Operating Instructions
GTAW Arc Welding Torch
! WARNING keep a
fire extinguisher accessible while performing arc welding operations.
●Before starting or servicing any electric arc welder, read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow safety precautions or instructions can cause equipment damage and or serious personal injury or death. For additional safety information, obtain a copy of ANSI Standard Z49.1 - Safety in Welding and Cutting. This publication may be ordered from the American Welding Society, 550 NW. LeJune Rd., Miami, FL 33135.
●All installation, maintenance, repair and operation of this equipment should be performed by qualified persons only in accordance with national, state, and local codes.
! WARNING proper
use of electric arc welders can cause electric shock, injury, and death! Take all precautions described in
this manual to reduce the possibility of electric shock.
●Verify that all components of the arc welder are clean and in good condition prior to operating the welder. Be sure that the insulation on all cables, electrode holders, and power cords is not damaged.
Always repair or replace damaged components before operating the welder. Always keep welder panels, shields, etc. in place when operating the welder.
●Always wear dry protective clothing and welding gloves, and insulated footwear.
●Always operate the welder in a clean, dry, well ventilated area. Do not operate the welder in humid, wet, rainy, or poorly ventilated areas.
●Be sure that the work piece is properly supported and grounded prior to beginning any electric arc welding operation.
●Coiled welding cable should be spread out before use to avoid overheating and damage to insulation.
Never immerse the ! DANGER electrode or torch
in water. If the welder becomes wet for any reason, be absolutely certain that it is completely clean and dry prior to attempting use!
●Always shut the equipment off and unplug the power prior to moving the unit.
●Always attach the ground lead first.
●Verify that the work piece is securely grounded.
●Always shut off electric arc welding equipment when not in use and remove the electrode from the holder.
●Never allow any part of the body to touch the electrode and ground or grounded work piece at the same time.
●Awkward welding conditions and positions can be electrically hazardous. When crouching, kneeling or at elevations, be sure to insulate all conductive parts, wear appropriate protective clothing, and take precautions to prevent injury from falls.
●Never attempt to use this equipment at current settings or duty cycles higher than those specified on the equipment labels.
●Never use an electric arc welder to thaw frozen pipes.
!WARNING Flyingsparks
and hot metal can cause injury. As welds cool, slag
can be thrown off. Take all precautions described in this manual to reduce the possibility of injury from flying sparks and hot metal.
●Wear ANSI approved face shield or safety glasses with side shield protection when chipping or grinding metal parts.
●Wear ear plugs when welding overhead to prevent spatter or slag from falling into ears.
!WARNING Electricarc
welding operations produce intense light and
heat and ultraviolet (UV) rays. This intense light and UV rays can cause injury to eyes and skin. Take all precautions described in this manual to reduce the possibility of injury to eyes and skin.
●All persons operating this equipment or in the area while equipment is in use must wear protective welding gear including: welding helmet or shield with proper shade as specified in the following chart, flame resistant clothing, leather welding gloves, and full foot protection.
Never look at arc
!WARNING welding operations without eye protection as described above. Never use a shade filter lens that is cracked, broken, or rated below number 10. Warn others in the area not to look at the arc.
!WARNING Electricarc
welding operations cause sparks and heat metal to temperatures that can cause severe burns! Use protective gloves and clothing when performing any metal working operation. Take all precautions described in this manual to reduce the possibility of skin and clothing burns.