h aVi]Z Wn bdk^c\ `cdWh! aZkZgh! VcY gZVggVc\^c\ X]Vc\Z \ZVgh VXXdgY^c\ id i]Z i]gZVY^c\ X]Vgi adXViZY dc i]Z ]ZVYhidX`# All required change gears are
To set up for a power feed operation:
2. GZbdkZi]ZXdkZgdci]ZaZ[i"]VcYh^YZd[i]Z ]ZVYhidX`idZmedhZi]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVgh#
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Figure 51.;ZZYgViZX]Vgi# |