Trane TRG-TRC004-EN manual Inlet vanes presented in this section of the clinic

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period two


Compressor Capacity Control








methods of capacity control, many of them function in a manner similar to the

inlet vanes presented in this section of the clinic.


Inlet vanes “preswirl” the refrigerant before it enters the impeller. By


changing the refrigerant’s angle of entry, these vanes lessen the ability of the


impeller to take in the refrigerant. As a result, the compressor’s refrigerant-


pumping capacity decreases to balance with the evaporator load.



























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Figure 40

These curves represent the performance of a typical centrifugal compressor over a range of inlet vane positions. The pressure difference between the compressor inlet (evaporator) and outlet (condenser) is on the vertical axis and compressor capacity is on the horizontal axis. The surge region represents the conditions that cause unstable compressor operation.

As the load on the compressor decreases from the full-load operating point (A), the inlet vanes partially close, reducing the flow rate of refrigerant vapor and balancing the compressor capacity with the new load (B).

Less refrigerant, and therefore less heat, are transferred to the condenser. Since the available heat rejection capacity of the condenser is now greater than required, the refrigerant condenses at a lower temperature and pressure. This reduces the pressure difference between the evaporator and the condenser. Continuing along the unloading line, the compressor remains within its stable operating range until it reaches C.

Inlet vanes on a centrifugal compressor allow it to unload over a broad capacity range while preventing the compressor from operating in the surge region.



Image 35
Contents Air Conditioning Clinic Refrigeration Compressors Business Reply Mail One of the Fundamental Series Comment CardRefrigeration Compressors 5HIULJHUDWLRQ&RPSUHVVRUV PrefaceContents TRG-TRC004-EN 9DSRU&RPSUHVVLRQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ Introduction5HIULJHUDWLRQ&\FOH RPSUHVVRU7\SHV Compressor TypesReciprocating Compressor 5HFLSURFDWLQJ&RPSUHVVRUFrpsuhvvlrq Vwurnh Rshqlqj Glvfkdujh Slvwrq Scroll Compressor 6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUMrxuqdo Lqwdnh Skdvh Frpsuhvvlrq Glvfkdujh Helical-Rotary Screw Compressor +HOLFDO5RWDU\6FUHZ&RPSUHVVRU+HOLFDO5RWDU\&RPSUHVVRU Phvklqjsrlqw Centrifugal Compressor HQWULIXJDO&RPSUHVVRUYroxwh Gliixvhu Sdvvdjhv Udgldo Lpshoohu Eodghv Uhiuljhudqw 2SHQ&RPSUHVVRU 6HPLKHUPHWLF&RPSUHVVRU +HUPHWLF&RPSUHVVRU0HWKRGVRI&RPSUHVVRU8QORDGLQJ Compressor Capacity ControlCylinder Unloaders \OLQGHU8QORDGHUVXqordghufrqwuroohu Vrohqrlgydoyh Ydoyh DSDFLW\9HUVXV6XFWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH RPSUHVVRU8QORDGLQJ $OWHUQDWLQJ&\OLQGHUV2QDQG2II Cycling On and Off \FOLQJ2QDQG2II\FOLQJ6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUV \FOLQJ6FUROO&RPSUHVVRUV Slide Valve 6OLGH9DOYHInlet Vanes QOHW9DQHVInlet vanes presented in this section of the clinic Variable Speed 9DULDEOH6SHHGSystem-Level Control Compressor in a System\VWHP/HYHO&RQWURO RQVWDQW9ROXPH6\VWHP KLOOHGDWHU6\VWHP 9DULDEOH$LU9ROXPH6\VWHPPreventing Evaporator Freeze-Up 6HQVLQJ6XFWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH +RW*DV%\SDVVWRYDSRUDWRU,QOHW +RW*DV%\SDVVWR6XFWLRQ/LQH System Components clinic 5HYLHZ²3HULRG2QH Review5HYLHZ²3HULRG7ZR \VWHPOHYHOFRQWURO 5HYLHZ²3HULRG7KUHHFor more information, refer to the following references TRG-TRC004-EN Questions for Period QuizAnswers Glossary Glossary Glossary Trane Company