Multiquip MDR-9GH manual Effective October 1, 2002 Terms and Conditions of Sale Parts

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Effective: October 1, 2002 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE — PARTS


Terms of payment for parts are net 10 days.


All parts orders will be shipped collect or prepaidwiththechargesaddedtotheinvoice. All shipments are F.O.B. point of origin. Multiquip’sresponsibilityceaseswhenasigned manifest has been obtained from the carrier, andanyclaimforshortageordamagemustbe settledbetweentheconsigneeandthecarrier.


The minimum charge for orders from Mul- tiquip is $15.00 net. Customers will be asked for instructions regarding handling of orders not meeting this requirement.


Return shipments will be accepted and credit will be allowed, subject to the following provi- sions:

1.A Returned Material Authorization must be approved by Multiquip prior to ship- ment.


alist must be provided to Multiquip Parts Salesthatdefinesitemnumbers,quanti- ties, and descriptions of the items to be returned.

a.The parts numbers and descriptions must match the current parts price list.

b.The list must be typed or computer generated.

c.The list must state the reason(s) for thereturn.

d.The list must reference the sales order(s)orinvoice(s)underwhichthe items were originally purchased.

e.The list must include the name and phonenumberofthepersonrequest- ing the RMA.

3.A copy of the Return Material Authoriza- tionmustaccompanythereturnshipment.

4.Freight is at the sender’s expense. All parts must be returned freight prepaid to Multiquip’s designated receiving point.

5.Parts must be in new and resalable con- dition,intheoriginalMultiquippackage(if any), and with Multiquip part numbers clearly marked.

6.The following items are not returnable:

a.Obsolete parts. (If an item is in the price book and shows as being re- placedbyanotheritem,itisobsolete.)

b.Any parts with a limited shelf life (such as gaskets, seals, “O” rings, andotherrubberparts)thatwerepur- chasedmorethansixmonthspriorto thereturndate.

c.Anylineitemwithanextendeddealer net price of less than $5.00.

d.Special order items.

e.Electrical components.

f.Paint, chemicals, and lubricants.

g.Decals andpaperproducts.

h.Items purchased in kits.

7.Thesenderwillbenotifiedofanymaterial received that is not acceptable.

8.Suchmaterialwillbeheldforfiveworking days from notification, pending instruc- tions. If a reply is not received within five days, the material will be returned to the sender at his expense.

9.Credit on returned parts will be issued at dealer net price at time of the original purchase,lessa15%restockingcharge.

10.In cases where an item is accepted, for which the original purchase document can not be determined, the price will be based on the list price that was effective twelve months prior to the RMA date.

11.Credit issued will be applied to future purchases only.


Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Price changes are effective on a spe- cificdateandallordersreceivedonorafterthat datewillbebilledattherevisedprice.Rebates forpricedeclinesandaddedchargesforprice increases will not be made for stock on hand at the time of any price change.

Multiquip reserves the right to quote and sell directtoGovernmentagencies,andtoOriginal Equipment Manufacturer accounts who use our products as integral parts of their own products.


A$35.00surchargewillbeaddedtotheinvoice for special handling including bus shipments, insuredparcelpostorincaseswhereMultiquip mustpersonallydeliverthepartstothecarrier.


Multiquip shall not be liable hereunder for damagesinexcessofthepurchasepriceofthe item with respect to which damages are claimed, and in no event shall Multiquip be liable for loss of profit or good will or for any otherspecial,consequentialorincidentaldam- ages.


No warranties, express or implied, are made in connection with the sale of parts or trade accessoriesnorastoanyenginenotmanufac- tured by Multiquip. Such warranties made in connectionwiththesaleofnew,completeunits are made exclusively by a statement of war- rantypackagedwithsuchunits,andMultiquip neitherassumesnorauthorizesanypersonto assume for it any other obligation or liability whatever in connection with the sale of its products.Apartfromsuchwrittenstatementof warranty, there are no warranties, express, implied or statutory, which extend beyond the descriptionoftheproductsonthefacehereof.


