Page 18

period one

Compressor Types






Figure 16

The rotors are meshed and fit, with very close tolerances, within the compressor housing. The gap between the two rotors is sealed with oil, preventing the compressed refrigerant vapor from escaping through the mating surfaces.

Only the male rotor is driven by the compressor motor. The lobes of the male rotor engage and drive the female rotor, causing the two parts to counter- rotate.





Figure 17

Refrigerant vapor enters the compressor housing through the intake port and fills the pockets formed by the lobes of the rotors. As the rotors turn, they push these pockets of refrigerant toward the discharge end of the compressor.

After the pockets of refrigerant travel past the intake port area, the vapor, still at suction pressure, is confined within the pockets by the compressor housing.



Image 18
Contents Air Conditioning Clinic Refrigeration Compressors Business Reply Mail Comment Card One of the Fundamental SeriesRefrigeration Compressors Preface 5HIULJHUDWLRQ&RPSUHVVRUVContents TRG-TRC004-EN Introduction 9DSRU&RPSUHVVLRQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ&\FOH Compressor Types RPSUHVVRU7\SHV5HFLSURFDWLQJ&RPSUHVVRU Reciprocating CompressorFrpsuhvvlrq Vwurnh Rshqlqj Glvfkdujh Slvwrq 6FUROO&RPSUHVVRU Scroll CompressorMrxuqdo Lqwdnh Skdvh Frpsuhvvlrq Glvfkdujh +HOLFDO5RWDU\6FUHZ&RPSUHVVRU Helical-Rotary Screw Compressor+HOLFDO5RWDU\&RPSUHVVRU Phvklqjsrlqw HQWULIXJDO&RPSUHVVRU Centrifugal CompressorYroxwh Gliixvhu Sdvvdjhv Udgldo Lpshoohu Eodghv Uhiuljhudqw 2SHQ&RPSUHVVRU +HUPHWLF&RPSUHVVRU 6HPLKHUPHWLF&RPSUHVVRUCompressor Capacity Control 0HWKRGVRI&RPSUHVVRU8QORDGLQJ\OLQGHU8QORDGHUV Cylinder UnloadersXqordghufrqwuroohu Vrohqrlgydoyh Ydoyh DSDFLW\9HUVXV6XFWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH RPSUHVVRU8QORDGLQJ $OWHUQDWLQJ&\OLQGHUV2QDQG2II \FOLQJ2QDQG2II \FOLQJ6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUVCycling On and Off \FOLQJ6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUV 6OLGH9DOYH Slide ValveQOHW9DQHV Inlet VanesInlet vanes presented in this section of the clinic 9DULDEOH6SHHG Variable SpeedCompressor in a System \VWHP/HYHO&RQWUROSystem-Level Control RQVWDQW9ROXPH6\VWHP 9DULDEOH$LU9ROXPH6\VWHP KLOOHGDWHU6\VWHPPreventing Evaporator Freeze-Up 6HQVLQJ6XFWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH +RW*DV%\SDVVWRYDSRUDWRU,QOHW +RW*DV%\SDVVWR6XFWLRQ/LQH System Components clinic Review 5HYLHZ²3HULRG2QH5HYLHZ²3HULRG7ZR 5HYLHZ²3HULRG7KUHH \VWHPOHYHOFRQWUROFor more information, refer to the following references TRG-TRC004-EN Quiz Questions for PeriodAnswers Glossary Glossary Glossary Trane Company