Multiquip manual MDR-9GH Rules for Safe Operation, General Safety

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Failure to follow instructions in this manual may lead to serious injury or even death! This equipment is to be operated by trained and qualified personnel only! This equipment is for industrial use only.

NEVERtouch the hot exhaust manifold, muffler or cylinder. Allow these parts to cool before servicing engine orvibratory roller.

The following safety guidelines should always be used when operating the MIKASA MDR-9GH Vibratory Roller.


DO NOT operate or service this equipment before readingthisentiremanual.

This equipment should not be operated by persons under 18 years of age.

NEVER operate this equipment without proper protective clothing, shatterproof glasses, steel- toed boots and other protective devices required by the job. ALWAYS wear slip resistant safety shoes or boots.

NEVER operate this equipment when not feeling well due to fatigue, illness or taking medicine.

NEVER operate this equipment under the influence or drugs or alcohol.

NEVER use accessories or attachments, which are not recommended by Multiquip for this equipment. Damage to the equipment and/or injury to user may result.

Manufacturer does not assume responsibility for any accident due to equipment modifications.

Whenever necessary, replace nameplate, operation and safety decals when they become difficult read.

ALWAYS wear proper respiratory (mask), hearing and eye protection equipment when operating the vibratory roller.

HighTemperatures – Allow the engine to cool before adding fuel or performing service and maintenance functions. Contact with hot components can cause serious burns.

The engine of this vibratory roller requires an adequate free flow of cooling air. NEVER operate the vibratory roller in any enclosed or narrow area where free flow of the air is restricted. If the air flow is restricted it will

cause serious damage to the vibratory roller or engine and may cause injury to people and property.Remember the roller’s enginegivesoff DEADLY gases.

ALWAYS refuel in a well-ventilated area, away from sparks and open flames.

ALWAYS use extreme caution when working with flammable liquids. When refueling, stop the engine and allow it to cool. DO NOT smoke around or near the machine. Fire or explosion could result from fuel vapors, or if fuel is spilled on a hot engine.

NEVER operate the vibratory roller in an explosive atmosphere or near combustible

materials. An explosion or fire could result causing severe bodily harm or even death.

Topping-off to filler port is dangerous, as it tends to spill fuel.

ALWAYS store the vibratory roller in a clean, dry location out of the reach of children.

NEVER run engine without air cleaner. Severe engine damage may occur.

NEVER leave the vibratory roller unattended, turn off engine.

CAUTION must always be observed while servicing this vibratory roller. Rotating parts can cause injury if contacted.

DO NOT leave vibratory roller with engine running. Use chock blocks if parking vibratory roller on a grade.