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Contents MDR-9GH Page Heres HOW to GET Help Table of Contents Parts Ordering Procedures When ordering parts Please supply the following informationMDR-9GH -SPECIFICATIONS MDR-9GH Dimensions MetersMDR-9GH Safety Message Alert Symbols MDR-9GH Safety Message Alert Symbols General Safety MDR-9GH Rules for Safe OperationMDR-9GH Rules for Safe Operation MDR-9GH Operation and Safety Decals Page MDR-9GH General Information MDR-9GH General Information Operating on SlopesMDR-9GH Vibratory Roller Components MDR-9GH Engine Components Initial ServicingMDR-9GH Inspection Before StartingChecking Engine OIL Level Checking FuelChecking Hydraulic System Checking the V-BELTCheckingthe Clutch BOX OIL Level Checkingthe Vibrator OIL LevelMDR-9GH INSPECTION/START-UP MDR-9GH START-UP Place the Choke Lever in the Closed positionMDR-9GH Operation TravelingVibrating WateringRoller drum to prevent the roller from moving StoppingUnloading LiftingCheck for leakage of fuel or oil MDR-9GH MaintenanceDaily Service AIR Filter Engine OIL ReplacementSpark Plug Vibration Clutch Adjustment Checkingthe ChainsHydraulic OIL Filter Check Hydraulic OIL CheckReplacing Hydraulic OIL Neutral Position Adjustment Hdraulic AIR ExtractionBattery Cable Connection Battery MaintenanceForyour Safety MDR-9GH Enginetroubleshooting MDR-9GH Enginetroubleshooting Defective travel cable and link? Replace or repair scraperRepair or replace hydraulic pump Level is not excessively highPage Contents of this Explanation of Code in Remarks ColumnSuggested Spare Parts To 3 UnitsMDR-9GH Decal Placement Decal PlacementPLATE, Caution PLATE, Serial noDECAL, MQ Mark DECAL, CautionMDR-9GH Body Assy Body AssyBase Side PLATE, RightSide PLATE, Left Rubber PlateMDR-9GH Front Cover Assy Front Cover AssyFront Cover Bolt 8X20 TCheck Cover Bolt 8X15 TMDR-9GH Front Cover Assy Bolt 10X50 Whole Thread PLATE, Made in JapanRope ScrewMDR-9GH Axle Assy Axle AssyDrum Roller ShaftBearing Bearing CoverMDR-9GH Axle Assy Tightener Plate Shaft Stop Ring R-52Tightener Plate Holder Felt SealMDR-9GH -TRANSMISSION Assy Transmission AssyGear Case COVER, Gear CaseSocket Head Bolt 6X20 T Flat Washer M6MDR-9GH Hydraulic Oiltank Assy Hydraulic OIL Tank AssyRing P-16 Joint 3/8Joint 1/4 OIL TankMDR-9GH Clutch BOX Assy Clutch BOX AssyClutch PULLEY/IN Clutch SHAFT/INClutch SHAFT/OUT Stop Ring S-25MDR-9GH Clutch BOX Assy Clutch Lever Ball Grip 40D-M12Tightener Pulley Tightener SupportMDR-9GH -VIBRATION Case Assy Vibration Case AssyVibrating Pulley Rotary SHAFT/LRotary SHAFT/R Gear DRIVE-1PMDR-9GH Upper Control Handle Assy Upper Control Handle AssyBAR HANDLE, D.C Traveling LeverLink Lock Washer M6MDR-9GH Upper Control Handle Assy Adjust Bolt ClevisClevis PIN Turn BuckleMDR-9GH Lower Control Handle Assy Lower Control Handle AssyThrottle Wire S520-640 Handle BRACKET, RightHandle BRACKET, Left EYE NUT M10MDR-9GH Engine Assy Engine AssyWASHER, Flat WASHER, LockPULLEY, Engine Belt B-58MDR-9GH Battery Assy Battery AssyBattery Base GX340 Battery ProtectBOLT/BATTERY Battery Cord +Honda GX340K1QAE2 AIR Cleaner Assy AIR Cleaner AssyCOVER, AIR Cleaner GROMMET, AIR CleanerCOLLAR, AIR Cleaner Collar B, AIR CleanerHonda GX340K1QAE2 Camshaft Assy Camshaft AssySPRING, Weight Return Includes Items WARM, Valve Rocker LIFTER, ValveHonda GX340K1QAE2 Carburetor Assy Carburetor AssyGasket SET Valve SET, FloatFloat SET Includes Items W/#Honda GX340K1QAE2 Control Assy Control AssyARM, Governor ROD, GovernorSPRING, Governor SPRING, Throttle ReturnHonda GX340K1QAE2 Control BOX Assy Control BoxassySUSPENSION, Connector HOLDER, Stop Switch WireLens ASSEMBLY, Protector Control BOX AssyHonda GX340K1QAE2 Crankcase Cover Assy Crankcase Cover AssyCAP Assembly OIL Filler WEIGHT, GovernorPIN, Governor Weight GASKET, Case CoverHonda GX340K1QAE2 Crankshaft Assy Crankshaft AssyWEIGHT, Balancer 13310ZE3601CRANKSHAFT, Q- Type 13351ZE3010Honda GX340K1QAE2 Cylinder Barrel Assy Cylinder Barrel Assy+ Alert SHAFT, Governor ARMBOLT, Drain Plug NUT, Flange 10MMHonda GX340K1QAE2 Cylinder Head Assy Cylinder Head AssyGUIDE, Valve OS Optional CLIP, Valve GuideGASKET, Cylinder Head COVER, HeadHonda GX340K1QAE2 FAN Cover Assy FAN Cover AssyGROMMET, Drain Hole CLIP, TubeShroud Honda GX340K1QAE2 Flywheel Assy Flywheel AssyKEY, Special Woodruff FAN, CoolingFLYWHEEL, 4 Pole Honda GX340K1QAE2 Fueltank Assy Fuel Tank AssyRUBBER, Supporter 107MM JOINT, Fuel TankFILTER, Fuel NUT, Flange 8MMHonda GX340K1QAE2 Ignition Coil Assy Ignition Coil AssyCoil ASSEMBLY, Ignition CLAMP, WireGROMMET, Wire Coil ASSEMBLY, Charge 3AHonda GX340K1QAE2 Manuals Assy Starter Motor AssyHonda GX340K1QAE2 Starter Motor Assy Honda GX340K1QAE2 Muffler Assy Muffler AssyMuffler PROTECTOR, MufflerPROTECTOR, Exhaust Pipe PIPE, ExhaustHonda GX340K1QAE2 Piston Assy Piston AssyROD Assembly Connecting US 0.25 Optional BOLT, Connecting RODRing SET, Piston Standard PISTON, StandardHonda GX340K1QAE2 Recoil Starter Assy Recoil Starter AssyR8* Bright RED CASE, Recoil Starter R8* Bright REDPULLEY, Recoil Starter RATCHET, StarterHonda GX340K1QAE2 Labels Assy Labels AssyEmblem LABEL, CautionMARK, Choke External MARK, OIL Alert EEffective October 1, 2002 Terms and Conditions of Sale Parts Page Technicalassistance