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Contents MDR-9GH Page Heres HOW to GET Help Table of Contents Parts Ordering Procedures When ordering parts Please supply the following informationMDR-9GH -SPECIFICATIONS MDR-9GH Dimensions MetersMDR-9GH Safety Message Alert Symbols MDR-9GH Safety Message Alert Symbols General Safety MDR-9GH Rules for Safe OperationMDR-9GH Rules for Safe Operation MDR-9GH Operation and Safety Decals Page MDR-9GH General Information MDR-9GH General Information Operating on SlopesMDR-9GH Vibratory Roller Components MDR-9GH Engine Components Initial ServicingChecking Engine OIL Level MDR-9GH InspectionBefore Starting Checking FuelCheckingthe Clutch BOX OIL Level Checking Hydraulic SystemChecking the V-BELT Checkingthe Vibrator OIL LevelMDR-9GH INSPECTION/START-UP MDR-9GH START-UP Place the Choke Lever in the Closed positionVibrating MDR-9GH OperationTraveling WateringUnloading Roller drum to prevent the roller from movingStopping LiftingDaily Service MDR-9GH MaintenanceCheck for leakage of fuel or oil Spark Plug Engine OIL ReplacementAIR Filter Vibration Clutch Adjustment Checkingthe ChainsReplacing Hydraulic OIL Hydraulic OIL CheckHydraulic OIL Filter Check Neutral Position Adjustment Hdraulic AIR ExtractionForyour Safety Battery MaintenanceBattery Cable Connection MDR-9GH Enginetroubleshooting MDR-9GH Enginetroubleshooting Repair or replace hydraulic pump Defective travel cable and link?Replace or repair scraper Level is not excessively highPage Contents of this Explanation of Code in Remarks ColumnSuggested Spare Parts To 3 UnitsMDR-9GH Decal Placement Decal PlacementDECAL, MQ Mark PLATE, CautionPLATE, Serial no DECAL, CautionMDR-9GH Body Assy Body AssySide PLATE, Left BaseSide PLATE, Right Rubber PlateMDR-9GH Front Cover Assy Front Cover AssyCheck Cover Front CoverBolt 8X20 T Bolt 8X15 TMDR-9GH Front Cover Assy Rope Bolt 10X50 Whole ThreadPLATE, Made in Japan ScrewMDR-9GH Axle Assy Axle AssyBearing DrumRoller Shaft Bearing CoverMDR-9GH Axle Assy Tightener Plate Holder Tightener Plate ShaftStop Ring R-52 Felt SealMDR-9GH -TRANSMISSION Assy Transmission AssySocket Head Bolt 6X20 T Gear CaseCOVER, Gear Case Flat Washer M6MDR-9GH Hydraulic Oiltank Assy Hydraulic OIL Tank AssyJoint 1/4 Ring P-16Joint 3/8 OIL TankMDR-9GH Clutch BOX Assy Clutch BOX AssyClutch SHAFT/OUT Clutch PULLEY/INClutch SHAFT/IN Stop Ring S-25MDR-9GH Clutch BOX Assy Tightener Pulley Clutch LeverBall Grip 40D-M12 Tightener SupportMDR-9GH -VIBRATION Case Assy Vibration Case AssyRotary SHAFT/R Vibrating PulleyRotary SHAFT/L Gear DRIVE-1PMDR-9GH Upper Control Handle Assy Upper Control Handle AssyLink BAR HANDLE, D.CTraveling Lever Lock Washer M6MDR-9GH Upper Control Handle Assy Clevis PIN Adjust BoltClevis Turn BuckleMDR-9GH Lower Control Handle Assy Lower Control Handle AssyHandle BRACKET, Left Throttle Wire S520-640Handle BRACKET, Right EYE NUT M10MDR-9GH Engine Assy Engine AssyPULLEY, Engine WASHER, FlatWASHER, Lock Belt B-58MDR-9GH Battery Assy Battery AssyBOLT/BATTERY Battery Base GX340Battery Protect Battery Cord +Honda GX340K1QAE2 AIR Cleaner Assy AIR Cleaner AssyCOLLAR, AIR Cleaner COVER, AIR CleanerGROMMET, AIR Cleaner Collar B, AIR CleanerHonda GX340K1QAE2 Camshaft Assy Camshaft AssyARM, Valve Rocker SPRING, Weight ReturnIncludes Items W LIFTER, ValveHonda GX340K1QAE2 Carburetor Assy Carburetor AssyFloat SET Gasket SETValve SET, Float Includes Items W/#Honda GX340K1QAE2 Control Assy Control AssySPRING, Governor ARM, GovernorROD, Governor SPRING, Throttle ReturnHonda GX340K1QAE2 Control BOX Assy Control BoxassyLens ASSEMBLY, Protector SUSPENSION, ConnectorHOLDER, Stop Switch Wire Control BOX AssyHonda GX340K1QAE2 Crankcase Cover Assy Crankcase Cover AssyPIN, Governor Weight CAP Assembly OIL FillerWEIGHT, Governor GASKET, Case CoverHonda GX340K1QAE2 Crankshaft Assy Crankshaft AssyCRANKSHAFT, Q- Type WEIGHT, Balancer13310ZE3601 13351ZE3010Honda GX340K1QAE2 Cylinder Barrel Assy Cylinder Barrel AssyBOLT, Drain Plug + AlertSHAFT, Governor ARM NUT, Flange 10MMHonda GX340K1QAE2 Cylinder Head Assy Cylinder Head AssyGASKET, Cylinder Head GUIDE, Valve OS OptionalCLIP, Valve Guide COVER, HeadHonda GX340K1QAE2 FAN Cover Assy FAN Cover AssyShroud CLIP, TubeGROMMET, Drain Hole Honda GX340K1QAE2 Flywheel Assy Flywheel AssyFLYWHEEL, 4 Pole FAN, CoolingKEY, Special Woodruff Honda GX340K1QAE2 Fueltank Assy Fuel Tank AssyFILTER, Fuel RUBBER, Supporter 107MMJOINT, Fuel Tank NUT, Flange 8MMHonda GX340K1QAE2 Ignition Coil Assy Ignition Coil AssyGROMMET, Wire Coil ASSEMBLY, IgnitionCLAMP, Wire Coil ASSEMBLY, Charge 3AHonda GX340K1QAE2 Manuals Assy Starter Motor AssyHonda GX340K1QAE2 Starter Motor Assy Honda GX340K1QAE2 Muffler Assy Muffler AssyPROTECTOR, Exhaust Pipe MufflerPROTECTOR, Muffler PIPE, ExhaustHonda GX340K1QAE2 Piston Assy Piston AssyRing SET, Piston Standard ROD Assembly Connecting US 0.25 OptionalBOLT, Connecting ROD PISTON, StandardHonda GX340K1QAE2 Recoil Starter Assy Recoil Starter AssyPULLEY, Recoil Starter R8* Bright REDCASE, Recoil Starter R8* Bright RED RATCHET, StarterHonda GX340K1QAE2 Labels Assy Labels AssyMARK, Choke External EmblemLABEL, Caution MARK, OIL Alert EEffective October 1, 2002 Terms and Conditions of Sale Parts Page Technicalassistance